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Ousman & Sherina

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About Ousman & Sherina

  • Birthday January 8

Profile Information

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Phoenix AZ
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I met my husband in 2007. My cousin from the US was married to a man I thought was my husband's cousin, they shared the same surname and is from the same country (Gambia). I sent him a friend request on FB letting him know we were family, while introducing myself. I found out that neither were they related or knew each other. They actually were just FB friends and nothing more. It took some time but, we started chatting here and there, but increased over time. Eventually, we were in daily contact. We became fast friends. It was a beautiful pleasure getting to know him. It took many years before we became anything more than friends. We knew that there was more to our relationship, given we were life partners already, but just waiting for the universe to put it all together. I went to visit him in 2018 and our bond was just as strong, and it seemed we had never been apart all those years. We realized we didn't want the music to stop playing. So, we sealed the deal on Oct 5, 2019. Today we are elated to work on the next part of our life journey together.

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