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    Ririwoo37 reacted to Sego in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Good luck and definitely let us know! I’m french too and curious to see how things work as I’m preparing my travel plans
  2. Thanks
    Ririwoo37 got a reaction from Sego in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    My flight is on Thursday, I will be flying from CDG-AMS-MEX. Will keep u posted guys!
  3. Like
    Ririwoo37 reacted to Sego in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    No, it’s a European country But not part of Schengen area 
  4. Thanks
    Ririwoo37 reacted to Xurxo r in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Just got to Croatia, immigration is no problem at all, and normal life here, everything open including nightclubs and no masks to be seen.
  5. Thanks
    Ririwoo37 reacted to sl1pstream in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    If you book a return flight, make sure to cancel it on time, you don't want records to show that you left the country again.
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    Ririwoo37 got a reaction from ek1357 in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    My flight is on Thursday, I will be flying from CDG-AMS-MEX. Will keep u posted guys!
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    Ririwoo37 got a reaction from Sarah84 in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Thank you so much Sarah! I got mine at about the same price for the 11th.
  8. Thanks
    Ririwoo37 reacted to ohohoho in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    That's probably because KLM does not fly that route on Tuesday, as far as I know they fly Wednesday and Saturday. Also, I suggest getting a multi-city ticket - you can get for a reasonable increase in price - flying from Europe to MEX and then back from wherever you will be in the US at a later date, plus due to covid, I believe you can change dates for free.
  9. Like
    Ririwoo37 reacted to RD7712 in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Hi everyone,
    We made it to Mexico City!!!
    My fiancee's experience at the Vienna airport with KLM was hell though. She was on line waiting to check in her luggage. In front of her were some travelers from Slovakia. They were questioned why they were going to Mexico and responded they were on their way to the USA with work permits and will quarantine for 14 days in Mexico. The  KLM counter check-in person denied their boarding. She did not want to hear if they had visa or not to the USA, or if they were going to quarantine, but if they worked in Mexico or lived there. Then came my fiancee's turn and and when asked the purpose of her flight she said she was visiting her husband-to-be. She was refused. My fiancee put up a stiff resistance and repeated her purpose. The KLM person was adamant this was not sufficient grounds to travel because she did not live or work in Mexico. My fiancee showed the KLM rep an email I received from the Mexican consulate in Vienna some days ago. In that email I asked if there were any travel restrictions to Mexico and the consulate replied that there are currently no restrictions for Europeans to travel to Mexico, although it is recommended that the travel be for an essential purpose. Again, the counter person said that the print out email was not acceptable because it was not an official letter from the Mexican government but from a consulate. The counter person was visibly upset about getting challenged and called over a colleague to discuss. Then she made a phone call and spoke to someone. Not sure what were the details but after 30 minutes of a dramatic situation the KLM person agreed to accept the email and not only allowed her to board the flight but some other Europeans there on line who were also initially barred from check-in and boarding the plane. Her luggage checked all the way through to Mexico City. In Amsterdam not one question was asked.
    At immigration she was asked the purpose of her stay and she replied she came to meet her husband-to-be. He asked if I am Mexican and she replied no he is American from the USA but he is here in the city and in the airport waiting to pick me up.  She said she will be here for 14 days with me and will go together to the USA together. He asked where she will stay, and she said in an apartment with him. That was it. The inspections of baggage was slow because there was a long line to have the luggage scanned.  
    I took a flight yesterday from Orlando, FL to Dallas, TX. I did not have check-in luggage so I went right through security and to the gate. At the gate my name was called and they only wanted to see my passport to scan. No questions asked. 
    In Dallas, same. They called my name, I went to the gate counter and showed them my passport. No questions asked.
    I arrived in Mexico City and went through immigration and was attended by a very nice lady immigration official. Was just asked why I am visiting and how long I will stay. That's it. She stamped my passport and went through. That was at 1:30 p.m. and stayed in the airport all day till 9:30 when my fiancee and son came out through the doors.
    We had a brief scare as my fiancee realized she left her purse on the belt where the luggage goes through scanning. After realizing she left her purse there she tried to go back but was not allowed to enter through and was told she had to get a KLM rep to escort her back in. They probably did not understand her. But eventually they let her back into the luggage inspection area and there she found her purse with everything inside!
    I booked an Uber and he was there in 3 minutes to pick us up. I spoke in Spanish to driver and he was very nice. We arrived in 20 minutes at about 10:00 p.m. The ride was cheap, only about $6.50. The apartment I am staying is nice, in the colony of Polanco within the city. 
    Lesson learned: That email, although not totally giving a green light for travel because of the language of a 'recommendation for essential travel only' saved the day.
  10. Like
    Ririwoo37 reacted to Lskifghj in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Life is full of risks and you never fully know what will happen next. Life is full of surprises and things might happen for a reason. Don’t fret it things don’t work out. Always have a backup plan. 
  11. Like
    Ririwoo37 reacted to Ja3germeister in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    I'm in Mexico-City!
    Honestly still can't believe that I'm here. Stumbled upon this thread 3 weeks ago and now I actually did it. Thank you to all the people for your continuous support. 
    Here's how it went:
    Flight was packed, like as if there is no pandemic going on. Insane. KLM's service is great. Long flight but I had extra leg room so I was good hahaha. 
    Then came immigration. Long line. The lady asked me why I'm here and for how long. I said I was staying with a friend for 2 weeks and then I'm flying to the US. Didn't have to show anything. Super easy and super relieved it went that smooth. 
  12. Thanks
    Ririwoo37 reacted to RFOM in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    So guys, I am in Mexico City right now  Landed few hours ago, I am at my accommodation now! 
    I flew from Paris with AeroMexico. At the check-in they did not ask me anything about why I was going to Mexico and only checked the temperature before boarding. Flight was cool and, as flights are not full, I could take 3 seats and get some sleep (a lot of turbulence thought, scary for me who hates flying haha).
    I arrived at 3am in Mexico CIty. As soon as I stepped out of the airplane they checked temperature again. 
    At immigration I handled my passport and the immigration form filled out and they asked me absolutely nothing (maybe because I have been in Cancun last year? I dont know). I had a whole speech ready that, thank God, I did not have to use (i was freaking out haha). 
    For me it worked super smoothly! 
    I got an apartment in Polanco, which is super cool, even gym and swimming pool are opened at the building.  
    I am in Mexico City until 11th, then fly to meet my fiancee in Cancun and fly from there to Salt Lake City on 18th. 
    I will keep you posted on the 18th.
    Well, I hope my experience have given you so hope  
    P.S. Something that i was not expecting is the altitude sickness. Mexico City is 2.250 meters above sea level, so I had some difficulties breathing in the first few hours, it seems ok now!! 
  13. Thanks
    Ririwoo37 reacted to SBML in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Hey, new user here. First of all I just want to thank the brave people who already did this. You gave me confidence to do it too, and I already am in Cancún, so I thought of sharing my experience too, as the ones I read here helped me, I hope I can be of help for other people too.

    The trip I did was from Barcelona to Amsterdam and then Mexico City through KLM, and then to Cancún through AeroMexico. I don't have enough good words for the KLM staff, they were very helpful from start to finish. On the counter they just asked me my reason for travelling, I told them that was to see my fiancée, the woman asked another one if that was ok and got the confirmation that there's no restrictions in Mexico and I was good to go. I also checked 2 big bags without an issue. There in Amsterdam they only checked my passport and let me continue to take the next flight without a problem. Both flights were super chill, on the longest one they handle a bag full of snacks and drinks plus in the middle of the flight they give you a hot meal. During the arrival to Mexico, you have to fill and handle 2 papers to the officers there, one about the coronavirus and the other classic inmigration stuff, and they also ask the reason to be there, how long are you gonna stay and thats it. Then to travel to Cancún or any other place, they ask to fill again that coronavirus form and check the body temp just in case, but after that all was good, all the flights were easy to take. The only minor problem that I had is that I forgot to grab a pen to fill out the forms, but one person from KLM gave me one when I asked, so don't forget that!
    Good luck to everyone else flying soon!
  14. Thanks
    Ririwoo37 reacted to Kaatje in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Are you doing a one way ticket or return ticket? One way is very expensive. I booked a round-trip and just won't use the return leg if all goes well.
  15. Like
    Ririwoo37 reacted to Sarah84 in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    It depends on the day you are flying! I wanted to fly on the 16th, the flight was like 2000 Euros. Now I am flying on the 17th for 640 Euros. You have to try different days.
  16. Like
    Ririwoo37 reacted to Ela G. in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Sending all my positive vibes to those traveling this week!!! You can do it!!! I was REALLY anxious as well especially because I didn’t know anyone at all who had gone through the same so it was completely unknown to me and I was crying on the plane to mexico but what helped me get through it was imagining myself get through the border and being with my S.O.! Good luck to everyone!! 
  17. Sad
    Ririwoo37 got a reaction from Kaatje in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Even with going from AMS it is 2200€ I can't believe some flights were about 400€ only 2 days ago...now it seems I can't find any like those anymore
  18. Thanks
    Ririwoo37 reacted to Kaatje in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    I booked with Aeromexico AMS-MEX-CUN for the 20th. The prices are pretty cheap, especially compared to KLM. The exact same flight with KLM was twice as expensive.
  19. Haha
    Ririwoo37 reacted to ek1357 in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Keep us updated and good luck! 
    I am still deliberating the same journey but more likely on 10 June. I’d be really interested to hear how your flying experience is. 
    We will certainly be travelling with luggage however I have drawn the line at my fiancé’s golf clubs because I think that’s just taking the p*** really 😂
  20. Thanks
    Ririwoo37 reacted to dannie xox in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    I really feel positive about Trump lifting the travel ban real soon, hopefully we can all be with our loved ones whether it be directly or via another country
  21. Thanks
    Ririwoo37 reacted to thisguyflies in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Ok, everyone, let's try to learn something from my experience.
    Here's what I've deduced from what happened to me and what I advise everyone with plans on flying to Mexico does:
    1. Go to your countries largest, capital international airport
    It's obvious that there's a communication breakdown between the airports, check in operators and airlines. Interestingly, I found out that KLM operate out of Manchester via Stobart Air. There's evidently some chain of command confusion going on here. I'm really not sure how other UK airports operate, but London might have actual KLM staff at the airport who are more knowledgeable. If you're not in the UK, see if you can find out which company represents KLM at your airport. 
    2. Don't overwhelm the check-in staff with information as they might get confused
    I'd advise trying to make things simple and not pull out endless documentation when you arrive. Certainly have it ready, but only use it if you need it. You don't want to cause concern to someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. Just hope that they don't question it.
    3. Do not mention"tourism" ever to anyone. Explain that you're meeting your fiancee in Mexico (even if they don't have a flight booked)
    If you put an emphasis on this, and crucially use the word "family" (unfortunate grey area with being a fiancee), you might stand a better chance to not be lumped in as a "tourist".
    4. Try to bypass talking to check in staff if at all possible
    If you can travel with only carry on (12kg with KLM, small bag) and don't check any baggage, print out your boarding card and print out and complete the health form, you'll can probably skip talking to check in staff and go through security. You're very likely to encounter questions at the gate (perhaps by the same staff at check in), but this at least brings you one step closer to boarding.
    Note: This is speculation on my part. I spoke with somebody at the airport who told me I would be able to do this, but use your own discretion and do what you feel is best if you think you really need to talk with them at the check in desk.
    5. Get lucky and don't be unlucky
    From what I've gathered from my experience and reading what happened with other users experiences on here, there's really zero guarantee anything is going to work. I know we're all sick of our lives being put in the hands of fate like this, but this is a roll of the dice depending on the people you speak to who are the only ones who can allow you to do this. The system is in shattered pieces and we sadly have to rely on luck.
    I truly believe if you follow these steps, you stand the best chance of this working out for you.  All else I an offer is some good luck and my appreciation for the help.
    Image link to the Mexican Embassy Message on travel - source: https://embamex.sre.gob.mx/alemania/index.php/de/
    Mexico US Embassy Travel Fact Sheet (first Q&A answer):
    Image link: Consulate Email via @Ja3germeister
    The International Air Transport Association (IATA) Interactive Coronavirus Travel Regulations Map showing open air boarders in Mexico
    (I'm going to post this as it's own thread for visibility) 
  22. Like
    Ririwoo37 got a reaction from TiEy in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Thank you dear for ur reply! I am a K1 holder, I was thinking if I stay inside the, airport for 14 days not passing the immigration like that movie with Tom Hanks
    Thank you so much, I have a K1 though, wish we did the Spouse visa now! Lol
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