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  1. Thank you. My husband will apply for his US passport next week or so. You all are very helpful thank you again. I will keep in touch with the outcome
  2. To give more details.... My husband's dad was petitioned by his sister. Husband's dad came to the US alone, leaving two very young kids in the Phils. Husband's dad become US Citizen in 1990 and husband and his sis joined him here in the US in 1992.
  3. Husband's sister did not get a US passport. She sent N-400, and USCIS asked for sooooo many other documents. like their mom's death certificate, people verify that their mom and dad live together etc....and She did not able to comply those. Now, she has a Phil passport and green card , same goes with my husband just a green card and phil passport. But we would like to apply for US passport for my huband. thank you.
  4. I just saw his dad's Naturalization Certficate. He was naturalized in 1990 and my husband came to the US in 1992 actually. So N400 then? My husband's sister filed N400 before and it bounced back saying that she is already a US Citizen. My husband and his sis came together in the US in 1992 , both minors at the time. DOB of my husband is year 1977 and his sis 1975. What I am confused of is why is his sister's N400 did not work? thank you
  5. Thanks for your response. How would we know if he already is a US citizen or not? Any site we can visit? Or number to call?
  6. Hello. His mother was not a US citizen. My husband was born in the phils, his mom died when he was only two years old. Yes his father a naturalized citizen in 1987. My husband came to the US in 1995 at age 15
  7. Hello everyone, need your help. My husband came here in the US at age 15, petitioned by his US citizen father. His mother died when he was only two. His bday is Feb 1977. Can he apply for US passport? Never has a US passport, he has phil passport and green card. Is he already a US citizen thru his father? How would we know if he is? Thank you all
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