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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. 7 hours ago, TBoneTX said:

    Are you honestly trying to second-guess how Donald Trump runs his business life, and second-guessing his CPAs' calculation of taxes on what must be an intricately complex business empire?

    Trump says that the NYT times story is fake news. He can easily discredit the story by releasing the 1040s for 2 years: 2016 and 2017. What is that 4/ 6 pages? 


    If he did pay $750 in income taxes, working people are not going to care what a CPA says, what the tax laws are, it is going to feel like they are getting the shaft. What can you say to them to make it feel fair? 



  2. 44 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    This pattern you described really isn't much of a pattern given how little many of their brief returns showed. Some also only released a year or two, others several, 10, 30, etc. Given the overwhelming majority of the populace's inability to materially decipher the statements, naturally, they've only been used as a weapon, for defamation, case in point against Romney and now Trump. Since there's no justifiable constitutional reason to release them, and given the waste, how virtually no one reads them, and those who do can't decipher them (including who say they read them but then just repeat media talking points), it will remain only a cult demand with no constitutional teeth.

    No one reads them is a shopworn story.  Just telling folks that there is nothing to see here is not going to prevail.



    A man who proclaims 3 billion in net worth five years ago should be worth 4.5 billion today.   If Trump had any kind of business man he should be able to show a 10%  return 450 million.


    Assuming a long term capital gains tax of 15% that should be 60 million in taxes to the irs annually. Forget accelerated depreciation and tax credits, how does he pare his tax bill down to less than what a Wal-Mart greeter pays?


    At the end if the day, working people are wondering "why am I busting it to pay more taxes than a billionaire?" That is going to stand out.


  3. 22 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Only if you're Julian Assange.


    You should hope so, because this is yet another illegal leak (this time of Trump's private information) that was ridiculously hyped for years and shows what? We were sold something all this time of a handful of things that the tax returns would reveal, is it a surprise that the delivery is a deuce?

    Well, let's take this tact. Every president (and I believe major party candidate) since Eisenhower has released their tax returns, except for Nixon and we know how that turned out. You would have to say, outside of the required FEC disclosures, they are a defacto standard of financial transparency. ( I would like to independently audited  financial statements, but that is not current law)

    If the transcripts are being bonafide, then we can have two debates: how did the transcripts become legal ?(90% chance it was a leak from Vance's office) and what do the numbers show us?

    If the transcripts are not legit, it will be easy for Trump to discredit:release his 2016 and 2017 1040 pages (not even the entire return)



  4. 12 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    The whole releasing tax returns is just a political gimmick, Trump proved that in 2016.  I would rather see something more substantial released to understand how a President will govern, something like a list of potential SCOTUS nominees.


    This story is just a rehash of the Harry Reid baseless accusation made against Mit Romney in 2012.  When the Dems or their media allies make an accusation, there is no need to back it up with evidence, and it forces a defensive posture on the person being accused.  I accuse Joe Biden of being a pedophile based on all the pictures of him fondling and sniffing young girls.  

    So you are saying the entire tax transcript leaked is fabricated? 

  5. 6 hours ago, Voice of Reason said:

    It's been quite awhile now since we were discussing hospital overwhelmedness, so I thought I'd share today's numbers:


    17,254 beds available.  43,609 in use (2,104 are covid patients, down from the original 9,000 plus and the 7,145 above) 28.3% available. <<< 955 more beds total as compared to 7 Aug>>>


    If you take the 955 beds out of the equation, that would put today's hospital load with 26.8% available beds.  Not really all that much different than when covid was a raging fire in Florida.  My postulation that the hospitals were nowhere near being overrun by covid still stands.

    I think doctors know so much more about covid-19 July  to  October than they did Feb to July that would profoundly impact capacity issues. Remdesivir as a treatment and holding off on intubation are two factors that have helped. It still a hella wicked disease tho.

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