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Posts posted by margie07

  1. hello my name is margie i am new to this site. my journey however is very similar and it is wonderful to know there is support for our experiences this is not easy. i am waiting for my beautiful husband to come here to be with me he is in san pedro, dominican republic. i am actually going to see him again in 11 days for 2 weeks and i am so excited i can't even talk!!!

    my time line so far is as follows:

    we met in june of 06

    i returned in aug. to see him again

    we married on oct. 7th of 06

    i retunred again in jan. 07

    i returned again in april 07

    i then filed the i130 in april received the noa

    then in early may filed the 129f

    received the first noa on may 24th 07

    then on june 5th of 07 received another letter from the CSC saying that vermont sent the petition there for speedy processing.

    to date that is the last i heard.\

    i hired a visa service called APvisa out of ILL. to file all of my paperwork according to him it should take approximately 6-7 months from my first receipt letter of the 129 in may for my husband to have his interview date i am hoping by the end of the year we will be together. i hope after visiting with him now for 2 weeks when i return it will be to accompany him to the embassey for his interview. i also no a family in my neighborhood who have people going threw the process now and who have just recently done it and he also said it should take about 8 months total if there are no delays and your paperwork is correct and with having an agency do it for me i am hoping i have no set backs.

    is there anyone that may read my experience and have any in put based on experience that they can share with me. i wish every one that has a loved one far away the best of luck, i no how difficult lonely and heartbreaking this can be. we should all ne supportive of each other and help one another as best as we can.

    Yes we should all stick together and provided moral support (and some light hearted competiveness perhaps? :) )!

    My husband (oh I love saying that :) !!!) posted I-130 for me and the children on 23rd May :thumbs: . He is not able to check the mail regularly for the next couple of weeks so I am just going to relax about it all for 2 weeks! I already have the I-129f stuff put together!!

    Best of luck to you all! I'll keep you posted


    HAHAHA I agree I love saying that too! I mailed my I-130 with the USPS today (to Vermont). It's terrifying and exhilerating at the same time. We're finally in the process! I already see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    This thread is such a great idea thank you so much for starting it G&A!! I guess it's time to start on the I-129F now.. eek!

    I noticed by reading some timelines on here that when spouses finally do get the visa, many of them wait a month or two before coming over. I talked to my husband (yay!) about that tonight and he said he wants to fly out the very next day lol. I wonder why they wait so long? After putting up all the money for all the trips back and forth and all the filing fees, I can't imagine waiting another day longer than necessary.

    I filed May 17 and USCIS received on May 18 and I have not received any word yet either. Just sitting here patiently waiting.

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