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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. 46 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    You take what you get.  If you want more personal information on the President it is up to you to dig for it.  I would love to have more personal information on both Trump and Biden with respect to their physical and mental abilities.  Beyond that we rely on the Constitution to protect the continuity of government.

    You get the transparency in government that you speak up for.

    5 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Results of what? 


    And I think you're trying too hard to find something to take issue with. 

    Then ignore my comments.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    And why haven't/weren't these demands made of Biden or RBG?


    Very easy to spot nonsense.

    Neither of those folks occupy the Whitehouse. Biden has provided the results of two tests post debate. What do you want?


    Very easy to spot a smokescreen.

    45 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    You're saying the doctor is lying?

    The doctor contradicted himself and Mark Meadows.

  3. President Donald Trump’s doctor, delivering his second evasive press conference on the president’s health in two days, said Sunday that Trump has been treated with a steroid after his oxygen levels dropped twice since he was diagnosed with COVID-19.

    That new information suggests that the president’s condition is more severe than previously disclosed, despite the rosy picture painted by his medical team — who still suggested that Trump could be discharged as soon as Monday.

    Dr. Sean Conley also had to address the contradictory statements that had come from him and White House officials on Saturday, at one point admitting he was trying to “reflect the upbeat attitude” that officials, including Trump, wanted to portray.

    Conley insisted Sunday that the president “has continued to improve” but that over the course of his illness, he had “experienced two episodes of transient drops in his oxygen saturation.”

    Conley said that the president’s medical team “debated the reasons for this and whether we would even intervene.” The team then initiated a treatment with dexamethasone.

    Trump received his first dose of dexamethasone on Saturday and his medical team said the plan is to continue with the treatment “for the time being.”



  4. 42 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    Probably because it's not our business.  Much like we don't get updates on patients in hospitals across the US that are not our family members.  (And what would hourly updates do for you, if they WERE to share them with the world?)


    I know you're concerned, and obviously it's important to all of us, but you have to realize that there are two things working against your desire for more information... HIPAA and National Security.  There are people out there who SHOULDN'T know his medical status.  And there are also markets that could be thrown into chaos if the wrong info was allowed to become public.

    He will be back in the WH in a couple of days most likely, and we can all go back to hating him again.

    National security is not served when the Chief of staff says one thing about vitals and oxygen and the doctor contradicts himself.


    We are getting smoke thrown at us. 

  5. Updates:

    Dr. Sean Dooley, another member of the president's medical team, said Sunday that Mr. Trump is no longer complaining of shortness of breath and is "walking around." The president said in a four-minute Twitter video on Saturday night that he is feeling "much better" and thinks he'll "be back soon."

    When did we hear from a doctor yesterday that the president was complaining about shortness of breath and not able to walk around? 

    This rolling disclosure on the president's health is concerning.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    A hint of that is in the original reply to your first post asserting "random twitter trolls", and it's coupled with a screenshot with specific things circled. Might want to find it. It was a direct retort to your assertion, and coupled with a question, which to this point, you still refuse to answer. "Random" how? "Trolls" how? It's not a difficult nor trick question. You take all the time you need. 

    So you just love quoting Gabriel Sherman. Got it, in no way was there an element of snark.   That's cool, I hereby retract my assertion that Gabriel Sherman is a random twitter troll. Do you feel better?

  7. 1 minute ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    A hint of that is in the original reply to your first post asserting "random twitter trolls", and it's coupled with a screenshot with specific things circled. Might want to find it. It was a direct retort to your assertion, and coupled with a question, which to this point, you still refuse to answer. "Random" how? "Trolls" how? It's not a difficult nor trick question. You take all the time you need. 

    It is obvious some were 'trolled" by his post, "random" is with all of the thousands of posts tonight on that topic, why pick that one? Curious minds want to know.


    What is your reason for posting Gabriel Sherman?  Maybe it was just  a random impulse, but I shouldn't speak for you.

  8. 1 minute ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    I asked where's the "random" and "troll" part? How are they a troll and how are they random? I didn't say I was "onboard with" them.

    I am just trying to figure out why would you would repost Sherman and Vanity Fair as a source of what is happening with the President.  I don't think you agree with his viewpoint, but maybe you do.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    He posted a tweet, and you asked him why he was posting random twitter trolls, and he replied with evidence it wasn't just some random troll.  Don't you remember that?



    Exactly! why quote random twitter trolls? There is so much timely and accurate and timely information coming from the Whitehouse. 


    Besides Vanity Fair has been called out time and time again as fake in this forum.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    The one you quoted minutes ago and called "random twitter troll", before refusing to answer what that is and passive-aggressively calling me a VJ troll instead. Still awaiting what your criteria for random twitter troll is. 

    Who called you a VJ troll? Seriously? You are one of our " guiding lights" here. What is the latest from the Whitehouse or have they all gone to bed?

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