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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. On 7/9/2021 at 8:46 PM, Melody1920 said:

    Can someone suggest an accountant who is an expert in cross border tax planning ? 
    specifically I have questions about what date am I US resident … would it be when I first enter usa using my IR visa even if I come back to Canada to vacate my apartment?


    also are my non registered assets automatically considered as disposed and do I have To pay tax on it ?

    Finding a good crossborder chartered accountant is a great idea.  


    On the tax free accounts, migration doesn't impact those accounts. They stay intact and we even manage ours through RBC remotely. We are a bit away from taking distributions, so I cannot speak to how we will handle that. 




  2. 16 hours ago, canadavisa22 said:

    This is incorrect. Fully vaccinated travelers must provide a negative result within 72 hours of their arrival time to Canada. Then they must also either take a test upon entry if flying or they are given an at-home test to complete with a telehealth nurse if arriving via land border.


    They then have to isolate/quarantine until they have received their results. In Ontario, my in-laws did it through Switch Health and the results took two full business days to receive. 

    Where did you see that you need to quarantine until you receive your results? You just need a quarantine plan in case you get a positive result.


    We crossed vaccinated, with 72 hour test in hand, sent the test off as directed and we're not told to quarantine. This was in BC on the 6th.  

    Every day we needed to check-in by arrivecan app. As usual, coming back the Americans didn't ask where we have been or if we had symptoms, just wanted to know if we owned our car. 




    I will say there was plenty of confusion when my wife presented the J&J vaccine proof which only had one dose. He had to walk across to the main office to sort that out. Then we were told to head over to a tent where the nurse would admin the test. We went there and the folks in the tent said the nurse went home for the day (at 2:40) and that we needed to do our own swab and fedex it in.  


    Then the next cluster was calling FedEx and finding someone who knew what to do with these packets.   


    Confused? So are the folks at the border. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, moxy said:

    Corporate welfare: good

    Minimum livable wage: bad


    Thank you Supply Side Jesus.

    I dont necessarily oppose government support of energy infrastructure if it is equitable and helps lift society.  That comes in several forms including a rebate from my PUD on a new energy efficient washer and Tax credits on a heat pump to id two things close to home.  But you are right, the ignorance of how involved the Federal government has been over the years in propping up a fossil fuel energy system is astounding on the part of so called libertarians.   And that is before we get to the cost of military keeping the shipping lanes and ports free to move oil out of the mideast. What is a fallen soldier or two in defense of our imperial oil interests.


    The Koch brothers have taken leveraging regulation to prop up their monopolies to a new level by using state and local regulators to block competitors from entering their markets with effective lobbying and disinformation campaigns. This effort continues to this day with "donations" to "non profits" that keep the world safe for Koch industries ( recently endorsed by our Supreme Court last week)


    The average american consumer doesn't know and doesn't care. They want 72 degrees of comfort in the winter and 68 in the summer. It is our birthright, don't ask me to think or get involved in something as mundane as energy or water policy.

    8 minutes ago, laylalex said:

    You're welcome.


    I had a suit that looks like from the 90's. I never rocked the facial hair or stigmata tho.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Gozinbulx said:

    This gift just keeps on giving!


    Book: Trump told John Kelly Hitler 'did a lot of good things'

    New Day

    CNN's David Chalian discusses an excerpt from a new book which alleges that former President Donald Trump once told his then Chief of Staff John Kelly that Adolf Hitler "did a lot of good things."


  5. 6 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    Not yet right?

    For as long as I can remember 


    Texas’s Oil and Gas Industry Is Defending Its Billions in Subsidies Against a Green Energy Push

    The state's energy business has long counted on special tax breaks and other largesse not available to others. Whether renewables or fossil fuels get more depends on how you do the math.




  6. 23 minutes ago, moxy said:

    Wait... serious question: just so I understand, you believe that the problem with the Texas power grid is that people aren't paying their bills? Or are you saying that the large numbers of people who are losing power in Texas aren't paying their bill? (or if this was a joke, sorry, it whooshed over my head)

    The libertarians would say that the  should have chosen their state better. It really is poor choice making on the consumers part.  Or better yet they should probably fund their own personal coal fired plant with no pollution controls in their back yard.  Coal Fly ash and mercury outfall can actually raise test scores in children. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, yuna628 said:

    1) Yes they really are that stupid.

    2) Money.

    3) Attention.

    4) Mental Illness.

    5) Some people just like to watch the world burn?

    6) Fear is a powerful motivation. It really makes some do the craziest things. And people love to prey on the gullible. 

    When I was young, I participated in a focus group for marketing. They asked the group "what is a bigger issue with voters today, ignorance or apathy? This 70 something backwoods type responded after everyone was silent: "Son, we don't know and we don't care"

  8. 6 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    The first two don’t really support your cause as they were fired for criticizing not supporting BLM.  Can’t read the last one from WaPo, but I assume this employee broke the terms of their employment for displaying a political message while at work.  No freedom of speech in the workplace or on social media.

    You cannot read the Washington Post? have you tried Duck Duck go as a browser?


    Some Black Lives Matter Supporters Say Their Stance Got Them Fired


    Florida teacher on leave for BLM flag learns she was fired in YouTube video

    Contrary to the education commissioner's claims, school officials told the local press Amy Donofrio is still an active employee.



    Woman says she was fired from Hobart YMCA for Black Lives Matter messages on personal car

    Wilkinson worked for an after school program at the Hobart YMCA. She said she added the Black Lives Matter messages to her car after recent events that she said really opened her eyes to racial injustice in America.

    The messages included "Black Lives Matter," "I Can't Breathe" and "White Silence Is Compliance." She said she never thought they would end up costing her job.
    "It's important to me to fight against the injustices and to fight for equity and equality for all people, and that includes Black people," she said. "As a white person, that is my responsibility."

    Wilkinson said she was terminated from the after school program last week, and didn't see it coming.

    "The CEO, Andrew, spoke to me and asked me to remove the messages from my personal vehicle. I was in shock," she said.


  9. 2 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    The dreaded “whataboutism”.  Who has been fired or canceled for donating to BLM?  

    I think he was fired over social media comments



    • White principal fired for post about ‘Black Lives Matter’


    9 People Fired or Suspended for Black Lives Matter Comments (Photos)




    She wore a BLM mask to work at Whataburger. After a customer complained, she lost her job.



  10. To hear Trump tell it, he is ignorant, not guilty.


    How Trump’s claims to being ‘the king of the tax code’ could come back to haunt him

    Trump said he was the ‘king’ of the tax code. Now he is feigning ignorance.
    As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump bragged about his vast knowledge of the tax code. Days after his company’s indictment, he feigned ignorance about it. (JM Rieger/The Washington Post)
    Image without a caption
    Senior reporter
    July 6, 2021 at 7:46 a.m. PDT

    When former president Donald Trump weighed in on the criminal tax case against his business this weekend, some saw a tacit admission to the schemes the Trump Organization is accused of.

    “They go after good, hard-working people for not paying taxes on a company car,” Trump said Saturday night at a rally in Sarasota, Fla. “You didn’t pay tax on the car or a company apartment. You used an apartment because you need an apartment because you have to travel too far where your house is. You didn’t pay tax. Or education for your grandchildren. I don’t even know. Do you have to? Does anybody know the answer to that stuff?”

  11. https://sanantonioreport.org/facing-power-grid-anxiety-texans-are-buying-generators-and-bracing-for-blackouts/?amp


    Darryl Ford is a master electrician who’s been selling generators for 16 years. The models he installs range from 10,000-watt generators that can run a few large appliances up to 150,000-watt systems that could power a large ranch estate.

    Business used to be “slow-moving,” Ford said. That started to changed in 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic reached Texas and people began panic buying. Then came February 2021, and the winter storm disaster that some call “Snowvid,” when 4.5 million households lost power, many for multiple days in temperatures that barely hovered above zero degrees.

    Now Ford, who owns San Antonio-based Solarator Electric, cannot keep up with demand. Customers are waiting 25 weeks at this point, and the orders just keep coming. This run on generators is just one symptom of the grid anxiety that has caused many Texans to embark on a personal quest for energy independence.

    Despite assurances from state leaders that recently passed legislation will be sufficient to protect residents from another deadly blackout, many Texans no longer believe that something they took for granted will be there when they need it most. Officials are increasingly emphasizing the need to conserve power during extreme temperatures, but it’s unclear whether the message is getting through

  12. 2 hours ago, Ban Hammer said:

    lol a minor defending himself against a convicted child molester, a convicted wife beater, and a convicted felon with a firearm - and the kid is the violent offender.  🤣

    I don't make the laws in Wisconsin, the young man will have his day in court, but back to the question: would you apply the same standards to a police officer who sent money and comments to someone with an apparent BLM affiliation?

  13. 33 minutes ago, Ban Hammer said:

    did you even read the first article?


    Absolutely...you could address my points, but hey you do you.


    Would you feel the same about the story if he donated to someone accused of violence who was protesting on behalf of BLM or is your outrage colored by the fact that your (alleged)  violent  offender is sympathetic to your views.


    33 minutes ago, Ban Hammer said:


    additionally, Norfolk VA is quite a bit from Wisconsin, where the bit with kyle took place. 

    sounds quite vague and nebulous.........


  14. 15 hours ago, TBoneTX said:

    (I almost didn't read this.)  This piece contains some eye-opening revelations about the future of transportation.  Comments?

    Several tantalizing bits in here, of note.

    1. The author totally neglected to cover hydrogen and fuel cells as a rapidly developing set of technologies that could give you electric power with clean generated liquid fuel. Hydrogen also has the opportunity to displace natural gas while utilizing the NG infrastructure. If this sounds vaguely familiar, it was a lynchpin of GW's energy vision before 9/11 punched us in the face and set us on a disastrous Mideast military for oil venture.


    This would also deal with the "sun not always shining, wind not always blowing" issues as the surplus energy can be used to synthesize hydrogen.


    Green hydrogen is not here yet, but we are not decades away. 


    2. It is encouraging to see conservative voices take on the environment, carbon footprints, congestion and the need for government investment while leveraging and encouraging private enterprise innovations. Don't forget most of these core technologies come out of our government funded university research system which allows the Elon musks of the world to build into new applications. The article clearly calls for more investment in smart roads which means fuel,/road tax or Federal investment. 


    3. Missing in the discussion is the geo- political advantage we will gain by weaning us off of oil, but that is an entirely different problem that gets solved with NT.


    4. I really think if we simply returned to calling CO2 emissions air pollution, we would get the public marching I the right direction.


    5. EVs kick-blnk in so many areas, we just need to see the Vette , 911 and Mustangs get mind share with the public. The f150 due next year is a watershed product, but the one I "need" is 85 k do there is a way to go on the price/value offering.



  15. 1 hour ago, Ban Hammer said:

    uh huh.  until your contribution goes against the grain...........see Sgt. William K. Kelly III


    or maybe this is what you have in mind?


    If the officer violated the policies of his agency, and he had due process along with union represenation, what is the issue?  Voters can influence the policies of their city, the officer is subject to them. 


    The National Review article makes my case, the Uber wealthy and powerful escape scrutiny, my name and affiliation are on the internet for all to see for a modest donation. The 100 limit needs to be indexed up to 1000.

  16. The restriction of rules surrounding donor transparency, particularly when lobbying is involved, is going to increase corruption and continue the shift


    When I donate 100 dollars to a candidate, party or election effort my name, address and employer is published for the world to see. When a billionaire or special interest wants a dark money fund to influence legislation or elections he doesn't have to disclose anything.


  17. 3 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    You asserted that Trump and his company are being pursued by the NY County DA because he is or was a threat to the US democracy, yet you failed to acknowledge the investigation started over five years ago.  So was the NY County DA some sort of clairvoyant, or is this just a political hit job?  I agree, the political elite (from either Party) want to make it unattractive for anyone else to force their way into their midst, but that in itself is a graver threat to the US democracy.  

    Trump is not a threat to democracy, the willingness of the republican party to set aside their norms and values to embrace a man so obviously unfit for office, that it literally doesn't matter what he says or does, he is the paragon of what the party stands for.

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