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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. 2 hours ago, Voice of Reason said:

    Boiler posted one post about Newsom, did you even read my reply? You brought up the same point. I don't have the energy to slog through copy paste sloppiness.

  2. 2 hours ago, Voice of Reason said:

    Just because too many people are afraid to come out and say it publicly in a poll (which is about worthless in and of itself) does not mean that people don't actually feel that way.  As an example (anecdotal, but still relevant), I have not spoken to one single person in the past 6 months who thinks BLM is doing good things.  But all of them (probably more than 50-60 people with whom I have discussed the situation in America today) agree that BLM is a violent organization that needs to be stopped from spreading discord, mayhem, violence, and destruction.

    So the people you talk to think that way. I don't doubt that fact. I don't know the groups you talk to, their race, geography, political affiliation  or age.  Is it possible you talk to a group of people that doesn't look like everyone in America?



    Did they say to the effect 'BLM  is a hate group"?  Because I don't think that, I don't  think the majority of Americans do, I don't even think most people who oppose the methods of BLM think they are a hate group.



    I don't agree that polls are worthless, you do. We have different opinions.


  3. 33 minutes ago, Paul & Mary said:

    I noticed last weekend at LAX International Arrivals the automated passport control kiosk software was changed so that you no long needed to put on your passport.  It brought up my name and flight number by using my face.

    Efficient and frightening at the same time


    33 minutes ago, Paul & Mary said:


    I did my enrolment at a hotel . . . and the eye scanner wasn't working very well for anyone.


  4. 42 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    Came down to 50/50 with 20% either having no opinion, or just not wanting to respond to a poll, based off an opinion poll before their new actions.  I suppose it is possible more people will think of them as favorable after their latest actions.

    So where are the numbers that a majority, or even a plurality believe the BLM org is a hate group? 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    You clearly stated the majority of Americans as a hate group or in my opinion a violent group.  The poll posted by @laylalex showed a definite split almost 50/50 within the margin of error which is clearly not a majority.

    Okay layla posted and you quoted to make a point, whatever. 


    So do you project that out the other 49.9999% who are undecided or view the group unfavourably, every single one of those folks would agree with the statement that "BLM is a hate group? "

  6. On 9/8/2020 at 6:04 AM, millefleur said:

    It's only a proposal for now, so not an actual change yet.


    Honestly, all this is going to do is just bog down the process even more if it goes through. Look at how difficult it is right now merely to get fingerprints done.

    The first time I went to get my Nexus card, not too long ago, I had to go to some abandoned customs warehouse where I answered some questions 5 min and then 15 minutes trying to get some POS Logitech hobby grade scanner to read my prints. Pro tip: don't wash your hair for 5 days prior to you appt because you will need that oil on your forehead to grease up your fingers and get a good read.

  7. 41 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    You are the one that asserted most people don’t consider the BLM organization a hate group.  I guess that is just an opinion as well.

    You are the one that said they were a hate group and then you posted an article with a link to the survey that shows 50% of Americans viewed  BLM as somewhat or very favorably on  Aug 28th. So either most Americans are in favor of left wing ,marxist, violent radical hate groups or they don't share your perception of the group.





    If you believe Marxism is better than regulated capitalism, I would like to hear of a success story?


    What is clear is that the BLM organization is not for what it professes to advocating.  The statistics are clear, and their message is clearly political and has nothing to do with civil rights,  it believe what you want.


    When people see the BLM rioters assaulting people on the street trying to enjoy a meal and trying to force a political opinion through violence it will become clearer and clearer.


  8. 19 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    BLM leader: If change doesn’t happen, then ‘we will burn down this system’



    I could post these all day.


    What copy/paste?


    In a statement released on June 25, 2020, Kailee Scales, described as the Managing Director of BLM Global Network, said:

    Hawk Newsome has no relation to the Black Lives Matter Global Network (“BLM”) founded by Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi — and is not the “president” of BLM or any of its chapters.[1]

  9. 3 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    Where is your proof that most Americans don't look at the BLM organization as a hate group? 

    Go ahead and show your proof, majority is a 50/50 proposition.

    3 hours ago, Dashinka said:


    Anyone that does any research on this group will see that they are not a Civil Rights group, but rather a group intent on transforming the US into their version of a Marxist country. 

    Anyone that does any research? In your opinion then.

    3 hours ago, Dashinka said:



    Most folks know that Marxism in any form does not work, and the fact that the BLM organization is using some very violent methods to get their message out is really starting to come to light. 

    I have seen protestors (anarchists IMO) who claim to be against or for BLM goals on the streets bringing violence and mayhem. I doubt they truly have the mission they profess.  


    I have not seen the BLM organization advocate breaking any laws or bones.


    3 hours ago, Dashinka said:



    Of course if one only watches CNN one would not know how violent they actually are.  Peaceful protests are just fine, and I fully support those, but that is not what is happening.


  10. 2 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    And that event and the far right idiots were soundly rejected by the President.  I have yet to hear Old Joe reject Antifa, or the BLM organization which are just as bad hate groups as those on the far right.  Heck, Senator Kamala Harris expressed her overwhelming support for Jacob Blake an accused rapist.  I guess her support for the #metoo movement is another flip/flop on her part.


    Ms. Harris offered her support Monday for Mr. Blake, 29, who remains hospitalized after being shot in the back by an officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, speaking with him by phone and visiting with several of his relatives and attorneys at Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee.

    She later called the meeting “really wonderful,” adding that she wanted to “express concern for their well-being and of course, for their brother and their son’s well-being, and to let them know that they have support.”



    I wasn't mentioning the president at all with my comments. I was addressing the Breitbart article that minimized the violence that occured in Charlotte.

    The majority of Americans do not view the BLM movement as a hate group. They also don't oppose peaceful protest or demonstration.

    What they don't want to see is arson, looting and weapons used in the street.  If I watch some Fox programing, it all blends into one narrative, people are smarter than that.


  11. Trump continues to dig a bigger hole.

    "I'm not saying the military's in love with me -- the soldiers are, the top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy," Trump told reporters at a White House news conference.

  12. 8 hours ago, Voice of Reason said:

    I notice there is pretty much nothing in the MSM about this huge boat parade.  Searches sure do turn up the 4 sinking boats in TX, however.  (There have been several boat parades on the East coast of FL too, as well as various ones on lakes in TX, GA, MD, AR.


    https://allevents.in/fort myers/trump-boat-parade-labor-day-weekend/200019894812347 


    Here's what an acquaintance had to say about the West Florida gathering:




    So nice to hear positive things going on in our great country.  So tired of all the protesting, rioting, and burning.  THIS is how Americans needs to be expressing themselves, not destroying each other.

    And if you don't own a boat?

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