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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. Last year, people in this forum were calling for an exit. When Pompeo met with the Taliban last year, we knew the handwriting was on the wall.


    You can fault Biden for an ungraceful  exit and misrepresentation on the ability to hold the Taliban out of Kabul, but would it really make a difference? We are leaving, the Taliban out-waited us. 







  2. 8 hours ago, elmcitymaven said:






    My preference is to take my mother's dishrag down to the crossroad and saying "nevam" three times as I click my heels


    8 hours ago, elmcitymaven said:

    This thread is bananapants in so many regards and I need a drink. Also, it really is not the done thing to insist a female poster's husband direct anything in her life, not least her television choices. For now, the federal government does not intrude upon a woman's right to select her own televisual entertainment.

    Like any good internet paralegal wannabee, I skipped over to legalese part to get to this, the core question. 


    8 hours ago, elmcitymaven said:


    I see another poster demanding that we show our work; I do hope I have shown mine. Peace to (most of) you all. 


  3. 20 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    You say people are ignoring science, which science would that be, the science that the virus was from a "wet" market?  The science that said not to wear masks?  The science that says to wear double masks?  The science that said people should not trust a vaccine developed under Orange Man Bad?  The Federal government (CDC), the UN (WHO), are not worth trusting when the guidelines, or "science" they spew is so inconsistent.  I know FB and Twitter along with the Leftist MSM is trying their best to create the government approved narrative, but this entire mentality of "zero" Covid is starting to get annoying.  If you want to have no risks in life, never leave the house.



    Social distancing will reduce the risk of transmission

    Masks will reduce the risk of transmission

    The vaccines will reduce the chance the virus gains a foothold in your system. 


    Wearing a seatbelt, wearing a condom, eating burgers cooked to 160, all ways to mitigate risk, not eliminate.


    For me, I choose my source of hamburger meat well and cook it to 130. I eat raw shellfish, from a good source and in the winter months.  My risk is informed, but it is higher than if I followed all of the science. I enjoy my life.



    The difference is, with COVID-19 the transmission rate and fatality rate are too high to ignore. Eating a raw oyster is not going to endanger my parents.


    This is no time to engage in black and white thinking. We must stay fluid to the best available science as it develops and consume it from the best sources. 


    It is fatiguing to be in these times without a clear roadmap.  Adding sketchy medical choices and accusing public health of political agendas is distracting from keeping people as safe and informed as possible.



  4. 46 minutes ago, DDT said:

    Then we have a big problem in the USA then don't we? ... We have a Constitution that the people and politicians ignore.

    No you have it wrong. As others have explained: marriage does not extend a guarantee of immigration to the United States. Once they have moved here and maintained residency they do have constitutional rights but even adjusting a status  requires proof of an bona fide marriage.   

    I not sure what any of this has to do with the original post.

  5. 2 hours ago, LIBrty4all said:

    It does work, for some.  Statistically, that makes sense.  Then again, taking aspirin will reduce covid effects.  Taking HCQ reduces covid effects.  It seems O+ blood, smoking, and perhaps drinking alcohol also reduces covid effects.

    You don't have proof any of these solutions should be a recommended therapy for covid except hcq and the FDA has removed approval for covid


    But there are at least 12,000 people in the past 6 months who would argue the efficacy of the experimental drug you call a "vaccine".  Let's see what happens to that number as time goes on, eh? 


    The FDA calls it a vaccine, it's a vaccine. I am not going to go around with you on how we should listen to you (with no apparent credentials) and not the FDA. You will lose every time. 


    At least the drugs have killed less people than the drugs, eh?


  6. 7 minutes ago, DDT said:



    I'm not talking about a non USC I'm talking about a citizen's spouse.  For one, the 10th Amendment. The federal government was not given the privilege  to discriminate against your wife, for instance, in the Constitution. Therefore they do not have it! It is a right reserved for, you the citizen. The government can't just 'say' they have that as a right... The government can not take it upon themselves to get involved with your family. And the 10th Amendment affirms this.   


    In the USA, proof of guilt must be the burden of the accuser. The government must first have some kind of proof that a man's wife is guilty of something that she should live in exile from her citizen husband. There are several Amendments in the Bill of Rights which cover this.


    Just the way you phrased that question tells me that you don't understand the Constitution. The government has no rights that are not specifically spelled out for it.

    The fact that it is not mentioned in the Constitution that government could prevent a citizen's spouse from living in the country with him is the proof that it does not have a right or privilege to do so. That is a Right which remains with the citizen.

    It doesn't work that way in the United States, maybe in Russia is does but it appears the constitution you are debating is Russia 

  7. 39 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    Are you suggesting that Covid19 has not been pushed as a political narrative by the mainstream media as well as those on the Left and the Right (particularly those on the Left and those advocating more government intrusion into our lives)?  Life is full of risks, people are capable of making their own choices and don't need the government living their lives for them.

    this statement in this thread addresses that question 



  8. 58 minutes ago, LIBrty4all said:

    In my personal life, I find that the people who are the most opposed to the mandates coming from the government come from places where it never worked out well, and they fear that America is headed the same way their previous countries did.  I am referring to people from Cuba, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Colombia, France.  The underlying theme is the same among all of them.  "Why is the government pushing this so hard, when they never have before?"

    I am not an anti-vaxxer by any stretch of the imagination.  But I am a pro-choice vaxxer.  Anyone that wants it, get it.  If not, don't.  It really is THAT simple.  Whether your reason for not getting it is religious, personal, fear of government... doesn't matter.  Those who believe the vaccine works, and opt for it, should have no worries, since they are safe and protected from the unvaxxed.  Because the vaccine WORKS.

    All of the so called "mandates" that I have seen from government or employers or schools include provisions for vaccine exemptions.  So the protestations are just that.  I am glad you agree the vaccine works.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    Are you suggesting that Covid19 has not been pushed as a political narrative by the mainstream media as well as those on the Left and the Right (particularly those on the Left and those advocating more government intrusion into our lives)?  Life is full of risks, people are capable of making their own choices and don't need the government living their lives for them.

    Are you suggesting that the risks of masking and vaccines are too high compared to the cost of doing nothing?

  10. 1 hour ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    My friend you are a hairs breadth from jumping out of the muddy middle rut and going straight to wearing a Che Guevara shirt.  Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

  11. 2 hours ago, seekingthetruth said:

    I was Googling around to find out more about the poor girl's death.  Just about everything I found was a cookie cutter story about the governor.  I could not find one bit of information about the details of her death, except that she started having breathing problems Saturday morning.  I suspect she had some underlying health problems.  Healthy 13 year olds don't normally succumb to anything so quickly.  Perhaps the details will come out later.

    Healthy 13 year old's dont succumb quickly to what?  This Delta variant is ripping through the unvaccinated ( and vaccinated) parts of the country and we seriously don't know how this impacts young people. 



  12. 23 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    Yet it is ok for governors to herd Covid positive cases into care facilities and kill off a bunch of people.  If you want to know why people do not trust the government or the mainstream leftist media, it is not hard to see.

     The question is not why institution X or Y should be viewed skeptically, the question is why are people ignoring science and behaving against their own interests.


    And this makes masking , vaccines and testing invalid how?  Is distrust of the government helping the man I described above or his family?  They already lost a wife and mother, do they have to pay a higher price from someone else's disinformation campaign?

    This is not the war against Christmas or a battle over a baker making a cake for a gay wedding.  This is a real issue with life and death on the line, and now we see the Delta variant may be putting our children an their future at risk.   If you personally dont want to wear a mask, don't.  If you want to immigrate, or fly or work or go to school and dont think the vaccine is in your interest, use the exception process and file for an exemption, but dont go around telling people that they are sheeple, ignorant, dupes and putting their lives at risk with breathing CO2 from a mask or a virus that is latent in their body when the science specifically proves they are lies.

  13. 3 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    we have several positives here at work. Ironically 3 of our managers who sit in close quarters and who are huge conspiracy anti vaxxers are now positive.  I have had both shots, but I am still getting tested today. I am also getting the booster as soon as I can. 

    I find it so frustrating to help people on this topic. I understand being skeptical of the establishment: scientific, medical, governmental, but at some point you have to wonder what is going through peoples heads.  


    Last week I picked up the guy who helps with odd jobs around here:  He wasn't available for a few weeks and he told me why:  He lost his wife to Covid ( age 48) and it tore his family apart. Two over 18 kids and no one could go into the hospital to see her.  They firmly said no to the vaccine and no to testing for exposure. He claims, at like a Q-Anon level, that this is all a plan to control and herd people, the vaccines are untested, the tests have false positives.  It makes no rational sense and not matter what I try I still cannot get him to look at any other perspective.  They cannot have a service for the wife and cannot attend church. 


    We pick him up from the bus stop and he will wear a mask, but the wife says no more rides mask or no. We cannot risk exposure and exposing our parents.


    I just want to say to whomever is behind this anti vax conspiracy campaign:  "Blank you and the donkey you rode in on".  "What ever you think your goals are, your lies kill."

  14. 1 hour ago, LIBrty4all said:

    Were you this upset about all the HIV deaths?  Or is this a new trend with you?

    I lost a cousin to HIV so the question feels personal. Back then cultural and politics got in the way of empathy and his death was darkened by family members not supporting each other. Even though the stigma was over lifestyle and not vaccines and masks it feels like deja Vu.


    I really don't get why some insist this is a culture war issue. The virus is real agnostic to someone's life view. The science is clear. 

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