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Posts posted by alongwayfromhome

  1. I've not been to the UK in over two years since I moved to the US, and I finally have planned a trip back to visit in October.

    I'm worried about returning to the US from the UK for this trip I have planned next month. Could they refuse my re-entry to the US?


    I've read all the UK rules and US (CDC) requirements, and feel ok about the steps I need to take. I am vaccinated (here in the US) and happy to take tests etc.  However, I'm worried about returning to the US from the UK and any problems that might happen at the border/airport? 


    The presidential order currently in place doesn't allow British Citizens to enter the US. I will be travelling on my UK Passport in my maiden name (we married in 2019 in US, I didn't get chance to update it yet due to COVID). I will take the marriage certificate with me, as well as my permanent resident card and US drivers license. Will this be enough proof?

    The order says that permanent residents and spouses of US citizens are permitted to enter the US. Surely this is applicable in my case?


  2. 47 minutes ago, Paul & Mary said:

    Note that if you want citizenship you would now be filing after 5 years rather than 3.

    Thank you so much, that's good to know.

    If ROC goes ok, then it would be a 10 year green card, right?


    7 minutes ago, Wuozopo said:

    Then start gathering those proofs of joint finances, things showing you live together, and things that have both names on them. Find things from the beginning of your marriage onward. Typically you would file ROC just before your 2 year card expires, but once you have a divorce decree, you can remove conditions early. You may not have everything that some people had, but put together the best packet you can while you can still get your hands on things

    This is helpful, thank you! We don't have much in terms of joint things. I feel a lot of secrecy around this from my husband. We did have a joint bank account but he closed it as soon as I received the green card. I feel like it's an unbalanced situation and relationship. 


    9 minutes ago, Wuozopo said:

    Sorry it didn’t work out

    Thank you 😢 


    10 minutes ago, Luckycuds said:

    Are you both REALLY sure your marriage is over? Any thoughts on therapy? Any inkling your relationship may improve when COVID cools off? It is a stressful time for everyone; I of course do not know your specific situation. 9 months is an extremely short period of time to divorce; which no one may bat an eye with if you were both American but can definitely be questioned as an immigrant who has to present their relationship to the government.

    As others stated when you file for Removal of Conditions you file with a divorce waiver and present the evidence you have of a bonafide marriage. One reason I suggested therapy is that if it still does not help your marriage you have additional proof you guys tried to make it work. Individual therapy may be beneficial as well. 

    Thank you! Yes we did therapy for a while. I found it to be good but he was reluctant and felt that it wasn't working or worth it, plus the expense of that I think was stressful with the job loss situation. We also live with his mother and never had our own place or space during our time together here, which has been difficult. We were long distance back and forth before me moving here, so it was always going to be 'new' to live together. My self-esteem has crashed a fair bit during this relationship, I was not aware when we were dating of how much unfavourable judgment against me there would be.

    I think that's what I am worried about, how short the time frame is. It hasn't been confirmed but we have talked about it. I think it is only a matter of time and I'm trying to inform myself of my options / next steps. 

  3. Thank you so much, that's really helpful.


    3 minutes ago, geowrian said:

    You will need to show that you entered into the marriage in good faith.

    Given the timeframe here, there may or may not be some extra scrutiny. Be sure to compile and submit a good packet of evidence.


    I hadn't really thought about this, so it's something I have to look in to. Would it be worth speaking to an immigration lawyer?

  4. Hi everyone, my first time posting here...


    I'm from the UK and married my American husband 9 months ago, we entered this relationship and marriage in good faith but our marriage is not working out at all, we are both really unhappy.

    The pandemic and 2020 have thrown a lot of heartaches our way with family sickness and job losses.


    I have a 2 year conditional green card (as of April 2020) and currently interviewing for jobs.

    If we separate and divorce, do I have to notify USCIS and leave the US immediately?


    I'm really heartbroken. Please share any helpful information if you can. 

    Thank you

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