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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. 4 hours ago, Voice of Reason said:

    I can guarantee you that first link on medium was not written by Biden himself.  And who is suffering from "dark grief" over George Floyd aside from his family?  I see people using his drug-induced suicide as a reason to destroy America, but that's about it.  


    But thanks for digging up the links, though most aren't viewable.

    You cannot access any of the Links?  Trust me, they refute the false narrative laid out that Democratic leaders have not spoken out about violence and property destruction.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    Thank you for reposting your opinions.  Again.  


    And I wonder why Ted Wheeler (assuming you are actually correct) didn't begin posting such until after the rioters attacked his condo multiple times?  :rofl:

    Again, you quoted facts and labeled them opinions above.-fact


      If someone chooses to bath in the bliss of "alternative facts" that is not my business.  -opinion

    Do you see how that works? 





  3. 34 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    And yet, you posted nothing except your opinion.  Which is fine to have one, but usually it is better to have one which you can substantiate, or at least articulate.


    But I applaud you, because we have other members who are too scared to share their opinions.  

    1. a thing that is known or proved to be true.
      fact: Joe Biden, Jim Clyburn, Nancy Pelosi, and Ted Wheeler said those things between the quotes.  Not sure which opinion you are referring to.
  4. 11 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    So did Mayor Ted say this after they protested outside his condo, or on day one when the violence started?

    I didn't make my comment about hearing Democratic leaders speak out against violence and property destruction because I wanted to become their defender or advocate or even agree with them.  I made my comments because the statements about Democratic leaders not speaking against these things was obviously false and easily provable. 


    The fact that Ted Wheeler was called out in this thread as an example and I found the quote by typing "violence" "Ted Wheeler" in 3 seconds with google was so little effort shows that statements about no Democratic leaders speaking up is just lazy.


    Feel free to do your own clerk work on the subject. 


  5. Bonus round!

    “I denounce all violence, including the assaults that were filmed and posted to social media last night, The work this community and others nationally are doing toward criminal justice reform and racial justice are in an effort to make our communities safer,” “Assaults like these make our community less safe.”

    A. Ted Wheeler

    B. Ted Wheeler

    C. Ted Wheeler

    D. Ted Wheeler


  6. Round three

    “Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts,”  “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

    A. Kelly Anne Conway

    B. Nancy Pelosi

    C. Nancy Pelosi

    D. Nancy Pelosi


  7. 2 hours ago, Voice of Reason said:

    I'd be glad to read any links you have where a democrat leader spoke out against the riots.  I strongly suggest you don't link up the Portland mayor Ted Wheeler.

    Multiple choice: who said it?

    So, I say to young people all the time, we should stand together in solidarity for that which we know to be the purpose for our existence, and that is to make a better country, a better world for those who must come after us. Breaking out a window will not contribute to that. Setting a fire, throwing stones at police officers, that's destructive behavior which will not contribute to anything that will make this a better country and make a better future for our children and our grandchildren.

    Also, I tell my daughters all the time, just think about what you're doing and ask yourself the question will this make things better or worse.

    A. Bill Barr

    B. Mike Pence

    C. James Clyburn

    D. Hunter Thompson

  8. 2 hours ago, Voice of Reason said:

    I'd be glad to read any links you have where a democrat leader spoke out against the riots.  I strongly suggest you don't link up the Portland mayor Ted Wheeler.

    Multiple choice: who said it?

    "Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not."

    A. Donald J Trump

    B.Joseph Biden

    C. Martin Luther King

    D. Hunter Thompson


  9. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/514532-trump-admins-backlog-of-citizenship-applications-could-prevent-some


    The backlog of citizenship applications in President Trump's administration could prevent some people from voting in the November election, The Washington Post reported Monday. 

    The backlog in U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) could block applicants, who were hoping to cast their first ballots, from voting in the fall. The USCIS has not released the total number of backlogged cases but has reported hundreds of thousands of citizenship applications are pending, according to the Post. 

    The latest available data from March 31 found more than 700,000 citizenship applications were pending. The agency has reportedly conducted 156,849 naturalizations since mid-March but more applications still would have been filed in that period, the Post noted.  

  10. 3 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    Maybe it can be added to the ratings list?  Heck the Democrat leaders are now changing their tactics regarding all the rioting saying they are against it, but it is all Trump's fault.  Do these leaders not see just how divisive the Democrat Party is?

    Clearly riots, violence and property destruction are distinct from the vast majority of peaceful protesters. Who is for riots?



  11. 5 hours ago, Russ&Caro said:

    Response to original post:


    I would highly suggest you watch at least one debate and decide for yourself.

    I will be straight with you. I have the means and the skills to sort out my views and choices on this topic. But thank you, that is a good suggestion.


    The point is this is the Forum. The only forum related to debates about the culture, values and politics @visajourney


    The forum was where the Romans practiced what they inherited from the Greeks: the Rhetoric and the Dialectic.  We did get some rhetorical and appeal to emotion statements, but very little of the dialectical discussion that truly moves a culture to a higher level. 


    Still, the skills of copypasta from party web sites is formidable!

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