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Posts posted by Kama2018

  1. 5 minutes ago, Stillwinning!!!😊 said:

    Wow!!! This is terrible! Your vawa was approved by Vermont.. this officer is just a hater! 👎 the good news is it can only be delayed but not denied! Stay positive! 

    I hope so. Thanks, dear. My kids asked me every day when we would be together, and I was almost ready to go but got an approval letter from Vermont. Now, this IO just trying to make my life more miserable only because he doesn't believe to migrants😒. He thought it is not enough what I had here in my life, and added his salt.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    I would sue that IO and also talk to their supervisor . Do you remember his/her name?

    Yeap, he gave me a decision paper with his Last name. Lawyers told me to wait until he makes a decision and then file a complaint. Also, I was told that he was a former military that's why he is acting like this, since he knows that it is really hard to get rid of him, he is protected by the government. I found a recent lawsuit against that USCIS field and that officer, exactly with the same complaint as mine. 

  3. On 10/27/2021 at 3:39 PM, hazel.60 said:

    OMG! I'm glad you were able to find out the ate, this is coming up soon! Daaaamn I probably have an interview on the 20th then... SO NERVOUSSSS


    The interview with my husband went so bad, he made it look so awefull and the officer wasn't too convinced, we got an "invitation" for the second interview... WITH THE CAMERAS!!! Sooooo I feel like they are suspicious with my marriage, do you guys think I should take a lawyer with me?

    I think I would feel safier since it is about my life... My green card! But also officers apparently aren't allowed to ask about the past, but without the lawyer they could...

    Do Not go to the interview without a lawyer. Especially if you had a second interview, and they have doubts about your marriage. I recently had an interview in Pittsburgh, and it was a total crash. I went there by myself, thinking it will not be hard. Brought my taxes, all papers. But the officer didn't care about my taxes, he said that he doesn't need them. All he cared about was to break me or bring me to the breaking point. He start questioning me from the day 1 I came to the US, how I met my husband, why didn't I go back when my marriage didn't work, that I am a bad mom, since my kids are in my country, and I don't care about them. I was in shock. He started blaming me that I am from the Russian community, who pretty good knows how to prepare papers and fool migration. I never heard about such an interview. It was a lot. He kept me for more than an hour, with his blaming game. I was trying to answer him also, but since I was alone, I couldn't tell him you have no right to talk to me like this. I was afraid he could do something worse and just tried to give answers. He told most of you migrants do these, thinking that we are in USCIS here all stupid, but we are not. bla bla bla. In the end, he told me he doesn't believe me, even my case was approved in Vermont and he has to investigate it. It has been 2 months since my interview day, and I still didn't get an answer from USCIS. So my advice, do not go there without a lawyer. It is better to have a show watcher than become a show victim of some officer, who hates migrants.

  4. On 9/30/2021 at 1:39 AM, Anujra said:


    if uscis case status says for my i-360 “card was mailed to you” without providing the tracking number for almost 4 weeks, what action should I take?


    please help me…


    I got same message, but never got an EAD card. It turned out that lawyer didn't mark that checkbox where the question about getting EAD IN FORM I360. Check you form, maybe you also don't have it checked. Some lawyers are really do not care about what are they doing 😒

  5. 11 hours ago, sandranj said:

    Bring your original married certificate, birth certificate, divorce decree, if any, if your spouse was married before you need to bring a certified copy of his divorce decree as well, your passport and bring all original documents that you submitted to USCIS in case they want to see documents showing a bonafide marriage .

    Thank you, @sandranj.

  6. 2 hours ago, Rosa Garcia said:

    Hello. Happy for your interview. :)

    What's your timeline? 

    November, 2018 - applied toVAWA / never get an RFE, only PF's every 6 month

    February, 2021 - Card is being produced

    March, 2021 - VAWA approval letter

    March, 2021 - Sent I485, I765, I131, I693

    May, 2021 - Had 2 notices about transfer to NBC and from NBC in with one day difference

    August, 2021 - Got EAD and advance parole combo card valid for 2 years

    August, 2021 - Got an interview notice for the end of August


  7. 21 hours ago, Vale1 said:


    I was sure this moment would never happen for me but… a notification with “new card is being produced” was sent tonight!! After 1004 days my Vawa was approved without any RFE. Applied on November 19 2018. Exactly 33 months. 
    im so happy and relieved. 
    now waiting for approval notice and a new card. Hope these next steps would be faster than ever! 

    yeeeey, I am so happy for you. Finally, you got it. Thank God.

  8. On 3/27/2021 at 6:01 PM, MAYgirl said:

    Hi everyone I need your help does anyone know of a civil surgeon under Uscis in Brooklyn/Queens  that's not expensive,I am calling places and they giving me ridiculous prices of 580 and 680 I am not even sure what's the regular cost should be 



    If you have insurance go to your regular doctor and ask him to do all shots needed for migration, and order all lab results. Then take results in one week and it will cost you 150 in Brooklyn, Bensonhurst (I paid 240 because of measles shot). I checked in USCIS online my zip 11214 and called through the list of doctors, and one of them told me that if I have every result they needed it will cost 140$ (I think it was some clinic starting with HUI). They told me my measles were low and If I want to get ids done. Same day they gave me sealed envelope.

  9. 4 hours ago, Fishy89 said:

    Congratulations for you approval , hopefully my case gets approved soon ! 
    No dear i didn’t contact the ombudsman .. i don’t know how can i do this .. could you please help me ?  
    i really appreciate your help 

    thanks in advance 🧡

    Thanks, you will get it soon also. 

    You can choose any option ( I chose email) but they will send response only to address on your file. But I don’t think it matters, as long as they help you. 
    Good luck to you!!!

  10. 17 minutes ago, ValeryK said:

    How long did you wait for reply from ombudsman? I want to know timeframe. I submitted request to them today, but it’s regarding my EAD

    Honestly, I didn’t get any respond from Ombudsman. When I called Ombudsman office after a month from opening case with them,  office told me that I should ask about everything from lawyer because he’s address was on my file. And when I asked ok, did you send anything so I can call and ask lawyer they told me it’s confidential and they can’t share any information. So I do not know did Ombudsman office answer or not because my lawyer doesn’t want to answer my questions 🤷🏻‍♀️

  11. On 2/17/2021 at 3:25 AM, Fishy89 said:

    Hello everyone ..


    i received my 5th prima facie today , valid for 180 days more .. please pray for me ! 

    February 2018 filler 


    God Bless you and helps you. Keep praying and asking. He is the ONE who can bring anything from nowhere. I can feel your feelings like I am you. It is so hard not knowing and waiting. 

    Did you contact Ombudsman?

    I can share my experience since I am Nov 2018 filler, and just today got online status update that Case was approved. I don't know if that helped or not, But I contacted Senator, Ombudsman and sent FOIA request in past 6 month. I remember Senator was first, than Ombudsman and same time I sent request for FOIA. I was feeling so bad, so frustrated that honestly just decide to write and do everything without waiting results from any of them. I do not know if any of them helped me but it is just for info.

    Wish you fast approval, wish everyone here who is waiting fast approval. God Bless all of us. Being migrant is not easy and all this sadness with papers makes it worst.....

    Patience for you, and know your time will come!!!

  12. 1 hour ago, Braveheart123 said:

    My younger sister pass away in my home country but unfortunately my advance parole documents is still in process as well as I am waiting for the geek card interview and it’s already out of normal processing time 

    this is

    one of the most tough moment of my

    life that even I can not attend the

    fineral of my younger sister.


    Please every body pray for her that May her soul Rest In Peace and the almighty Allah give her the highest place in heaven

    My condolences to you and your family. It is very hard and difficult time to all of you guys. But all of us in some point leave this world.... Rest in Peace to your sister and hope she already has a place in heaven and looking to you from there....

  13. 4 hours ago, Fishy89 said:

    Good morning Folks 


    any February 2018 still waiting ?? I still getting the same update from my congressman inquiries submitted on my behalf ! 
    case pending security checks now for more than a year ! And they don’t know when then process will be completed ! 
    anyone have the same problem !? 

    Thanks !  


     Hey dear. I am from November 2018, and had same response from USCIS to senator. I also wrote to Ombudsman but never heard back from them. I do not know what to do else😭.

  14. 11 hours ago, iamlost said:

    Hello, community. This is my first time posting on this forum.


    I submitted I-360 in September 2018, I-485 and I-765 in October 2018. 

    Since then I received my EAD card and renewed it twice.

    I also received my prima facie and a few weeks ago received another automatic renewal. 


    But there's no progress on my I-360. It has been 25 months. I haven't received any RFEs. My lawyer says I have to be patient and wait. But I feel lost. Anyone else is going through similar experience? I'd appreciate any insights into my situation. Thank you!

    Hi. Same story here. Filed only I-360 November 2018. Got 3 PF and since then silence. Lawyer says wait. I contacted senator last month and USCIS reply to senator was that I am in pending background check. Do not know what to do ((((

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