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Tim & Fer

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About Tim & Fer

  • Birthday 10/04/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Indianapolis, Indiana

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Fernanda and I met in high school. She was a foreign exchange student . She had graduated from school in Ecuador and came to the US for a year. We dated almost the entire time she was here then she left to go home. I called her on the 24th of every month (as it was the anniversary of our first kiss). I wasn't making very much money so I couldn't afford to call her very much. We talked on the internet as much as possible and wrote letters. After being apart for nearly a year and a half, it was really hard to keep a relationship....and we broke up . We didn't talk much after that....said hello if we saw eachother on MSN messenger. We pursued other relationships.
    We eventually became freinds again and would talk to eachother about our relationships and give advice. In my pursuit of other relationships, I realized that nobody could replace her in my heart. I never talked to her about it though.
    I decided in 2006 that I wanted to see her again after not seeing her at all for nearly 7 years. She was in Brazil studying dentistry and doing a specialization in Endodontics. She told me to wait until she was home in Ecuador on vacation in November for a few months. I went to see her in January of 2007....and I knew that was it...we both did. We fell back in love so fast. We both realized that we were supposed to be together. Since then I have called her everyday....and I went to Brazil to see her on her birthday. She is now back home in Ecuador and we are getting married in January if all goes well with the visa.

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