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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. You could FedEx to the address listed for your state here (either to the Elgin, IL or Tempe, AZ address, depending on your state): https://www.uscis.gov/i-751-direct-filing-addresses
  2. I was referring to logging into MyUSCIS (https://myaccount.uscis.gov/sign-in) and under your case, going to the documents tab, then down where it says “Unsolicited Evidence” there’s an “Upload Documents” button to upload additional documents to your case.
  3. Why not also just upload it to your case as unsolicited evidence? If an RFE comes later, you could still send it at that time.
  4. If that were true, that would make this page irrelevant:https://www.irs.gov/individuals/check-if-you-need-to-file-a-tax-return
  5. FYI if you hover over their VJ name you'll see when their account was created (2010).
  6. Which service center?
  7. Yes, correct. It’s 3 years as a permanent resident (rec’d green card) including the 3 years of marriage while a permanent resident if filing to naturalize through marriage. The OP hasn’t clarified whether they’re married to a USC and for how long. If they adjusted status another way, it would be 5 years as a green card holder.
  8. @Gupiter You only file 1 form I-751, at a cost of $750. This is from the instructions for Form I-751. I bolded the section relevant to you - from the "Who May File For I-751" section. https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/i-751instr.pdf
  9. Ours charged 3 days after delivery in May (mailed to the P.O. Box in AZ). We may have been lucky with them checking the box right around when ours arrived.
  10. During the 90-day window, if filing jointly. https://www.uscis.gov/forms/when-to-file-your-petition-to-remove-conditions
  11. Guess you can update it now without submitting anything. The portal offered changing the expiration date only for the green card. I updated the card.
  12. Appreciate the responses, @top_secret and @OldUser! I won’t bother trying to update it online. Thanks!
  13. I understand that when conditional permanent residents who have expired green cards with extension letters try to use global entry, kiosks won't accept their green cards and they'll be sent to an officer to show their card + letter. Has anyone here updated their permanent resident card expiration date on their TTP profile for Global Entry to the extension letter expiration date prior to traveling? If so, what was your experience when traveling and using kiosks?
  14. Received NOAs today: Mailed = 5/15/24 Receipt Date = 5/17/24 Notice Date = 5/23/24 (48 month extension letter, access code letter, and biometrics reuse letter) Received all 3 letters = 5/28/24 Service center is Nebraska Service Center.
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