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Posts posted by greensock

  1. I don't know a lot about immigration, I came to the US when I was 2 years old on a CR2. Two years later conditions removed. I've been married to a US citizen for 13 years. Lived in the country about 33 years. Applied for N-400 5 years ago. Currently in removal proceedings because of a state government mistake where they marked me as a voter and my voter record as having voted. I have a current letter and an elections official willing to testify that the records are in error. As such I have a letter from the county prosecutor saying the same.


    Being a stupid kid when I turned 20 I got in some minor trouble. I never knew anywhere else or that I was different. I knew people who got in a lot of trouble and never had any issues. Its only human to make mistakes and especially when you are just out of high school. The case from when I was in my 20s was terminated by an immigration judge with no appeals made. This was over 15 years ago. This is when I started to learn I was different and farting in public could get me deported.


    I never had the appreciation for the effort that goes into getting a green card since I never went through the process consciously. My hearing for removal is in three years... Therefore I don't understand what this letter is for. I do have an attorney.






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