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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. 8 minutes ago, Mike E said:

    If they prevent transmission then why do triple vaccinated people need to wear masks?


    Any way, St Rachel disagrees with you:




    Our vaccines are working exceptionally well,” Walensky told CNN in an interview on Thursday, Aug. 5. “They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death – they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission.



    Easy enough to dig up a video of her saying this. FB, Google, and Twitter  can’t delete all the videos fast enough: https://mobile.twitter.com/cnnsitroom/status/1423422301882748929


    I mean, CRT, when you’ve lost St Rachel you’ve lost urban 

    If it was just the Delta variant in circulation, you might have a point.

  2. 21 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Deaths of children without comorbidities statistically approaches zero.

    Survival rate is 99.995%.

    Adverse events from vaccines have taken 3 years to make themselves known.

    The long-term effects of the shot can't possibly be known yet.


    ETA:  The other "reasons" listed in the original post are largely crackpot.

    Would you agree that the long term affects of Covid 19 are also a known unknown? 

  3. https://gizmodo.com/9-antivax-lies-to-watch-out-for-this-holiday-1848113384


    Satanic ingredients, mass death, and other debunked talking points from the anti-vaccination movement.

    “The vaccines are based on untested, dangerous technology.”

    This claim is centered mainly around the covid vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, which both are based on mRNA technology. These are the first mRNA vaccines authorized or approved for use in humans, but the underlying research needed to develop them has been ongoing for decades. Scientists were testing out mRNA vaccines in human trials even before the pandemic arrived in late 2019.

    The pandemic did accelerate the course of typical vaccine development, which usually takes years, but much of this speed was gained by the legwork already done on mRNA vaccines, the huge marshaling of resources, including financial, needed to conduct large clinical trials, and the expedited review of the data by health agencies—not by cutting corners in the trials themselves.

    “mRNA vaccines change your DNA.”
    “Vaccinated people are ‘shedding’ onto others.”

    “The shots contain scary and/or satanic ingredients.”

    “The vaccines are killing more people than the virus is.”

    “Vaccines don’t prevent transmission.”

    “The need for boosters proves the vaccines are useless.”

    “Outbreaks in highly vaccinated countries show vaccines don’t work.”

    “Kids don’t need the vaccine.”

  4. QAnon influencer Romana Didulo told her 70,000 followers that "duck-hunting season is open” and by ducks she means healthcare workers, politicians, and journalists.


    In a post on Sunday to her over 70,000 followers on Telegram, Didulo issued an order to the soldiers of her “Kingdom of Canada’s Military.” She demanded the mass arrests of those they consider opposition, and wanted her soldiers to take control of newspapers and seize the border. 

    “Shoot to kill anyone who tries to inject Children under the age of 19 years old with Coronavirus19 vaccines/ bioweapons or any other Vaccines,” she wrote. “This order is effective immediately.”

    A follow-up post on Tuesday changed the wording from “shoot to kill” to “arrest.” 

    “Please, use airports, hospitals, schools, stadiums, and other public venues to hold and detain all traitors,” the post said. “They will stay there until Military Tribunal is held for each one of them until the day they are executed via firing squad or hanging.”



  5. 54 minutes ago, laylalex said:

    INFOWARS needs to get on the current crisp shortage. The cheese and onion situation is dire -- right now there is someone who lives in this home who has stormed out of it to go peer through the window of the local Ye Olde British Foode Shoppe (about 3 blocks away) to see if there are any for sale in there because there are none to be had on British Corner Shop, where I usually place my Xmas order. The government wants us to believe it is getting better but I refuse to trust any lamestream media on this.


    I will believe it when there are packets of crisps in this house and peace in our time again!

    Ok , So there are official  numbers from the UK government on the salty snack situation , but they ran out of gasoline?

  6. 26 minutes ago, laylalex said:

    Totally read "roidrage" as "Rolos" and I was like mmmm, Rolos. :lol:

    Haven't  seen rolos  since forever.


    MS 🇨🇦 is making the preadvent family tour of the Fraser Valley this weekend AND will return with Tenderflake lard ( pie making) and Oh Henry chocolate  bars because they aren't available in Seattle. I hope I don't need to bail her out with C&BP for trying to sneak too much back. Chocolate and Lard, it's a slippery slope to muleing contraband. 



    Conspiracy section starts here:_________________


    Anyway  when did all of these candies disappear?  If INFOWARS was truly on the case, they would get to the bottom of disappearing candy brands.



    Now, that would be useful reporting. I am sure the chocolate bars are not available  because the Biden administration is forcing mass resignations in the candy industry over vaccination status. Or maybe...the FDA is in the grips of a Pedophilia ring and it is holding up the candy industry from deployment of our venerated  $100,000 bars. Bit o honeys are probably the victim of some conspiracy with the water to make frogs gay.


    End conspiratorial rant___<<



    All that to say, the above psychedelic rambling  makes more common sense than almost anything out of Alex Jones's mouth in the last 8 years.



  7. 2 hours ago, laylalex said:

    Good news -- yesterday the hospital announced that the ER is reopening today.


    The reopening is mentioned at the bottom of that Infowars article but I suppose it is not as interesting as the closure. 

    This must be because of all the pressure Alex Jones put on them via the article. The Admins can thank him by putting roidrage brand snack bars in the break room vending machines.

  8. After being unable to avoid a big dealer markup on a Ford Mustang Mach-E, a potential customer escalated the matter. The Ford executive who responded told the potential Ford Mustang Mach-E buyer that it would be easier for them to just buy a Tesla Model 3 (there are no markups and no haggling with Tesla) instead of preordering the Ford Mustang Mach-E. This is according to a report from our friends over on Teslarati.


  9. 1 hour ago, laylalex said:

    The attorney said black pastors in general. He actually said he was fine with Al Sharpton being in there. He said "we don't want any more Black pastors coming in here or other Jesse Jackson, whoever was in here earlier this week, sitting with the victim's family, trying to influence a jury in this case." But Jackson hadn't been at the courthouse since the start of the trial. The judge said he wouldn't bar the public from the courtroom and shot the lawyer down.




    The lawyer then went on to apologize for his comment. He knew he had overstepped. https://nypost.com/2021/11/12/ahmaud-arbery-trial-lawyer-apologizes-for-black-pastors-comment/


    Not that my opinion means any more than anyone else's who isn't the jury, but the verdict was the only sane one to reach. 

    Agreed , and the pending Federal charges should address the 800lb elephant in the room.

  10. What is interesting  was the strategic  decision to not bring the race of the victim into the discussion, likely because there was one black juror out of 12.


    The defense took the opposite tact arguing to remove black jurors...their right until just race becomes the reason for exclusion and arguing to remove black pastors from the audience because the jury might feel intimidated. 




  11. 2 hours ago, millefleur said:

    Were vaccines supposed to eliminate Covid? I thought the whole goal was supposed to bring the death rate and severe infection down?


    Only one vaccine has eradicated a virus in the history of the world and that is smallpox. Anyone who thinks vaccines will eliminate the target disease is not living in reality. "Covid Zero" was a ridiculous strategy and anyone who adopted it has a poor understanding of how viruses and vaccines work. Politicians and governments might want something to happen because it sounds good and utopian, but that doesn't mean it's scientifically possible.

    Polio as well, almost eliminated via vaccine.  But I agree, Covid is more like the Flu, a permanent part of our landscape.


    Dang Marixists....


    U.S. weekly jobless claims hit 52-year low, economy regaining speed



    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits dropped to their lowest level since 1969 last week, pointing to sustained strength in the economy as a year marked by shortages and an unending pandemic winds down.

    The plunge in claims reported by the Labor Department on Wednesday was exaggerated by the model the government uses to strip out seasonal fluctuations from the data. Still, the labor market recovery is gathering momentum, with the number of people on unemployment rolls hitting the lowest level since mid-March 2020 when the economy was in the grips of the first wave of COVID-19 infections.

    "There might be some seasonal adjustment problems, but the handwriting is on the wall and all the anecdotal reports on how companies cannot find the help they need are true," said Christopher Rupkey, chief economist at FWDBONDS in New York. "The economy will finish the year with a bang."

    Initial claims for state unemployment benefits tumbled 71,000 to a seasonally adjusted 199,000 for the week ended Nov. 20, the lowest level since mid-November 1969.

    Economists polled by Reuters had forecast 260,000 applications for the latest week. The decline pushed applications below their pre-pandemic average of about 220,000.

    Unadjusted claims increased 18,187 to 258,622 last week amid a surge in Virginia, which offset declines in California, Kentucky and Missouri.

    The report was published early because of the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday. The data could become noisy over the holiday season. Claims have declined from a record high of 6.149 million in early April 2020, and are now in a zone viewed as consistent with a healthy labor market, though an acute shortage of labor caused by the pandemic is hindering faster job growth.

    But there is hope for an increase in the labor pool. The number of people continuing to receive benefits after an initial week of aid dropped 60,000 to 2.049 million in the week ended Nov. 13, the claims report showed. That was the lowest level since the mid-March in 2020.

  13. 21 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    My wife works at Kroger.  Between here 2x points and prescriptions now counting we usually get 1000 points by the time I have to fill up my 38 gallon tank. Dollar off really helps. 

    I never was good with the tracking the coupon deal on these. Now with the Kroger(QFC/Fred Meyer in the woolly PNW) app, I go through before my shopping and go clip happy and never forget my 2X coupon.  Between work from home and double dipping gas points, my gas bill was $90 for the household last month.   They are competitive on the wine her so I forego the trip to Costco and stock up there which just adds to the discounts.   Now I just need to get a 38 gallon tank.

  14. 4 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Every president hits a gas price rise and tries to look useful by "releasing the mighty US strategic oil reserves " which is at best a blip that the market has priced in. 


    The only difference with Trump on this topic is that Trump pulled the SOR trigger $20 lower.


    Let's hope there is no talk of restrictions on oil exports which would have an impact on supply, negatively.



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