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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. 1 hour ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    It will be overturned.  From my reading of it SCOTUS turned it around for procedure reasons. Without ok the law

    No from my understanding 

    Most likely in the long run, in the meantime many patients and health care providers will be caught in the middle. 


    Politically, some republicans are in denial of what this means at the ballot box, others get it. 

    Just now, LIBrty4all said:

    No, I make better choices than to have been in that situation.

    Ahh, you are a man. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Neonred said:

    Well it seems we can at least say that the author of the article, Laura Bassett, is a hysterical woman.


    4 hours ago, LIBrty4all said:

    I've purchased houses, and vehicles, and made big business decisions in far less than two weeks.  If I didn't want a child, I could easily make that decision in a few hours, and still have 13 days and a few hours left over.


    Since you seem to disagree with the new TX law, what do YOU consider is a reasonable timeframe after which abortion shouldn't happen?  I have heard arguments from "missed period" up until birth.  But life begins far, FAR before birth, I think we can agree.  

    And of course, there are the medical reasons, but let's not go there for this thread.  That should occur after a lengthy discussion with one's doc, and not be a part of this new law.

    Have you ever been in the position to decide on whether you need to choose or for a termination?

  3. 1 minute ago, Ban Hammer said:

    holy hyperbole, batman.
    meanwhile, abortion is still legal in texas

    Is the law a complete ban on abortions?

    The law bars abortions once cardiac activity can be detected in the embryo. This typically occurs around the sixth week of pregnancy.

    That is very early in a pregnancy, and many women do not know they are pregnant at that point. By the time a pregnant woman misses her period, she is four weeks pregnant, as doctors usually define it.

    Under the Texas law, then, a woman would have about two weeks to recognize her condition, confirm the pregnancy with a test, make a decision about how to manage the pregnancy and obtain an abortion.



  4. 12 hours ago, laylalex said:

    You still haven't told me where that earlier graphic was from. 


    Also, I'm not a statistician (maybe you are?) but from my recollection of statistics from high school you don't need a very large sample size in order to have sufficient data to provide reliable results. Not every doctor is a member of the AMA, but about there are about 240,000 members. I messed around with some numbers and a sample of 301 people out of a population of 240,000 provides a margin of error of about 5.64% with a confidence level of 95%.  You don't need to ask every person in order to determine what the actual number is, as long as the sample population is properly constructed. That's... kind of how surveys work? 🤷‍♀️ The AMA survey was split between generalists and specialists nearly evenly (150 and 151 respectively), and balancing for gender/age/region/race or ethnicity was also taken into account. 


    Also, the 96% figure has been replicated in another survey of doctors, this specifically of ophthalmologists.


    Yes but the other data set was a public Survey Monkey poll of anyone with the link by an unknown author during an unspecified time range , soooooo to be fair.

  5. For half a decade, Republicans gaslighted Democrats about Trump’s Court nominees’ views on abortion. The jig is up.



    Updated at 10:35 p.m. ET on September 2, 2021

    Last night, the Supreme Court quietly green-lit the most extreme abortion ban the United States has seen in half a century: a Texas law that prohibits abortions at six weeks from a woman’s last period, even in cases of rape or incest, and that deputizes citizens to spy on women and sue anyone who helps someone obtain a prohibited abortion.

    The rest of the states now have a road map to ban abortion almost entirely and put bounties on women and doctors without court intervention. The constitutional right to abortion until viability is no longer being enforced. Republicans have been looking forward to this moment for decades. But some have mysteriously gone quiet. Even the loudest of the anti-abortion senators, Ted Cruz, who happens to hail from Texas, had managed, as of this writing, to refrain from gloating about the victory on Twitter.

    Mary Ziegler: The deviousness of Texas’s new abortion law

    Perhaps they don’t want the big headlines, because overturning Roe v. Wade is consistently unpopular with American voters. But another motivation could explain the silence: For half a decade, Republicans—especially self-described moderate members of the party—have been gaslighting America on the issue of abortion rights, pretending they didn’t know that Donald Trump’s Supreme Court picks were always planning to overturn Roe. A central goal of the conservative judicial movement that these justices came out of is overturning Roe. The Federalist Society handpicked them for that reason. It’s a transparently phony act, one that’s now been exposed as such.


  6. Joe Biden has signed an executive order directing the Justice Department to oversee a declassification review of the FBI’s investigation into the 9/11 attack on the US.

    The order requires Attorney General Merrick Garland to publicly release any declassified documents on the attacks over the next six months


  7. Health experts keep warning against using ivermectin as a Covid treatment. Some Americans refuse to listen.

    ImageHighly concentrated veterinary ivermectin has been flying off the shelves of U.S. supply stores, despite its dangers to humans.
    Highly concentrated veterinary ivermectin has been flying off the shelves of U.S. supply stores, despite its dangers to humans.Credit...Denis Farrell/Associated Press
    • Sept. 4, 2021, 4:11 p.m. ET

    A doctor in rural Oklahoma says hospitals are backed up with patients who have overdosed on veterinary ivermectin, an anti-parasite medication. Mississippi’s health department said that 70 percent of recent calls to the state poison control center in August came from people who ingested ivermectin from livestock supply stores.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that a person had an “altered mental status” after apparently taking five pills of ivermectin — that he had purchased on the internet — daily for five days. Another person drank an ivermectin formula intended for cattle and was hospitalized for nine days with tremors and hallucinations.

    Three inmates in a jail in northwest Arkansas told The Associated Press that they were unknowingly given ivermectin among their Covid medications. The C.D.C. reported almost 90,000 prescriptions per week in mid-August, up from a prepandemic average of 3,600 per week. Veterinary supply store shelves have been emptied of ivermectin.

    Public health warnings against using the drug as a treatment for Covid-19, especially not in the large doses crafted for livestock, appear to have made little dent in its surging popularity in the United States — or in the minds of its defenders in the conservative and fringe right-wing media sphere.




    Gunshot Victims Left Waiting as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Oklahoma Hospitals, Doctor Says

    “The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated,” Dr. Jason McElyea said





    And we continue to see this stupidity promoted in this forum. 

  9. 32 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

    If you are referring to me it is not simply a narrative but is a fact. I am not the one who convinced my wife to not get the vaccine. I simply told her my view on it and told her it is up to her. She was actually considering getting the vaccine just to save her job. Her coworkers convinced her not to get it. Probably about 2/3 of her coworkers are from the Philippines just like her and a group of them convinced her not to take the vaccine. I think she feels more confident refusing it knowing she isn't alone.

    What science did her coworkers bring her that convinced her you were right?

  10. 12 minutes ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Get out of the right ditch it's full. 

    I don't think the analogy of ditches hold when we start talking psuedo science views of Covid...more like out left field or right field or out there so far it's where the fields collide...we are talking flat earth society (mixed metaphor)



    The problem is about 1/3 of the population is booking a cruise on the SS  Looney Toons ( yet another metaphor), Its some sort of mass hysteria like fanny packs or mullets, only more embarrassing and fatal.



  11. 1 minute ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Yup that is your sign. Of course any thing you post that is not driven by wild eyed conspiracy will be ignored as fake news, along with a narrative about all their health care worker friends who refuse to get it.


     But by all means let's run down to tractor supply and drink horse medicine. 

    As an aside, I love Tractor Supply. Walking those aisle fill me with great inspiration for upgrades on the home front. Last time I bought a watering trough for a horse, which is awkward bringing it home when we don't have a horse, but hey it was a great deal.   Tractor Supply is in my recommendation list for hot stocks. 

  12. 22 minutes ago, laylalex said:

    My understanding is that something like 96% of physicians are now fully vaccinated. I can look for the link. 


    Edit -- here it is: https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-survey-shows-over-96-doctors-fully-vaccinated-against-covid-19


    So over 96% last month and that number is growing. 

    But if it's so safe why not 100%? 

  13. On 8/16/2021 at 11:33 AM, Leafgal said:

    I called my insurance company and it is covered, however not all may be covered, I will be having it done at my Dr's office which is in network.


    I am getting a swab on Thursday morning as I am going to cross at Sweetgrass/Coutts on Saturday morning.  First time I have crossed since this all began, so I will update how it goes next week when I get back.  Not sure yet what I need to show Border Services, but hoping I get an email from my Dr's office and I will print that.  Unfortunately, I can't play with the CanArrive app to see.  I do have a call into CBSA in Alberta, so we will see what they say.

    How did your trip go? 

  14. 1 hour ago, camerica said:

    I read the Ontario news everyday. The Gov Id is a part of it. Also, I am not talking about barhopping and clubbing. Never stated that! You have to have this to go into restaurants as well. And we would be staying at a hotel and would be eating at restaurants. Going for coffee to Timmies etc. All I wanted to know in my initial post what others who might want to travel to Ontario thought that this passport vaccine meant for those of us who are from there and wanted to go back. Will wait for someone to experience this and state it here. 

    I want to make sure that someone reading your statement doesn't misunderstand the new rules which are about safely opening in the context of the Delta variant spreading.


    The rule doesn't affect your access to the hotel or anyplace where you can wear a mask to use the service. It doesn't affect patio service or takeout. It does affect you ability to enjoy your double double while sitting in a Tim Hortons.  I don't have a need to visit Toronto soon but I do need to Visit Vancouver regularly and Montreal soon. Undoubtedly there will be some coordination across the provinces. 


    A hassle, yes. But not as big a hassle as having an ad hoc set if rules different in every restaurant or town and definitely not as big of a hassle as getting Covid.

  15. 29 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

    Why do you assume the shop owner's religous convictions are equal to homophobia? I can as a shop owner have personal religous beliefs that homosexuality is a sin and not engage in it myself and not tailor my services specifically to homosexuality but also hold the view that it is not my place to judge but God's.

    Exactly...and others can hold the belief that love between two people of the same sex can be blessed by God while holding on to their Christianity.  Belief in healthy  same sex relationships does not equal atheism or agnosticism.

  16. 10 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    August jobs report puts Biden administration in ‘bit of a pickle’: Market expert


    I made bank betting against your bullish view on Nike. I anxiously await your next Fox and Friends stock market tip I can short.






  17. 3 hours ago, LIBrty4all said:

    If I own a business and opt to not sell something to anyone, that is my right as a shop owner.  I can also close my shop when I want, open it when I want, go on break when I want...


    What was violated in the case of the cake was the shop owner's religion.  But to the atheist or agnostic masses, I guess that means nothing.

    Why do you assume the opposite of the shop owners homophobia is agnosticism or atheism?  I can, as a merchant welcome everyone equally to do business with me AND keep my faith.

  18. 17 hours ago, jg121783 said:

    My wife is a healthcare worker and will be leaving her job soon along with many of her coworkers due to a coming vaccine mandate. They are already short staffed where she works. This is gonna be a disaster.



    Where will she work? Will she retire from healthcare?


  19. 29 minutes ago, camerica said:

    I know what I have to do to go there. I had already researched it a while back. I have a few friends who went back to B.C. However, Ontario now has that vaccine passport. That is what I was stating in my post.  I cannot even go to a restaurant because I don't have it. He also, for some reason, wants people to have the "passport" AND Ontario Government issued ID. So, I won't be going back any time soon. It is getting to be a bit too much up there. I value the freedom I have here. 

    Ah , I misunderstood where you were coming from. I understand that most of the territories and provinces will have proof of vaccination required and digital passports soon, so this is not just an Ontario thing.  I don't know about the Ontario ID thing.. haven't heard that. 


    But if you want to visit family badly enough... foregoing barhopping and clubbing might be the price.




  20. On 8/29/2021 at 3:38 PM, camerica said:

    I have missed my Mom's dying and then her funeral and burial. Have not seen my daughter in almost 2 years now. I would like to go "home" to Canada for a visit. However, I am from Ontario and now there is going to be a "vaccine passport" required by folks in order to go to restaurants, bars etc. I cannot find anything about people who are visiting Ontario. Anyone else know about this?

    I am sorry you are separated from the ones you love.


    Are you a Citizen of Canada? You just need to follow these steps


    If you plan to enter by air, rail or cruise ship, you need the vaccine for any travel. 


    If you are a foreign national 

    Are you vaccinated or can you get vaccinated? If you are not in a position to be vaccinated , you won't get in unless you have an essential visit.


    Ontario: Doug Ford just changed his mind yesterday, you need a digital vaccine  passport to visit clubs , bars or sporting events. 

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