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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Yakima, WA
  • Interests
    travel, photography, wood working, home improvement projects, playing my guitar to my favorite 80's songs

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    July of 2005 I went to China without ever having an interest in the country. The price was great and I needed a visa for my passport so I figured why not. Half way thru the trip we boarded out boat for the Yangtze cruise.

    The second day excursion to the Shennong Gorge put out group on another boat full of natives who wanted their photos taken with us "foreigners" I spotted a cute girl and when my buddy told me it was Tina from our boat, I was still unable to place her. When I found out whom it was and that she spoke English I was terrified of her. Turns out she was scared to talk to me when she found I spoke English too. There were a lot of Germans in the area at the time.

    My group bugged me and her co-workers and the girls in my group bugged her to I talked to her to shut them up and we never seemed to stop talking. The people on the boat all knew there was this “crazy foreigner” who kept asking where “Tina” was. We would look for each other when we had free time.

    We kept in touch with emails, letters, and later packages.

    Last year for new years I figured she needed a date to her former college roommates wedding, and unable to figure out what to get her for Christmas I figured she needed a travel companion. I had the K-1 in hand and mentioned it. We had both talked a little about it, but it was just email gibberish, she never really took me too seriously about the topic till I went back and handed it to her.

    We filed a few weeks after I was back home.

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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