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Everything posted by powerpuff

  1. I’m aware of D/S but That doesn’t mean that you can overstay indefinitely without a ban. They made the finding at your B2 interview and that’s that You have already departed the US. That option is not available to you. If you started the immigration process while you were still in the US, then yes you could have applied and waited for a waiver stateside. However, that ship has sailed Forget about the tourist visa - that is not available to you until 2032, or possibly beyond. You have to focus on an immigrant visa. Whether or not you want to hire an attorney is a personal decision. If you don’t feel sure that you can handle the research and all that goes into preparing it, I would recommend an attorney that is well versed in I-601 waivers.
  2. ~~ Topic moved from COVID-19 Forum to Tourist visa forum as the question is around B2 ~~ Good thing is that you were honest because misrepresenting would cause a lifetime ban. This is a genuine question: did you think that overstaying for 2 years will have no consequences on your future privileges to visit? Overstaying for ONE day revokes ESTA privileges for those who don’t need a visa and will, most likely, cause a denial for B2 should they apply for that. There are NO exceptions, including COVID. Theres nothing else to do but wait out the 10 year bar. Even after serving 10 years, it’s not a guarantee you will receive a B2. If you and your USC immediate family member decide to petition you to live in the US, then you can apply for a waiver. Waivers are only available for immigrant visas.
  3. All good points. Also, she will have to get a police certificate from UK authorities to present at the interview, if overstaying is a criminal offense, it might show up there. There are too many moving parts when it comes to interviewing in a country you’re residing in illegally. If you want to take those risks, that is up to you. I would either find a way to have a lawful status in the UK or bite the bullet and wait out the process in Nigeria.
  4. That’s normal. You just need to wait. Also every applicant goes through administrative processing even if it’s not shown in the status or verbally told.
  5. ~~ Duplicate thread removed. Please do not post more than one post per related topics. ~~ ~~ Topic moved from K1 fiancé forum to Spousal visa forum as the question is about marrying and filing I-130 ~~ I believe you (US citizen) need a visa to marry in the UK.
  6. ~~ Topic moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures ~~ So you just submitted the 1040 and that’s it? Where’s the W2 that must go with it? Yes, the wife needs to sign the I-864A. You could have also updated your address by mailing the AR11 form if the online option was giving you trouble. This should have been done a long time ago, by law you’re supposed to report it within 10 days. Submit it with your RFE.
  7. ~~ Topic moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures ~~ Either wait to file until you move in with your spouse or file as is stating truthfully that you’re in Arizona. I see no other option.
  8. ~~ Duplicate thread removed. Please do not start multiple threads for same or related questions ~~
  9. I don’t prefer that as it requires someone to sign it and it can hold up the package as they can’t leave it like they usually do bc of the signature. However, it’s a minor thing. It’ll get processed eventually
  10. ~~ Duplicate thread removed. Please stop making new threads for same or related topics as that’s spamming ~~
  11. You’re very fortunate, congratulations. At least you will get a 10 year GC and will avoid having to remove conditions (I-751).
  12. Just to note though that consular interviews are never waived - it’s only for those who are seeking benefits while already in the US such as adjusting status or removing conditions on Residency. However, it does “free” up manpower so they can focus on other things like adjudicating more I-130s which would shorten the wait, not sure how effective that strategy is. They announced interview waivers months ago
  13. You have to be both married AND have been an LPR for 3 years, your spouse is required to attend the interview so USCIS can evaluate if your marriage is bona fide. If divorced, you’re eligible after 5 years of being an LPR.
  14. ~~ Topic moved from Spousal visa forum to US citizenship forum ~~ Depends if you’re still married to your spouse.
  15. That is a question you should be asking the consulate.
  16. Expedite needs to be requested at every step: NVC and consulate. You need to email them, provide details of the expedite and request an appointment.
  17. ~~ Topic moved from Process & Procedures to Progress Reports ~~ That entirely depends on which consulate it is.
  18. Yes that’s what’s probably causing the issue.
  19. Have a look at this thread where a person came across that issue when filling it out online and it cost them a major delay + fee
  20. Did you include all the relevant schedules as instructed in I-864?
  21. No. They closed their offices, they mostly operate on US soil. Your spouse would be going to a US consulate. Adjusting status is for example when someone comes on a student visa, meets someone who is a US citizen, gets married here and adjusts status in the US without leaving the country. That is not applicable to your situation.
  22. Tax transcripts ARE NOT evidence of current income, it is evidence of PAST income. NVC is correct - you need to submit evidence of CURRENT income which can be evidenced by recent pay stubs and/or employment letter.
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