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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/520451-gop-sees-falling-trump-stock-as-growing-threat-to-senate-majority


    Republicans are growing increasingly worried that President Trump's slide in the polls following his COVID-19 diagnosis, coupled with an outbreak at the White House, is posing a major threat to their Senate majority.

    The presidential campaign has quickly become one of the most tumultuous in modern history, but there's more than enough turmoil and uncertainty to go around as both parties battle for control of the Senate.

    One of the main concerns for Senate Republicans is Trump's cash crunch, which has forced him to cut back on advertising in key battleground states at a time when Senate Democratic challengers are projected to significantly outraise GOP incumbents heading into the final stretch.

    Another challenge for Republicans is the expanding battleground map, with traditionally red states such as Alaska, Kansas and South Carolina becoming more competitive as Democratic incumbents in Michigan and New Hampshire build comfortable leads. 

  2. UNO Reignites Stacking Controversy, Confirming You Also Cannot Stack +2 on +2

    Except when you’re playing street rules.
    By Nicolaus Li · 2 days ago in Entertainment



    Following last year’s stacking pandemonium, the chaotic minds at UNO have returned to Twitter to confirm that you cannot stack a +2 card on at +2 card. Taking to Twitter to make the announcement, as some players believed last year’s controversy only dealt with +2 card stacking on a +4 card. According to the official rulebook, the use of +4 or +2 card simply means the next player must draw and lose a turn.

    To no one’s surprise, a tweetstorm came followed leading to whoever is running the official UNO Twitter account to delete the post. Users on the social media platform were quick to once again voice how “house rules” are greater than what is written in the official rulebook. After deleting the initial post, the UNO Twitter account reposted the announcement with an additional note that the message came from management.

    Check out the announcement and some of the responses from players on Twitter below.


  3. 5 minutes ago, Nitas_man said:

    Please by all means mix and mingle now this month.  Before you vote.  It’s just a wu-flu hoax and it disappeared by easter anyway


    Remember:  the cure for stupid is a team of 10 doctors and (7) different meds 👍 The 2017-2020 obamacare replacement plan will pay for all that because its the bestest most fantastically put together plan by the very smartest people 👍

    Zinc and fishy tank medicine as a prophylaxis, I heard some one say, to be safe.

    1 minute ago, Nitas_man said:

    Nope, ima mask up and do the deed

    Kickin' it old school, respect.

  4. 1 hour ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Reporting period.. week. 


    Death/recovery (either died or didn't, was hospitalized or wasn't) are the only unequivocal outcomes, the rest you cite aren't in these statistics and likely for privacy/difficulty to quantify reasons. Also, I do have family with the virus, and appeal to emotion isn't a substitute for awful arguments. 


    For the people with serious health issues that the virus tends to kill, yes. Beyond that, what you call prevention such as the mask obsession doesn't show any difference as per the comparisons I cited. 


    It's not terrible either. What matters from what we can see is recovery (i.e. not death).


    Not when nearly all recover from it just fine. Hyperbole and obsession with products has nothing to do with science, nor logic. Hence my statistical arguments demonstrating it. Unfortunately these obsessions and political confirmation bias misdirects people from other possible causes+solutions, almost as if some prefer the few deaths they're invoking appeal to emotion to try and fruitlessly win debates with.

    "Nearly all?"

  5. 1 hour ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    They have everything to do with it.

    Not unless you provide a timeline for deaths between two populations.



    "Cases" doesn't mean a whole lot by themselves.

    Death is one outcome, recovery with no affects is another, recovery will mental or physical impairment is another. Cases of covid-19 mean everything if you or a family member have the disease. What an obtuse statement.






    Deaths do. Iowa's death rate (or fatality rate, whatever you want to call it) as I pointed out is still lower than Arizona's even after their mask requirements.


    Preventing cases of covid-19 is the best way to prevent deaths, and other impairments from covid-19, duh.




    They've also not had mask requirements at all, and Arizona's has always been higher. It clearly points to other issues that have nothing to do with masks.

    Cases in Iowa are increasing. That is not good.




    You just don't like it because you want to dictate the terms of debate, as I've noticed here and in other topics, and it doesn't work on me. 


    Logic and Science don't impact some  who continue to spread disinformation about this disease. Now we are told getting covid-19 doesn't "mean much"



  6. 11 hours ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Yes it is. Now try responding to my post. 

    No.  The points are BS and have nothing to do with the original CDC report. Iowa did not start with a high rate of infection and then drop. Arizona did and it corresponded with the timeline of adding masks and bar closures.  New cases have been trending up in Iowa. Nothing is driving cases down in Iowa.


  7. Here is a social media profile for Barry Croft, one if the arrested.




    In a social profile verified by date of birth, Croft wore a tricorn hat and a sweatshirt with the insignia of the Three Percenters, an armed anti-government movement. Croft's online footprint shows what appears to have been years of involvement in armed movements.

    In 2016, while he was living in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, Croft pushed pro-Trump conspiracy theories that absolved Russia of meddling in the 2016 election, calling investigations of Trump an "uprising."

    Croft added that he would be willing to fight for his beliefs and that he would be joined by millions of others, adding that they had more firearms than their perceived enemies.

  8. 3 hours ago, Boiler said:

    The mass numbers are on the ANTIFA/BLM side and that is why they inevitably get the focus, but they certainly share very similar views.


    Not sure if I can find it now but I remember reading about Europe in the 20's and 30's and there were many Politicians that fluxed between Communists and Fascists.

    That mass numbers if what exactly?


    You don't have information that ties the arrested to Antifascists or Black Lies matter. Some are directly linked to white supremacy so that would be a laughable rumour.

  9. 5 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    What day is it in Portland?  And didn’t they take over a portion of Seattle?

    What happened in Seattle or Portland did not involve conspiracy to kidnap a public official. If I am wrong, show me where it did.  It seems that any chance to distract from the fact that right wing terrorists even exist is causing some to take leave of common sense.

  10. 2 hours ago, Voice of Reason said:

    You seem to know a lot about the personal beliefs of these 13 arrestees, how is that?  The only one I have seen mentioned in this thread, with video proof, is anti-Trump.  In the past few months, most of what I have seen is a group is either pro-Trump and is NOT antifa or BLM, or they are anti-Trump and either antifa or BLM.  

    You don't have a connection between antifa and the men who were arrested. Some might say that idea was made up.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    Are you serious right now?  Since WHEN did antifa support Trump?  You mean to tell me these 100+ days of riots in Portland are in support of the president???

    Yes I am serious, the president's tweets are a huge liability for this country.

    Are you saying the rioters in Portland are connected to the plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan?

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