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Everything posted by powerpuff

  1. Which country? That might effect the wait time.
  2. No. K1 takes 2 years She’s ineligible though as she’s married
  3. ~~ Topic moved to SSN sub-forum ~~
  4. Oops. I think my link didn’t paste correctly. Agreed, definitely out of the norm.
  5. There are tourists in Qatar, I’m sure they get by somehow and also there’s always google translate. They might even have a hotel in the airport or very close to it. The most important part is that you don’t need a visa to exit the airport I’m not familiar with Pakistan immigration and returning LPRs. If they do track it, then I would definitely get a separate ticket for Qatar (maybe even roundtrip) and then a separate one to the US.
  6. ~~ Topic moved from CR1/IR1 spousal visa forum to Working & Traveling during US Immigration ~~ this persons spouse got her ESTA approved while technically being LPR. I think it’s worth applying and seeing what happens
  7. ~~ Duplicate thread removed. Do not start multiple threads asking same or related questions (in this case Visa interview and biometric appt) as that’s spamming ~~
  8. Im saying is that you won’t have proof that you’re not deportable until you have NOA1. If you’re that worried then do not come out of the house to reduce the risk of encountering CBP.
  9. Yes it’s true Sure but you won’t have actual proof of that until you receive NOA1 in the mail. Best you can do is probably tracking/delivery receipt but that’s not really proof like the NOA1 is. This is why it’s strongly recommended to file while your I-94 so you don’t have to worry about procuring proof of authorized presence. Nothing you can do about it but sit tight and wait for NOA1.
  10. You have both options. Paying before is preferred
  11. ~~ Topic moved from CR1/IR1 forum to Effects of Major family Changes on Immigration benefits where similar issues are discussed ~~ I’m confused, you’re saying he withdrew I-485 but the letter states the beneficiary withdrew? Your husband can’t withdraw I-485 since that’s not his petition but yours You need a divorce lawyer
  12. ~~ Topic moved from CR1/IR1 form to Removing Conditions on Residency forum as this is no longer a spousal visa case but Removal of Conditions ~~ Sounds like they want to waive the interview after receiving evidence of shared marital union since you filed 2 years ago. USCIS announced interview waivers a while ago most applicants who are waiting received those
  13. It’s a recommendation, not a requirement. Its recommended to keep a copy so you can refer back to it and see what you wrote. I don’t think it would make sense to redo one to the best of your memory as it defeats the purpose. Either file FOIA or move forward without it
  14. Right, that’s a CBP document. Airlines will not risk boarding someone with an expired GC due to the fear of being fined. They sometimes don’t even board those LPRs who have an expired 2 year GC and a valid extension letter. If that’s the plan, then I advise you to book a ticket to Mexico or Canada and walk through the land border POE.
  15. Again, nobody knows how long it’ll take. If it takes months, then yes. Or as was already mentioned before, you can request your passport back to travel but I imagine that complicates matters.
  16. Every applicant has to go through admin processing so it’s not something that has to be announced. Some take days, others weeks or months. I know someone who was in admin processing for 14 months
  17. Unfortunately, COs often mislead applicants by saying things like “you’re approved” or “your passport will be ready within a week”. Those are just simply statements that you can’t rely on. It sounds like you’re in administrative process. There’s nothing you can do but wait, expedite doesn’t mean they will waive administrative processing.
  18. ~~ Topic moved from K1 fiancé visbaforum to AOS K1 visas forum as the Question is about AOS ~~
  19. Not at all.
  20. ~~ Topic moved from Bringing Family members to the US Forum to AOS work/student/tourist visa as this is an adjustment case while in the US ~~
  21. ~~ Topic moved from Process & Procedures to Progress Reports ~~ Follow the very clear instructions given in the paper. It says medical exam report. You can’t open the sealed envelope. So it’s not possible to upload them on CEAC… drop off is your only option.
  22. ~~ Topic moved from IR1/CR1 spousal visa forum to General Immigration discussion as this is a general question rather than specific to spousal visa process ~~
  23. ~~ Topic moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures ~~
  24. ~~ Topic moved from What Visa do I need forum to AOS work/student/tourist visas ~~
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