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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. "I release the following information with the permission of President Donald J. Trump.

    President Trump continues to do well, having made substantial progress since diagnosis. This evening he completed his second dose of Remdesivir without complication. He remains fever-free and off supplemental oxygen with a saturation level between 96 and 98% all day. He spent most of the afternoon conducting business, and has been up and moving about the medical suite without difficulty. Well not yet out of the woods, the team remains cautiously optimistic. The plan for tomorrow is to continue observation in between doses of Remdesivir, closely monitoring his clinical status while fully supporting his conduct of Presidential duties."

  2. Live updates: WH chief of staff says Trump’s vitals over past 24 hours are ‘very concerning

    The White House on Saturday created a startling amount of confusion on the timing of President Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis and the status of his health through a series of conflicting statements, injecting an extraordinary degree of uncertainty into the nation’s understanding of the president’s condition and who may have been exposed to the deadly virus.

    At a Saturday morning news conference, members of Trump’s medical team at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center said the president is fever-free and that they are “extremely happy” with the progress he has made. But Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, said Trump went through a “very concerning” period over the last day.

    “The president’s vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning, and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care,” Meadows said. “We’re still not on a clear path to a full recovery.”

    Trump’s medical team also suggested the president knew he tested positive for the coronavirus earlier than had been reported. Sean P. Conley, Trump’s physician, said we are “72 hours into the diagnosis,” meaning the president could have tested positive as early as Wednesday. And the team refused to answer key questions about when the president was first diagnosed and first symptomatic, and whether he had received supplemental oxygen.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    Not sure what the goal of the O2 question was?  I admit the doc acted like he was hiding something, at least being evasive, but he eventually said Trump wasn't on O2 today, yesterday, nor Thursday.   But... what if he WAS using it at some point, say when he was first diagnosed?


    I'm sure his group are tested almost daily.  Barring a false negative (or even a false positive with follow-up tests), they probably know much quicker than any of us would know.

    I want to hear the straight story from Mark Meadows or the VP.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    Based on what?  Which recent former past president faced a hostile media as much as Trump?  Regardless, there Is news.



    Yeah , the statements don't square, the doctor says he is 72 hours in. That means he was diagnosed Wednesday.


    " He is not on oxygen now.."


    These doctors are not being straight. Why?




  5. 34 minutes ago, Steeleballz said:


      Three senators tested positive for Covid-19 now. Hopefully this is a reminder for people who are getting complacent with this. Everyone is susceptible. Fall is here. There was always the concern that the virus could spread more efficiently in colder temperatures. This is still a high risk illness that can be deadly. Vaccines are just around the corner now. It's not the time to get lackadaisical.

    I appreciate the reminder, and we should take caring for ourselves AND each other deadly seriously.


    On the other hand "vaccines just around the corner" seems overly optimistic it will take months to achieve a ramp up even if we do have a proven vaccine. I am not trying to start a fight, just being realistic. Q2-Q3 seems possible.


  6. Trump's campaign manager tests positive for Covid-19


    Updated 1:05 AM EDT, Sat October 03, 2020

    (CNN)President Donald Trump's campaign manager Bill Stepien has tested positive for coronavirus, according to a senior official, becoming the latest figure in the President's inner circle to be infected with Covid-19.

    Stepien received the results of the test on Friday night and is suffering from what the official described as "mild flu-like" symptoms.

    Stepien traveled to Cleveland with the President and his team on Tuesday for the first presidential debate and was seen in close proximity to Hope Hicks, the President's top aide who also tested positive.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Steeleballz said:


      High risk group, most not wearing masks, no social distancing. They just got too complacent. A shame to see such poor judgement at a supreme court ceremony.

    Straight talk, the lack of masks, not distancing... that continues with this group today.  The chief of staff came out to tell the press corp that the president had symptoms this morning WITHOUT A FRIGGIN MASK!

  8. 4 minutes ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Thanks for searching for that, for me 

    I am not even sure that article has the whole story. For example today a story surfaced about an election in Minnesota that is delayed until January according to state law. Do we know that every state can handle the incapacity or death of the Presidential candidates? I am not so sure. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Question for you smart people.  What happens if Trump is in a coma at election time.


    What happens if god forbid he should die a few days before the election,?

    I am not smart, but I know about smart people.


    This breaks it down:




  10. 5 minutes ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Too funny Press conference in 2 weeks



    “My recovery was the fastest ever. I had the most tremendous recovery. Nobody in the world recovered faster than I, nobody”

    “All the Dr.’s said what a great recovery I had”

    “And I mean, to tell you the truth, it wasn’t even that bad. I mean, it could have been real bad, for most people it is. But I have the best immune system ever, that’s what the Dr’s told me. I have the best immune system from anyone they’ve ever treated.”

    “I bet you sleepy Joe wouldn’t be here if he caught the China Virus”

    Spot on.I think we can get you a job in the Whitehouse. Could I ask you to phoneticize some words? Like  fastus ever,  Gina Virus?

  11. https://www.mediaite.com/news/white-supremacist-daily-stormer-founder-heard-trumps-stand-by-comment-as-chilling-command-get-ready-for-war/


    Andrew Anglin, founder of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, interpreted President Donald Trump’s “Stand back and stand by” remark as an unambiguous call to arms, writing on the site that the command “gave me shivers.”

    Anglin wrote a lengthy, gushing commentary about Trump’s performance in Tuesday night’s presidential debate, and particularly the moment moderator Chris Wallace and former Vice President Joe Biden pressed Trump to explicitly condemn white supremacists and right-wing militia groups.

    “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by,” Trump said, in a remark that prompted widespread outrage — and online celebration from that extremist group’s members. You can count Anglin in the latter category.

    Halfway through his commentary — which included anti-Semitic bile directed at Wallace — Anglin described the exchange, then wrote “He didn’t condemn anyone, and he didn’t tell them to stand down – he told them to stand back and to stand by.”

    Anglin wrote that he interpreted the remark as “wait until I give the signal,” then added “I got shivers. I still have shivers. He is telling the people to stand by. As in: get ready for war.”


  12. Axios:

    44 mins ago - Politics & Policy

    Mark Meadows: Trump experiencing "mild" coronavirus symptoms

    Orion Rummler



    President Trump is experiencing "mild" coronavirus symptoms after testing positive, a maskless White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told reporters on Friday.


    Why it matters: The president is at high risk for a severe COVID-19 infection, due to his age at 74 and his body mass index, which puts him just over the line into obesity, as recorded in his last two annual physicals.


    What they're saying: "The president does have mild symptoms. ... He continues to be, not only in good spirits, but very energetic," Meadows told reporters.


    "We've talked a number of times this morning. I got the five or six things that he tasked me to do, like I do every single morning. He is certainly wanting to make sure that we stay engaged."

    "The doctors continue to monitor both his health and the health of the first lady," he said, noting that updates could come later on Friday.

    "I have mild symptoms but overall feeling good. I am looking forward to a speedy recovery," First Lady Melania Trump tweeted.

    Of note: Meadows did not answer reporters' questions on Trump's medical regimen. When asked why he was not wearing a mask, Meadows said that he had taken a coronavirus test, but did not specify when.


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