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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. 31 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    You seem keen to discuss this.  I'm listening... why does the US have more infections per capita?

    I believe part of the answer is lack of a consistent Federal approach instead  of a patchwork if state and regional approaches. For example masks and social distancing. I am convinced that Texas, Florida, Georgia , Arizona could have benefited from stronger mandates coming from the Feds because we knew more by the time their waves hit.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    When?  I'm not too old, but I have never seen such.

    Race restrictions are still present in many (unenforceable) deeds as a legacy but they were not deemed against Federal law until 1968. In 1938 the federal government would not back a mortgage that did not include the language. 


    In terms of getting a mortgage, redlining continued into the 70s when the CRA was put in place and banks were graded (1977). How many landlords, sellers, brokers guided transactions based on race ? Hard to say, but I witnessed it first hand in 1990's Chicago. Seeing how some folks stay in their place 20 years or more, the practical effect is felt today.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    So how do you control the spread of a new virus?  Back when this was ballooning, the only thing that was claimed as to dong anything was to flatten the curve.  Flattening the curve does not reduce the numbers, it only spreads them out over a longer period of time.  Without some form of vaccination, the virus will spread, but there is a good chance a vaccine may come in the next several months which is much faster than any we have seen in the past.

    That doesn't answer the question as to why the US has more infections per capita. What is the answer to that question?

  4. 19 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:


    This is hilarious. It started on the local news. So they bought 97 acres of cut over timber and scrub to make a safe place for Black people. This is desolate poor rural Georgia. Safe as opposed to what. All black parts of Chicago. ROFl Safe from the many 1000's killed by other blacks every year.  Get with me in a year and tell me how safe that area is





    White Americans have had these for years, they are called gated communities.

  5. 1 hour ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Indeed lineage and DNA are interesting, LARPing however is not. If one can't prove to be something they don't look like, through DNA, proof from one's lineage, they have no business putting it on official documents. One's race is also clearly the majority of what they are, not some McMenu of choices where one is 60% white, 30% hispanic, 5% black, and they put down black. They are white. 

    What race is president Obama?

  6. 4 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    Is that a relevant comparison?  Sure, we all know that Canada and Europe are far superior to the US in every way, and they probably have a secret to getting past the Vid.  But in reality, there are so many factors involved that cannot be controlled by anyone, not even the venerable Governors Cuomo, Newsom or Whitmer.  The whole thing comes down to personal responsibility.

    Is that a relevant number to what?  The only number the US is better compared is the percentage of patients who recover and that is tightly coupled to age demographics.


    For a number of reasons,this country has failed to control the spread of this virus. 


    10% of the population 25% of the coronavirus deaths.





  7. 12 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    That was not the question you asked.  I think the infection rate is in line with the US having the third largest population in the world, and as to the infection rates in China and India, if you believe those numbers there are a few bridges for sale somewhere.

    How do infection rates in the US compare to Canada and Europe?

  8. On 9/10/2020 at 3:12 PM, Burnt Reynolds said:

    That's like saying you empirically heard Smollett describe what happened. You heard portions of what someone wanted you to hear. Because I don't partake in the little Ben Shapiro Hanlon's razor facade, I assume you have a modicum of common sense and wouldn't suggest that handpicked portions of an interview released entirely explains anything. But because you do and in your prior posts you've come to similar character conclusions based on what's clearly severe animus, I can easily come to a conclusion. I'm not saying you're a terrible person or insulting you, but the methodology is not in the remotest sense logical and empirically it's occurred so much in interactions with people on the left its unequivocally a theme. It's a common one used to try and beat people over the head with negativity as if that upsets them or gets them to capitulate. Doesn't work anymore. It'll spare you much heartbreak later if you come to terms with it now. 

    You may be experiencing difficulty in following the thread. Nature boy posted the president's press conference post Woodward tapes. That was the input that confirmed my discomfort with the president's approach.  Nice psychobabble stream of consciousness tho.



  9. 23 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Animus-> personal hatred demonstrated toward someone

    Thank you, I have a dictionary



    Orange man bad-> also personal hatred demonstrated toward someone

    Show me the hatred examples. Is everyone who has any issue with the president also "orange man bad"?




    It's an "attack" (aka criticism) on your arguments

    Really? Labelling someone as hate filled and angry is not personal?  


    It could be a 



    and your approach (especially when looking at the context they're used and not in isolation), I dunno what to tell you if you take criticism of this approach personally... don't?

     " To all the people I gaslit, no I didn't"



  10. 1 hour ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Bet he saw the impeachment hearings where "witnesses" never witnessed anything and effectively were describing their feelings about what they heard someone else say or someone else hear another person say a person in question implied. Second and third-hand hearsay are now first-hand accounts! Welcome to the inverted world of social justice. It's all justifiable because orange man bad! 

    'Severe animus", "orange man bad" and now you are weighing in on my ability to weigh the truth.


    Why the attack?





  11. 49 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    The term is called confirmation bias. You already didn't like the guy, so anything he says is going to reinforce it, and there are plenty of outlets willing to oblige. It's precisely the point of hanging onto "sentences" that "costs lives".

    You are free to jump to conclusions about my experience, views and background based in what little you read, but you don't know me. 


    I wasn't listening to a third party talk about the president. I observed, first hand, the question and both the substance and tone of his reply. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Dashinka said:

    Another nothingburger.  A quick search will turn up Trump saying almost exactly the same thing in public around the same time in response to a question by CNN's own Jim Acosta, and Dr. Fauci, who I imagine was removed from many of the Dems Christmas Card lists, backed up the President.  I think the real question here is how many people outside of the activist media will actually read Woodward's book.

    Charlie Brown.jpg

    Don't try to gaslight me.


    You don't need to read the book. The story is clear and on tapes: The president displayed a thorough understanding of the risks and severity of this disease and admitted he wanted to downplay the impacts to the public. Why? I will let you choose, he says it's because he didn't want to panic the public.


    We have been hearing out of his mouth that this is a hoax, it will wash right through, you don't need a mask and I said to myself "he must believe that, even if it's wrong."  Now we see he has been clearly cognizant of what this disease was and did nothing except stand in the way. Criminal.



  13. "In a February interview Woodward conducted with Trump for the reporter's forthcoming book, "Rage," the president described the virus as "deadly stuff," even as he publicly compared it to seasonal flu. A month later, Trump admitted to Woodward that "I still like playing it [the virus] down, because I don’t want to create a panic."

    Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple, whose paper published the audio of Trump's comments, tweeted Wednesday evening that he had interviewed Woodward and pressed him about the blowback he has received."


    Okay.. fake news! Except, the president had himself on tape 😞


  14. 1 minute ago, laylalex said:

    I was particularly disgusted by Kayleigh McEnany pretending that the recordings didn't say what I could clearly hear him say. 


    I am so, so disappointed by this news. He knew the seriousness of the problem and the manner of transmission, and yet he downplayed it -- then admitted to downplaying it because he's a cheerleader for America? 

    Fake news? Hit job? I got nothing, these guys are losers, Pence and the cabinet more than anyone.

  15. In a February interview Woodward conducted with Trump for the reporter's forthcoming book, "Rage," the president described the virus as "deadly stuff," even as he publicly compared it to seasonal flu. A month later, Trump admitted to Woodward that "I still like playing it [the virus] down, because I don’t want to create a panic."

    Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple, whose paper published the audio of Trump's comments, tweeted Wednesday evening that he had interviewed Woodward and pressed him about the blowback he has received.

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