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Maria Castro

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    Maria Castro reacted to JGGA2 in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    I finally received an answer from USCIS today after my case was transferred from Neb to Vermont on 1/22/2020 (NOA1 2/19/2020). Unfortunately I have to submit “Request for Additional Evidence” and I don’t know exactly what it is that they are looking for as I have not received anything in the mail from them yet. I will update more once I receive. 
  2. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Lady G in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    You’re not alone. Here I am still waiting too. NOA 1 is March 19 2019 got transferred from NSC to VSC feb 10,2020 . Hopefully we’ll also get some answers soon. Problem is we are still on lock down and getting a bit scary with this pandemic. How will we get those paperwork’s for NVC ?
  3. Like
    Maria Castro got a reaction from scotland2florida in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Guys! We just found out our case was approved today! Thank God! It was a long journey and still missing NVC step but we can now say to this one check ✅
    NO1 March 15, 2019
    transferred to Vermont Feb 10, 2020
    Approved April 9, 2020
    Good luck to everyone else that still waiting for the approval and don’t lose faith, your day will come soon, just keep a positive mind and pray to anything you believe! 

  4. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Lady G in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Congratulations! We both have the same case but am still waiting 
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    Maria Castro reacted to Jay&Sid in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    It is good to see people are getting approved after being transferred.
    Best of luck 
  6. Like
    Maria Castro got a reaction from Jay&Sid in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Guys! We just found out our case was approved today! Thank God! It was a long journey and still missing NVC step but we can now say to this one check ✅
    NO1 March 15, 2019
    transferred to Vermont Feb 10, 2020
    Approved April 9, 2020
    Good luck to everyone else that still waiting for the approval and don’t lose faith, your day will come soon, just keep a positive mind and pray to anything you believe! 

  7. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to JGGA2 in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Congrats congrats!!! So excited for you!!! Finally!!! Celebrate today your good news!!! 😊 🥂 
  8. Like
    Maria Castro got a reaction from Faisal1 in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Guys! We just found out our case was approved today! Thank God! It was a long journey and still missing NVC step but we can now say to this one check ✅
    NO1 March 15, 2019
    transferred to Vermont Feb 10, 2020
    Approved April 9, 2020
    Good luck to everyone else that still waiting for the approval and don’t lose faith, your day will come soon, just keep a positive mind and pray to anything you believe! 

  9. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to scotland2florida in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Hoping you get good news soon. Our PD is 3/15/19 and we’re still waiting too. Our case was transferred to VSC 02/10/20.
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    Maria Castro reacted to Youssef1 in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    still didn’t believe it yet.  But it’s a wonderful feeling tho and I pray for everyone to be approved shortly 
  11. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to X+S in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Hi everyone,
    Hopefully you are all safe and taking the best out of this situation. Today after 1 year and 8 days, 374 days of waiting for our noa2 we FINALLY got it.
    Yours is on the way, remember love is patience.
    Noa1> March 18/19
    Transferred> Feb 11/20
    Noa2> March 26/20
    Please stay safe!!!!
  12. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Edu&Gaby in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Hello everyone! We finally got approved today! 
    Our PD is 2-15-2019, from Nebraska and transferred to Vermont, it finally happened! Yesterday we got a notification of name change (a letter was typed wrong) and today we got it!
    I hope this means you guys get it soon too, I just wanted to share this to give some hope because we know how hard it is to wait without any news!!
  13. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to JGGA2 in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    I agree. It is a waiting game and there is not a system of when your application was sent and what not. 
  14. Haha
    Maria Castro reacted to Gokoholl in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    The case numbers directly before and after ours have been updated to show NOA2 approval... this is like a game of Battleship it seems and I'm hoping we get tagged next!
  15. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Soraya Paes Leme in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    I got my no2 on the 25th February same case transferred like you all, my PD is feb 11 2019. It’s coming finally! 
  16. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Edu&Gaby in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Oh good then! Thank you for the information, if we call I'll keep it updated here so we know at least what they say. It's really crazy all this wait, it affects all our life plans and gets you crazy. I wish you good luck and hope we all get it soon!
  17. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Lady G in case transfer from one service center to another   
    Sure.i hope everyone of us will.
  18. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to JGGA2 in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Have you heard anything yet? I'm PD 2/15/2019 so I should be after you. I noticed me, you, Maria, and Youssef are all Florida. However, I know that my packet went a long with my lawyers packet for her other clientele and only mine was sent to Nebraska while the rest went to Texas. Those clienteles were approved in Dec 2019. I hope and pray we here something by Friday if not by next Friday at least since Vermont and Nebraska are working on March 2019.
  19. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Lady G in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    Me. My case was transferred feb 10 and my NOA1 is March 25 2019. My husband got the mail  4 days ago saying it was transferred to Vermont .
  20. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Cecilia & Jorge in I130 cases transferred to vermont 2020 (merged)   
    I wanted to start this because i have not found much information on the vermont service center
     in hopes we can keep eachother informed with any updates
    A little bit of backround info on us 
    I am an Alaskan in the US petitioning my husband who is in the dominican republic he has been here in the US once before our is PD june 24th 2019 we do have a daughter together and i hired a lawyer to apply for us. February 4th 2020 our case was transferred to vermont service center from nebraska. I recieved the notice that said it was transferred to speed up processing. Im anxious to meet more people who are going through this same journey. Good luck to all of us 
  21. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Karolina campos in case transfer from one service center to another   
    Thank you for your kind words🥰
  22. Like
    Maria Castro got a reaction from Karolina campos in case transfer from one service center to another   
    Exactly! We been waiting 11 months, one month more it’s ok... I read it could be one week, two weeks, one month, we never truly know when they are going to review our cases and people says it’s good we been transfer because that means they will focus on us, so be patient 🍃
  23. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Whocares in case transfer from one service center to another   
    I think the transfer wont negatively impact your case, however it will definitely take almost exactly 1 year to process your case just like other’s.
  24. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to NikLR in case transfer from one service center to another   
    ~~moved to progress reports from process and procedures.  reported for personal information~~
  25. Like
    Maria Castro reacted to Karolina campos in case transfer from one service center to another   
    Yeah, I received this message too😍 I'm so excited, I want know more about it, I'm waiting to my notification ➡️💌

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