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    ColumbusKat got a reaction from ElmiraW in Health insurance for immigrating parents   
    These are great questions to ask, but they are very particular to your situation and unfortunately medicare is very complicated.  I would recommend making a list of all your questions (about costs, timelines, etc) and calling SSA and asking these questions.  In my job I call often with clients (many who are immigrants and are unsure of how much time/credits they have) and we normally always receive very kind and thorough service.  You can tell them your situation and ask them all of these questions so you can be prepared.  Of course in 10 years who knows what medicare will look like, but it's good to know what your situation may be. 
    The national number is 1-800-772-1213.  You can also look up your local office and call them (sometimes a little faster).  Here is the website to find your office https://secure.ssa.gov/ICON/main.jsp#officeResults. 
  2. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from LegalAlienn in Filling for AOS   
    Just fyi, we moved in July (still within the same state, but would be a different local office.  Ohio actually).  We filed the proper form for moving, called USCIS 3x because we were missing mail about an interview (3 different pieces of mail), was confirmed that the address was changed each time and received emails with updates saying it was changed, but yet every time the mail was still sent to our old address.  This was over a 4 month period.  Luckily the person who moved in to our old apartment was also an immigrant and saved the USCIS mail for us.  It wasn't until we were actually at our in-person interview did the person actually change the address so that the green card would be mailed to our actual address. 
    Just one example, but something to consider that you might risk losing very important mail if you use an address where you won't receive mail anymore. 
  3. Like
    ColumbusKat reacted to IndominusRex in Parental consent   
    You are absolutely right. We will continue to treat him nicely and all for the letter. He agreed on the phone yesterday but later in the day he started telling things to my wife, you this, you that, etc. 
    She told him that she didn't want to argue with him and to think about his children and their future. No response from him since. 
    Yes, my wife is awesome. 😊
  4. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from NikLR in What are our US Visa options?   
    In case it wasn't clear, I was saying he should come to visit NOT on a k1 visa. 
    They have the enormous luxury of being able to travel between each other's countries without having to start the long immigration process (a luxury most couples do not have), so they should take advantage of it.  Covid travel restrictions are ever changing, so don't make big life decisions based on a policy that could change tomorrow.  He can come spend some time in the US and she can go spend some time with him.  I wanted the original poster to realize that her boyfriend/fiance/husband wouldn't be working for several months (9 months in my case from entry to working, which was very average) if he came on a k1 visa.  If he is not interested in spending 2-3 months with you in the US now because he wouldn't be working, then down the road a k1 visa would REALLY not be for him.  
    OP, what is your education background or goals?  If you have considered doing undergrad or graduate school, would you consider studying in Canada?  More affordable and many great programs.  Or are there any French immersion programs you could join?  Then you could spend 2-4 years together and decide to get married when the time is right for your (rather than because you want to speed up immigration.  NOT a good reason).  
  5. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from Chancy in What are our US Visa options?   
    In case it wasn't clear, I was saying he should come to visit NOT on a k1 visa. 
    They have the enormous luxury of being able to travel between each other's countries without having to start the long immigration process (a luxury most couples do not have), so they should take advantage of it.  Covid travel restrictions are ever changing, so don't make big life decisions based on a policy that could change tomorrow.  He can come spend some time in the US and she can go spend some time with him.  I wanted the original poster to realize that her boyfriend/fiance/husband wouldn't be working for several months (9 months in my case from entry to working, which was very average) if he came on a k1 visa.  If he is not interested in spending 2-3 months with you in the US now because he wouldn't be working, then down the road a k1 visa would REALLY not be for him.  
    OP, what is your education background or goals?  If you have considered doing undergrad or graduate school, would you consider studying in Canada?  More affordable and many great programs.  Or are there any French immersion programs you could join?  Then you could spend 2-4 years together and decide to get married when the time is right for your (rather than because you want to speed up immigration.  NOT a good reason).  
  6. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from SusieQQQ in What are our US Visa options?   
    In case it wasn't clear, I was saying he should come to visit NOT on a k1 visa. 
    They have the enormous luxury of being able to travel between each other's countries without having to start the long immigration process (a luxury most couples do not have), so they should take advantage of it.  Covid travel restrictions are ever changing, so don't make big life decisions based on a policy that could change tomorrow.  He can come spend some time in the US and she can go spend some time with him.  I wanted the original poster to realize that her boyfriend/fiance/husband wouldn't be working for several months (9 months in my case from entry to working, which was very average) if he came on a k1 visa.  If he is not interested in spending 2-3 months with you in the US now because he wouldn't be working, then down the road a k1 visa would REALLY not be for him.  
    OP, what is your education background or goals?  If you have considered doing undergrad or graduate school, would you consider studying in Canada?  More affordable and many great programs.  Or are there any French immersion programs you could join?  Then you could spend 2-4 years together and decide to get married when the time is right for your (rather than because you want to speed up immigration.  NOT a good reason).  
  7. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from MlgSea in What are our US Visa options?   
    Just fyi, for the K1 visa he will spend at least 6 months not working after you get married.  So if you can swing 6 months not working, do it BEFORE applying for any visa (he is Canadian so he can spend a few months in the US with you.  He won't be able to work, but could occupy himself volunteering or something while you are busy).  Way cheaper, easier, less commitment, etc.  He can see how he likes living in the US and how much you like him haha.  Then, you can decide what you want to do after. 
  8. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from Lemonslice in What are our US Visa options?   
    Just fyi, for the K1 visa he will spend at least 6 months not working after you get married.  So if you can swing 6 months not working, do it BEFORE applying for any visa (he is Canadian so he can spend a few months in the US with you.  He won't be able to work, but could occupy himself volunteering or something while you are busy).  Way cheaper, easier, less commitment, etc.  He can see how he likes living in the US and how much you like him haha.  Then, you can decide what you want to do after. 
  9. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from Bob in Boston in What are our US Visa options?   
    Just fyi, for the K1 visa he will spend at least 6 months not working after you get married.  So if you can swing 6 months not working, do it BEFORE applying for any visa (he is Canadian so he can spend a few months in the US with you.  He won't be able to work, but could occupy himself volunteering or something while you are busy).  Way cheaper, easier, less commitment, etc.  He can see how he likes living in the US and how much you like him haha.  Then, you can decide what you want to do after. 
  10. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from whiterose123 in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    I think that sentence is supposed to be taken more generally. So you are eligible because you are aos-ing from k1 AND because you are married to a USC, so all the documentation that shows you are married, applied for aos within the timeframe, and your passport with the k1 visa and i-94.  
  11. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from ccass410 in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    I think that sentence is supposed to be taken more generally. So you are eligible because you are aos-ing from k1 AND because you are married to a USC, so all the documentation that shows you are married, applied for aos within the timeframe, and your passport with the k1 visa and i-94.  
  12. Haha
    ColumbusKat reacted to Letspaintcookies in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    Should have checked the LFO processing times before deciding to go on with our relationships 😂😂😂
  13. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from Bars&Saqi in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    Hello all! So we were originally scheduled for our interview for August 18th, but about a week before the interview it was cancelled.  We were rescheduled after a couple months and had the interview on Tuesday.  I brought SOOOO MUCHHH INFO and they didn't ask for anything! The only thing the interviewer looked at was my husband's passport (he is the immigrant).  He doesn't speak much English, so we had my friend as the interpreter via phone (he said I couldn't interpret which is what I was expecting).  The interviewer only asked the questions from I-485, husband was in the military in his country so he asked what his job was in the military, asked when we got married, where we got married, and that's it.  We had moved in July and so we gave him the new address (had updated USCIS like 5 times, but mail kept going to the old address).  No other questions at all. 
    At the end he gave us the paper saying "we don't need anything else from you right now, we'll review your case and let you know."  I was happy they didn't ask any questions, but was so nervous to get a RFE when I had a giant binder filled with info I could give them in the interview! 
    By the time we got home (we live 3hrs from the office), our "case status" switched to new card being produced, on Thursday it was "case was approved" and yesterday (Friday) it switched to "card was mailed"!
    Long story short, maybe try not to freak out as much as me! I spent so much time printing evidence, labeling photos, and getting everything together.  We've been together 6 years and I lived in his country for 4+ years with him and gave a ton of info in the k1 process, so maybe that helped? Or maybe we just got lucky.
    Anyways, thank you all for always updating! This site has been so helpful and it is so calming to be able to see other January filers were or were not getting interviews, ead, etc.  See you in August 2022 for I-751!
  14. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from andychris in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    Also, they didn't ask for it at the interview for us (but I was thinking they would so I brought it.  It cost $2 from the courthouse so well worth the peace of mind). 
  15. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from andychris in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    In my state the marriage "certificate" from the county doesn't actually matter, but the marriage "abstract" is what legally shows you're married (it's something you have to order from the county courthouse, so maybe just check your state isn't the same?). 
  16. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from nerdcouple in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    Hello all! So we were originally scheduled for our interview for August 18th, but about a week before the interview it was cancelled.  We were rescheduled after a couple months and had the interview on Tuesday.  I brought SOOOO MUCHHH INFO and they didn't ask for anything! The only thing the interviewer looked at was my husband's passport (he is the immigrant).  He doesn't speak much English, so we had my friend as the interpreter via phone (he said I couldn't interpret which is what I was expecting).  The interviewer only asked the questions from I-485, husband was in the military in his country so he asked what his job was in the military, asked when we got married, where we got married, and that's it.  We had moved in July and so we gave him the new address (had updated USCIS like 5 times, but mail kept going to the old address).  No other questions at all. 
    At the end he gave us the paper saying "we don't need anything else from you right now, we'll review your case and let you know."  I was happy they didn't ask any questions, but was so nervous to get a RFE when I had a giant binder filled with info I could give them in the interview! 
    By the time we got home (we live 3hrs from the office), our "case status" switched to new card being produced, on Thursday it was "case was approved" and yesterday (Friday) it switched to "card was mailed"!
    Long story short, maybe try not to freak out as much as me! I spent so much time printing evidence, labeling photos, and getting everything together.  We've been together 6 years and I lived in his country for 4+ years with him and gave a ton of info in the k1 process, so maybe that helped? Or maybe we just got lucky.
    Anyways, thank you all for always updating! This site has been so helpful and it is so calming to be able to see other January filers were or were not getting interviews, ead, etc.  See you in August 2022 for I-751!
  17. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from andychris in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    Hello all! So we were originally scheduled for our interview for August 18th, but about a week before the interview it was cancelled.  We were rescheduled after a couple months and had the interview on Tuesday.  I brought SOOOO MUCHHH INFO and they didn't ask for anything! The only thing the interviewer looked at was my husband's passport (he is the immigrant).  He doesn't speak much English, so we had my friend as the interpreter via phone (he said I couldn't interpret which is what I was expecting).  The interviewer only asked the questions from I-485, husband was in the military in his country so he asked what his job was in the military, asked when we got married, where we got married, and that's it.  We had moved in July and so we gave him the new address (had updated USCIS like 5 times, but mail kept going to the old address).  No other questions at all. 
    At the end he gave us the paper saying "we don't need anything else from you right now, we'll review your case and let you know."  I was happy they didn't ask any questions, but was so nervous to get a RFE when I had a giant binder filled with info I could give them in the interview! 
    By the time we got home (we live 3hrs from the office), our "case status" switched to new card being produced, on Thursday it was "case was approved" and yesterday (Friday) it switched to "card was mailed"!
    Long story short, maybe try not to freak out as much as me! I spent so much time printing evidence, labeling photos, and getting everything together.  We've been together 6 years and I lived in his country for 4+ years with him and gave a ton of info in the k1 process, so maybe that helped? Or maybe we just got lucky.
    Anyways, thank you all for always updating! This site has been so helpful and it is so calming to be able to see other January filers were or were not getting interviews, ead, etc.  See you in August 2022 for I-751!
  18. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from Meg101 in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    Hello all! So we were originally scheduled for our interview for August 18th, but about a week before the interview it was cancelled.  We were rescheduled after a couple months and had the interview on Tuesday.  I brought SOOOO MUCHHH INFO and they didn't ask for anything! The only thing the interviewer looked at was my husband's passport (he is the immigrant).  He doesn't speak much English, so we had my friend as the interpreter via phone (he said I couldn't interpret which is what I was expecting).  The interviewer only asked the questions from I-485, husband was in the military in his country so he asked what his job was in the military, asked when we got married, where we got married, and that's it.  We had moved in July and so we gave him the new address (had updated USCIS like 5 times, but mail kept going to the old address).  No other questions at all. 
    At the end he gave us the paper saying "we don't need anything else from you right now, we'll review your case and let you know."  I was happy they didn't ask any questions, but was so nervous to get a RFE when I had a giant binder filled with info I could give them in the interview! 
    By the time we got home (we live 3hrs from the office), our "case status" switched to new card being produced, on Thursday it was "case was approved" and yesterday (Friday) it switched to "card was mailed"!
    Long story short, maybe try not to freak out as much as me! I spent so much time printing evidence, labeling photos, and getting everything together.  We've been together 6 years and I lived in his country for 4+ years with him and gave a ton of info in the k1 process, so maybe that helped? Or maybe we just got lucky.
    Anyways, thank you all for always updating! This site has been so helpful and it is so calming to be able to see other January filers were or were not getting interviews, ead, etc.  See you in August 2022 for I-751!
  19. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from nerdcouple in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    My husband's ead arrived June 15th and I just saw that our i-485 status was switched to "my interview was scheduled" on July 16th. It was "ready to schedule" on March 4th.  We haven't received the notice letter with the date of the interview yet. I kind of can't believe it because of all the backlogs and the probable closer on August 3rd.  Has anyone else received anything? I'm really hoping this becomes an "interview scheduled...interview cancelled...green card approved without interview thing." 
  20. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from Meg101 in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    My husband's ead arrived June 15th and I just saw that our i-485 status was switched to "my interview was scheduled" on July 16th. It was "ready to schedule" on March 4th.  We haven't received the notice letter with the date of the interview yet. I kind of can't believe it because of all the backlogs and the probable closer on August 3rd.  Has anyone else received anything? I'm really hoping this becomes an "interview scheduled...interview cancelled...green card approved without interview thing." 
  21. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from Cornflake in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    My husband's ead arrived June 15th and I just saw that our i-485 status was switched to "my interview was scheduled" on July 16th. It was "ready to schedule" on March 4th.  We haven't received the notice letter with the date of the interview yet. I kind of can't believe it because of all the backlogs and the probable closer on August 3rd.  Has anyone else received anything? I'm really hoping this becomes an "interview scheduled...interview cancelled...green card approved without interview thing." 
  22. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from Zsazsa in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    My husband's ead arrived June 15th and I just saw that our i-485 status was switched to "my interview was scheduled" on July 16th. It was "ready to schedule" on March 4th.  We haven't received the notice letter with the date of the interview yet. I kind of can't believe it because of all the backlogs and the probable closer on August 3rd.  Has anyone else received anything? I'm really hoping this becomes an "interview scheduled...interview cancelled...green card approved without interview thing." 
  23. Like
    ColumbusKat got a reaction from Letspaintcookies in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    My husband's ead arrived June 15th and I just saw that our i-485 status was switched to "my interview was scheduled" on July 16th. It was "ready to schedule" on March 4th.  We haven't received the notice letter with the date of the interview yet. I kind of can't believe it because of all the backlogs and the probable closer on August 3rd.  Has anyone else received anything? I'm really hoping this becomes an "interview scheduled...interview cancelled...green card approved without interview thing." 
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