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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. 3 minutes ago, Cyberfx1024 said:

    Ok, I just got done talking with a coworker about the Trump townhall last night. She is a registered Independent but aligns more with the Right and hates Trump because she is from NYC. She was asking me about who "that woman was last night" and commented that she came off as a very argumentative not facilitative at all. 

    An Trump comes across as a bully. She was doing her job and shouldn't be a doormat. 



  2. 4 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Good try, but not signaling how virtuous they are by "disavowing" some irrelevant group of social media conspiracy theorists one has little knowledge of just because someone demanded they do. I think Trump is smart enough to know that even giving them what they want doesn't stop them from demanding it again over and over. And, of course, it does nothing. Hence "signaling".. there's nothing virtuous about it, which is why the left loves it.

    200 Republican candidates this year is not "irrelevant". QAnon is it's own epidemic.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Excellent. Glad he's not spending his time virtue signaling against anyone the left want to give attention to while ignoring actual extremists rioting across the country. 

    If by "not virtue signalling" you mean babbling incoherently acknowledgement that QAnon is against pedophilia but not knowing anything about them... then yeah he did that.

  4. ehttps://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-refuses-to-denounce-qanon-at-nbc-town-hall?ref=authormails are linked to a foreign intel operation
    One email, which has not been confien Joe Biden and a rep from a Ukraine firm that once paid his son Huntereds examid Hunter Biden emails are linked to a foreign intel operation
    One email, which has not been confirmed to be authentic, suggested a meeting between Joe Biden and a rep from a Ukraine firm that once paid his son Hunter.eds examining whether alleged Hunter Biden emails are linked to a foreign intel operation

    One email, which has not been confirmed to be authentic, suggested a meeting between Joe Biden and a rep from a Ukraine firm that once paid his son Hunter.
  5. 2 hours ago, JoBri said:

    No, freedom of speach is one of those little things you have to surrender in a communist society. And no matter how you try to wrap it up, it is just that. It is what the Bidens and the Sanders and the AOCs and the Harrises all  wish for us. But there are countless numbers of us who will never give in. The opposition is strong. We are many. We will not surrender our freedoms and liberties peacefully, like sheep.  We will resist a takeover, a coup, of this great country.  And sadly, if those who wish to defend the Constitution and this great nation fail, I fear that this great nation may soon fall. Because all the things that made it great will be swept away by the ignorant mob who think they know better. Then there will be nothing left for anyone

    Okay you are resisting a coup. What about, say, God forbid, the electoral college and the popular vote favor Biden/Harris. Will you honor the wishes of the majority/plurality?

  6. 29 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    Not yet.  Haven’t seen the FBI denying the story of the handing over of the HDD anywhere so far.  Guess we can only wait and see.  Hopefully before the election.

    Comey 2.0? 🤣 I smell another sham.


    I doubt that is going to impact anything this go, Trump has lost Women, Seniors and Suburban voters. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    I am sure the technicians recovering the laptop will know.

    So no , we have no idea who owned, accessed, used, dropped off, owned, or had in their possession the original laptop and we don't know much about who or how the drive was copied and how it compares to what the FBI.



    So, back to the $50,000 monthly salary.... legit, or not?

    I have no idea. I have always maintained K street types are paid too much. 

  8. https://www.ajc.com/politics/poll-biden-takes-significant-lead-in-georgia-for-first-time/IGIUJZT7SVAJTN63ALZM65BPDU/


    Former Vice President Joe Biden has pulled ahead of President Donald Trump in the race for president in Georgia, according to the latest poll from Quinnipiac University. With early voting already underway in the state, the poll showed Biden at 51% and Trump at 44%.

  9. Has anyone offered proof that the laptop in question was ever in the possession of Hunter Biden or any of his associates/ family? The entire story seems dodgy.

    13 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Here's to hoping this gets somewhere:







    Ideally Trump files an emergency lawsuit before election day to hit the social media companies and it's then heard by a newly seated Barrett. 


    In any sensible reading of section 230, undoing the broadening of their ability to behave as a publisher without being treated as one is elementary.


    You also have Facebook admitting to being a publisher, and the targeted malicious way competing social media sites engage in publishing activities when they single out and modify so many of Trump's posts (just as one example) to reduce his audience. Unequivocally a publisher.


    Under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, tech platforms have immunity from lawsuits arising out of their decisions to host (or not to to host) user-generated content. Unlike publishers, which are liable if their writers defame someone, a tech platform is not held liable for content created by its users.
    Yet Facebook appears to be jettisoning this categorization in its court filings, saying it has a First Amendment right as a publisher not to carry Loomer’s content.
    Via Facebook’s legal filings (p2):
    Under well-established law, neither Facebook nor any other publisher can be liable for failing to publish someone else’s message.
    This contradicts public statements made in a Senate hearing last year by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who insisted that Facebook is a platform and not a publisher



  10. 58 minutes ago, laylalex said:

    There's nothing in that story though that says ballots were included in the mail that wasn't delivered. It says:

    I decided to see what else I could find on this.


    So there was one ballot application dumped by another carrier, but no ballots. Troesch's load did not include any ballots. We have no idea what were in the other bags, so we can't say one way or another that this guy was interfering with the vote. Potentially the other guy was in the sense that there was an application that wasn't delivered. But that's it. I prefer not to speculate, it can lead to incorrect conclusions.

    Stop trying to confuse us with facts 🤣

  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/barr-unmasking-review-no-charges/2020/10/13/0f63fd2e-0d67-11eb-8074-0e943a91bf08_story.html

    The federal prosecutor appointed by Attorney General William P. Barr to review whether Obama-era officials improperly requested the identities of individuals whose names were redacted in intelligence documents has completed his work without finding any substantive wrongdoing, according to people familiar with the matter.

    The revelation that U.S. Attorney John Bash, who left the department last week, had concluded his review without criminal charges or any public report will rankle President Trump at a moment when he is particularly upset at the Justice Department. The department has so far declined to release the results of Bash’s work, though people familiar with his findings say they would likely disappoint conservatives who have tried to paint the “unmasking” of names — a common practice in government to help understand classified documents — as a political conspiracy.

    The president in recent days has pressed federal law enforcement to move against his political adversaries and complained that a different prosecutor tapped by Barr to investigate the FBI’s 2016 investigation of his campaign will not be issuing any public findings before the election.


    Virginia Governor Was Also a Possible Target of Anti-Government Plot, F.B.I. Says



    Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia was discussed as a possible target by members of an anti-government group charged last week with plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, the F.B.I. said on Tuesday.

    During a hearing in Grand Rapids, Mich., Special Agent Richard J. Trask II of the F.B.I. said that Mr. Northam and other officials were targeted because of their aggressive lockdown orders to restrict the spread of the coronavirus.

    Last week, 13 men accused of involvement in the alleged plot were charged with a variety of state and federal crimes including terrorism, conspiracy and weapons possession.

    During Tuesday’s hearing, the authorities revealed that the suspects also spoke about “taking” the Virginia governor “based” on coronavirus lockdown orders that restricted businesses.

    The F.B.I. alerted members of Mr. Northam’s security team throughout their investigation, Alena Yarmosky, Mr. Northam’s press secretary, said in a statement. The governor was not informed, “per security protocols,” Ms. Yarmosky said, but added that “at no time was the governor or his family in imminent danger.”

    Mr. Northam, a Democrat, issued a statewide stay-at-home order on March 30, instructing residents to leave their homes only for work, medical appointments, family care, shopping for essentials and “outdoor activity with strict social distancing requirements.”

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