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Everything posted by MrSingle2020

  1. So online request never been answered, yesterday was the due date they had to answer, but nothing But I did reached out to them, it was hard to get through automated system but I did it, and they said that notices been sent out in March for 48 month, but since they updated my address after 4 month since I’ve submitted address change, they assuming that it just got lost, which not really make sense, as in March, management from other apartment been emailing me when they got any mail for me. So they requested new notice, but offered to put stamp, which I didn’t really wanted. So let’s see, they said 30 days to receive it
  2. You said exactly what I was thinking while reading. 😂
  3. Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. And I don’t think that numbers after 21 attached to case the way the were received. So that’s why I’m saying, numbers doesn’t mean anything. It would be huge coincidence to review 100 cases(for example) before yours and after yours, and skip completely just one.
  4. Fun fact, cases around mine are approved and card already delivered and mine still on fingerprints Also, I wouldn’t really rely on that, as case number ending in one number less in this explanation would be same day or day before, but in my case, previous number has difference in 1,5 month. And next number after mine was already approved, but on the date 1 month before mine was received.
  5. Thanks for reply. Yeah, I did filled out that online request about lost notices, says will get reply by June 14, but probably will try to call them. Ugh, haven’t called them since 2018 😂 Have you got new extension letter?
  6. Anybody have any updates on YSC cases? Interesting fact that they sent only 24 month extension, so in my case is till August this year, but I can’t submit any inquiries about the case till November this year🤔
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