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Posts posted by elkski

  1. good news is USCIS did reply to our e mail.   bad news is  they dont understand the system says you cant change your address in your profile for an active application?? JEEZ


    "Your USCIS online filing system account has options that you may change and customize at your convenience. By choosing the “Profile” button in your USCIS online filing system account, you may change your Contact Preferences, Mailing Address, and Physical Address."


    I did send in an online address form change using same old and new address??  jump doggy... how high master?

  2. I did find the reciprocity agreement and it wants a Sutibat. Wife says the original amphor records were destroyed in a fire so this is some type of replacement document.

    USCIS also says. 

    :If the applicant's birth certificate is not available, they must submit acceptable secondary evidence and an original written statement from the government agency authorized to issue the birth certificate. The letter must indicate the reason the record does not exist and whether similar records for the time and place are available. The letter must contain a legible seal, a legible stamp, or a signature with the title of the issuing official. Examples of acceptable secondary evidence the applicant may submit include, but are not limited to, church or school records listing the applicant's parents’ names and the applicant's date of birth; hospital records of the applicant's birth; or other official records indicating a country and record of birth."


    Im not sure what we need.  Ask the translator for a letter saying they are a qualified service?

    Wife says her Thai visa  FB group  tells her this is common and what we submitted it fine. 


    Also we must complete our resubmittal before Dec 31.. but of course we want to do it pronto.


  3. 1 hour ago, Freckles21 said:

    I did put $75k on the i864 and provided everything they needed and we still got an RFE letter. I did provide a letter from his employer which states that’s how much he makes, as well as pay stubs from the last 6 months and all taxes from the last 3 years(w2s, 1040s and 1099) . I have a feeling they probably misplaced our paperwork. 

    did the RFE only ask for proof of income? 

  4. thanks for the reply.  Investment income from a rollover IRA can be as reoccurring as we need and it shows up as income in my taxes.   I did include some investment account year end statement and included it on the I864. It far exceeded the 5x minimum income. I didn't think I needed to bother to include the house. I know houses are not considered liquid assets rightly so.   I may include it just so they know more of my  financial standing.

    I did do some stupid mistakes it appears. 

  5. on the topic of my tax return for 2020 and proving this years income:  if I am correct the minimum 125% poverty income is 21,775$

    I am self employed with rental income and also withdrawal from an investment account that shows up as income. I can print out an up to date investment account statement showing distributions that I control.  Should I include rental contracts?  including letters of rental increases? (not really important for minimum income level) 

    I didn't include my home in original I-864 but maybe I should? any input on this.

    How do I show its appraised value?  Do I just use this years tax statement which always shows a lower value than zillow or what the market is doing. Although the state has been ramping this up in recent years.  Provide bank loan closed letter ?

  6. I submitted this online inquiry Friday  evening.. its now Tuesday morning and no reply.  should I just do an address change using the same old and new?  not sure how or if this will fix things.

    biometrics appointment is Thursday and  the letter  somehow made it with the extra house digit in the address.  still haven't got the RFE letter .  online RFE letter said if we didn't get the letter by  10/13 to request another letter. 

    I wonder if correcting the correct address will fix this issue? and how many days would it take before its active and new FRE letter request will have correct address?



    your tax dollars at Work 

  7. RFE asks 

    #1 a new I-864

    "We are unable to process the I-864 because it has one or more deficiencies. In order for us to process your application further, you must: Submit a completed and signed Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, from the petitioning sponsor. All pages must be present and of the latest edition date. Provide the petitioning sponsor's Social Security Number on Form I-864. Provide a complete and correctly calculated household size for the petitioning sponsor on Form I-864. Submit a complete copy of the petitioning sponsor’s Federal income tax return, including all supporting tax documents (W-2s, 1099s, Form 2555, and tax schedules) filed with the return, for the most recent tax year."


    Is this just a stock reply as our I-864 was signed, has correct SS# ?

    From what I can tell there is no new updated form.  We used one expiring in 9/21 it says  to just use this one. 


    household size

    They want a complete household size. I was a bit confused on this and followed advice given here    using line 8 as 2 of us.  I posted about this before as I had issues with the form download already having the Part 5 line 8 set as 1 and unchangeable.. we hand input a 2 here. IT says to add up all lines 1-7 and line 1 is from line 29 and is for immigrant. line 2 is for me.  If I put a 1 in the line 3 for currently married the total is 3... so the advice I got on here was to leave line 3 blank?  I read about java script issues. 


    immigrant's name

    I do think I made an error on Part 2 line 1a-1c immigrant's name.. maybe this was an autofill or my old age.  I used my wife's maiden name rather than that on our marriage license. And then I put her married name on mailing address.  Obviously I made a mistake,  I now think it should be her new married name.?


    Birth certificate

    RFE asks "must submit a copy of their birth certificate issued by the appropriate civil authority in their country of birth. We will only accept a long-form birth certificate which lists at least one parent. If the document is in a foreign language, the applicant must include a full English translation along with a certification from the translator verifying that the translation is complete and accurate, and that they are competent to translate from the foreign language to English. For more information about the acceptable birth certificate for the applicant's country of birth, please visit https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country.html. Select the applicant's country of birth and review the information under the “Birth, Death, Burial Certificates” section."


    I cant find the exact specs of the reciprocity agreement even if I use that url.  We submitted what I think is a long form birth certificate including both parents name,  Also a certified translation. Do I need a letter from this translation company saying they are competent?


    Part 6

    I seem to have left both item 21 & 22 blank and did not include a name.  21 is people listed in items 8...11.14..17 have completed an I-864

    22 is do not need to complete a I-864 because they are the intending immigrant has  no accompanying dependents.

    I think I should check 22 and put her name in the line below?



    they request a complete copy of petitioning sponsors Federal tax return for last year.  I guess this is self explanatory.  I submitted a transcript before...  What  does this signify?


    Additional questions. 

    I didn't put in any sponsors *SCIS online acct.. not sure I had one or not.. is this optional?.  I may have one as  I may have had to register to send in an inquiry as to where the cast status was of our K1 visa interview.  


    Part 6 Sponsors employment and income. 

    I don't have an employer. I am self employed as a property manager and service guy. I left retired and unemployed blank.. is this correct. 

    My income on the tax return met the minimum and my cash assets listed  far exceed 10x the minimum... I didn't even see the need to include Info about the house I  fully own. 

    Any suggestions.



  8. AOS was received July 29th and a few weeks later we  got the received NOA with the correct  5 digit house number address.

    We are lucky the USPS was able to forward us the Biometric interview dates letter as it had 6 digit house number.  We just logged on USCIS yesterday to change our address and noticed we have a RFE for the I-864, IRS form, and Thailand birth certificate. I will post questions I have on those in a  separate thread.

    So it says we cant change our address in the profile now with these applications ongoing?  it appeared we must use the online form, however our old address is correct there so I didn't think it was right to input a new same address so I cancelled out of that submittal.  I sent an mail in our USCIS to tell them to fix the error where ever it may be and to send a new copy of all letters.

    I guess we lost 2 more weeks of delay since we didn't log in to the USCIS.  kinda sad that the system can operate like this.  I wont speculate to much but perhaps intentional delays are being used.  

    Is our online request adequate or what should we do?

  9. 51 minutes ago, B&O0302 said:

    as long as you get married within the 90 days is all that matters.. You can file after expiration it doesn't matter. Is the marriage that matters. I suggest you follow that forum i just pasted. It has a complete list and that's the on i used and everything was fine.

    July 2021 - AOS Filers

    By Sarge2155,

    I don't see where you posted a thread? 

    on the I-765 Part 2 item 27  is a spouse on a K1 a C9 eligibility category?

    And Can anyone confirm that the total amount on the check I need to include is 1140$?

    as I read it if a pending I-485 you don't need to pay the 485$ for the I-131 

    For some reason I had a 1400-1500$ number budgeted in my head for this AOS.  

  10. ra0010,

    you sent in proof of marriage?  I didn't think this was needed?  Ae you saying a lawyer told you to do this due to covid and maybe your interview would be cancelled? . 

    Thanks all for you help. I am rereading all the instructions carefully.  of course I print out an d recheck everything. I swear my form wont add up the numbers and had a 1 struck in the total from when I first open in from the government site.  Maybe my laptop isn't using the acrobat reader that's installed or using a copy or something but to me it looks like I am viewing it on a URL right from the government site.  

    I did read in the instructions that if you met the income requirements last year you don't need to put assets but I think in my case it is best I do as I am using this IRA to supplement my income from rental activities when needed.

    We did open a joint account which I guess may help at the interview.  I did add her to one utility bill but the display line cuts off after just the first few letters of her name so it seems pointless and unnecessary to do this.  

  11. 37 minutes ago, Ayrton said:

    Treat every form as a separate application. Read the instructions for each form and gather the required documents for each one individually. Like passport photos, you need 2 for each form (484,131-765), copy of your passport, 1 for each form, if last name changed, marriage certificate for EAD and AP as well...


    You said Tax record. Make sure you're getting either the Tax RETURN transcript or the whole 1040 return with all the schedule, +W2.


    I don't know what transcribed into English medical report means. Your medical forms should already be in English and they were inside the envelope you handed over at POE. So no need to that in the package.


    No need for a 693 if you're filing for AOS within 1 year of the date of the medical.


    Are you using your 401k account because you don't have enough income to support the immigrant? Don't know how it works for 401k accounts, but for regular accounts they ask for 1 year os statements, I would send that as well just in case.

    Everyone counted from question 2-7 are people not being sponsored by the affidavit, so you can't count your spouse there. The answer for 3 is 0.


    Save the marriage proof for the interview. The only proof needed for the package is the marriage certificate.

    great info as needing 2 passport photos or her and a copy of my passport for 3 of the forms,  its actually a IRA rollover and I use it and some rental income as needed.  I was just going to send my June IRA statement.   I will use the 2020 tax transcript and it was above the poverty line so I don't really need to show investment accounts.   Ok so just include the DS3025 and no other doctor or  hospital report.

    So on question #3 I don't say I'm married?  I can see this being used for people married sponsoring other family members  or something.  but a bit confusing and I dont know why a 1 is already entered and locked in the PDF 

  12. Yes the Ds 3025 looks complete.   exam date  was 3/21' 

    I do have my USA birth certificate

    We will open a joint account today.  

    I'm still a bit confused on showing a true marriage.. Pictures of our bike rides together?  our flower or veggie garden? Cooking together?

    I don't see why I need to add her to the utility bills and not going to be adding her on my house deed for at least 10-15 years if ever.. that is for the will.


    I'm a  bit confused on Page 4 of I-864

    It asks for total dependents.

    1 from part 3 item # 29 which is beneficiary

    1 is for yourself

    Then 1 if your currently married

    Seems like they count the beneficiary 2 times as this total is 3.But for some reason a number 

    1 is already locked in part 5 item # 8" household size" and I cant change it. 

    Seems like it should be 2?  do I just white it out and put 2?  Why do so many places on this form  not allow electronic input?

  13. I-485 application to register permanent Residence or Adjust status

    I 864 Affidavit of support  -- What proof of US citizenship should I use? Birth certificate or passport ID page?

    I-131 Application for travel document

    I-765 application for employment authorization 

    G-1145  e notifications

    Will also include 1 year IRS  tax record

    401  account at least 5x of poverty level

    2 passport photos in a plastic bag with name on outside

    Birth certificate 

    copy of Noa2 approval I-797

    marriage certificate 

    DS3025 vaccination documentation worksheet 

    Transcribed into English medical report

    Passport copies of info page and K1 visa page 


    We have hear from other AOS filers that we don't need a I-693 report of medical examination.  I do read on here to get a surgeon general to transfer medical info to a I-693


    There is so many conflicting lists of requirements out there.. Example is to  just look on this website and the main AOS pinned topic is so old and flawed it should be deleted.

    We have her SS card.. that took about 18 days to get.  Her K1 is good until July 31 We hope to file before then. 


    Any help or corrections would be apricated.

    Oh I was going to turn in an I-134 but I guess that is not needed? 

  14. YEs maybe us having to make online appointments has led to less wasted time at the DMV and SS.   Maybe it is here to stay.  Our DMV has a big waiting sitting area and it used to get rather full but the other day it looked like it allowed for good social distancing.  I am one to surely not think Covid is finished with us yet. I wear masks everywhere.


    I feel ignorant that I never read you needed to get the SS card before the end of the K1 visa? Or that SS  processing stops if your K1 expires.  I find this hard to believe because I thought even people in the US without a visa can get a SS number. 

    What about people who do the sensible thing and  wait most of the 90 days before getting married.   We just luckily decided to go the SS office one day we were out since it is 10 mins away from home. Then decided to try to get a ID at DMV so my wife wouldn't have to carry her passport.   Found out that both needed online appointments and at DMV she needed a SS number and two items of mail using our address... Guy even suggested sending 2 letters of  mail to yourself.  luckily we were able to get an appointment at SS  2 days later.  But 2 times after a 15 min hold with local SS  office the call got dropped ( you know it was intentional by the machine).   After 18 months you would think the website would have been updated to say first time SS filers need to have a in person interview as well as being able to schedule an appointment.   I actually sent in the application with passport copy and copy of marriage license in the mail the day before our in person appointment.  It was returned a week later with no notice or anything in a hand addressed envelope.

  15. On 7/9/2021 at 2:59 PM, x3n said:

    We're in a similar situation. Hearing that it would take about two weeks for the SSN to process, we filed the paperwork 8 weeks before our 90 days were up. Unfortunately, 8 weeks wasn't enough time so the visa expired and they stopped working on the SSN. So now we're waiting, jobless and bank account-less, until we get an SSN through the AoS process. :/


    Just saying that you could well be in the same situation even if you had tried for your SSN right after getting married.



    Wow,, S Jordan , Utah guys said 2-3 weeks for SS but said really 1-2 weeks for this easy case of K1- marriage... its been almost 2 weeks now,, still 2 weeks left on her K1 visa... I never heard they would stop your SS processing if they dont finish before K1 expires

    In Utah the DMV did say we needed SS number.  what a crazy convoluted government system. 

    Also  if covid is past and we dont need masks now why do you need appointments for both SS and DMV and SS has hired gun security like a bank on thee wrong side of town. 

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