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Everything posted by powerpuff

  1. You are still a primary sponsor but yes to your question
  2. No, that is not allowed. They need qualify on their own
  3. ~~ Topic moved from Process & Procedures to Progress Reports ~~
  4. That is a good approach. I hope someone who is familiar with California police clearance will be able to give you advice. Good luck!
  5. As I said you should search and read those threads. Nobody there had actual marriage documents , they were symbolic or religious ceremonies that did not produce legal documents. Yet, they were denied because there were “too married for a K1”. Im not here to argue the wording of what constitutes a marriage, I’m aware of that. However, I’m also aware that there exists those denied cases as I’m also sure there many others who managed to bypass the interview with those unofficial ceremonies as your friend did. It all comes down to if you want to take that risk, this is your immigration journey. Im merely informing you of what I have read here on VJ. To add to that, as someone who did K1, I would definitely go with a CR1. They both take 2 years so why not choose the superior option if they take the same amount of time?
  6. Why do you need a police report from the US? (I’m assuming this is for the foreign beneficiary)
  7. Well, it seems you have already made up your mind about contacting them “continually” or “frequently” before you even posted here so no point of me contributing my opinion. All I would say there is a difference between frequent and incessant.
  8. Signed or not signed, you are considered married and thus ineligible for K1. You can search and read here about many denials for an unofficial ceremonies where nothing was signed but consulate denied their visas because for them it is considered as married.
  9. ~~ Two duplicate threads removed. Do Not start multiple threads asking same or related questions on a topic as that’s spamming ~~
  10. ~~ Duplicate thread removed. Please do not start multiple threads asking same or related questions as that’s spamming the forums ~~
  11. ~~ Topic moved from CR1/IR1 forum to AOS work/student/tourist visas ~~
  12. ~~ Topic moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures ~~
  13. If you already chatted today, why call tomorrow? It’s going to be the same answer. I think I came across a thread some time ago about someone also incessantly contacting USCIS or NVC, I think at some point they stopped responding.
  14. Properly file an immigrant spousal petition for her like everybody else. Marrying a US citizen does not mean she can just enter the US with no proper visa.
  15. Providing information on assets of account balances is optional. If your income is well above, then I would not provide info on bank account balances - we didn’t, both for I-134 and I-864.
  16. So far from what I have seen on VJ (and to me this is one of the best sources of information) only Pakistan exit controls has this very strange practice. If you search for threads about returning residents who entered the US after a long time, they were all allowed to board without issues. I personally do not think other countries will deny you boarding because they simply don’t have that practice and frankly they probably don’t care because you have all the valid documents to enter the US. I think the plan outlined in that thread I linked is the best plan that you have at this moment and unless you actually try it out, you won’t find out.
  17. You were denied exiting by the Pakistan immigration authorities, not that you were denied entry by the US. If you really wanted to, there are ways to bypass Pakistan authorities and enter the US
  18. Great points. I want to add that he needs to have continuous residence in the US for those 3 years in order to be able to naturalize and become a US citizen.
  19. No need to update NVC or USCIS. Update address in DS-160, petitioner doesn’t need to file I-865 but will need to during AOS or really at any point they move and if they’re still a financial sponsor under I-864.
  20. Whatever it says for household of 3
  21. Those are bare minimum numbers. USCIS is free to make a determination that it is not enough even if it’s (marginally) over that bare minimum number. @Redro is right, California is extremely expensive so they might find that it’s not enough as opposed to, let’s say, if you lived in Idaho.
  22. Actually it doesn’t make a difference in this case. Familiarize yourself with the visa bulletin. That determines the wait time. You're looking at minimum of 10 years for the F1 category
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