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    vaue got a reaction from InRainbows14 in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    Thanks! I found the tracking number  
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    vaue got a reaction from andychris in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    My status finally updated to "card was mailed to me" in the afternoon exactly 21 days after "case was approved". It seems to be taking them three weeks to mail out the card for the majority of people here. Now I'm just waiting for a tracking number, but I'm not counting on it though. Hopefully 'informed delivery' will come in clutch. 
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    vaue got a reaction from Cyndy&Onyi in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    My status finally updated to "card was mailed to me" in the afternoon exactly 21 days after "case was approved". It seems to be taking them three weeks to mail out the card for the majority of people here. Now I'm just waiting for a tracking number, but I'm not counting on it though. Hopefully 'informed delivery' will come in clutch. 
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    vaue got a reaction from JaQueen in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    Thanks! I'm going to give them a call today and try to see if I can get the same results. *fingers crossed*
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    vaue got a reaction from Cyndy&Onyi in January 2020 - AOS Filers (merged)   
    I'm in the same boat and was wondering about which number you called exactly and how you got to speaking with the officer? (did you request for a tier 2?)
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    vaue reacted to vincentlina in Trump To Suspend H-1B and Other Visas Until End Of Year   
    Thank you for your common-sense and "fact" based analysis/opinion. When I was completing my Masters in technology from one of the top universities in Massachusetts, I could literally count the number of Americans who were part of my class. Many of my classmates were International students (India, China, Middle East, Europe, etc.) The percentage of American (particularly white) was equal or less in most of my classes (during my entire academic period in school). The point being, statistically, American employers are forced to hire many of these students (via H1B). So when you look at the raw facts mathematically -- American workers are not being displaced. Every single American (white or otherwise) who works in technology at least, can find one if they so choose. If you are an American complaining about "competing" with foreign skilled workers -- you are either too lazy to compete or simply doing so out of other fears (usually cultural).
    My second point relative to your comment is that when a LPR sponsor their spouse -- it takes several months for that individual (spouse) to be ready to be assimilated into the American workforce. They have have to wait several months (it took me appx. 9 months) to get a green card. And after being rejected for 3 months to get a job (with a Masters and 20yrs in IT) as a green card resident, I started my own IT consultancy. News flash: many corporations actually "prefer" to hire Americans -- not LPRs. Therefore during this "waiting" period to be a recognize an American resident (with employment benefits), immigrant spouses cannot take a job (so there is very little possibility of them taking away jobs opportunities from USC. Besides, let's say many immigrant spouses gets their authorization to work (green card/ssn) within 3 months, who is going to hire them? Most employers who have been forced to shut down, will try and rehire their existing laid off employees (not look for new workers). Secondly, those that received loans from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are mandated to "re-hire" their existing furloughed employees. Again, very little opportunity for freshly minted green card holders to come in and swoop away these jobs. And most high skilled American and H1B workers did not loose their jobs anyways. So this EO does nothing for this group.
    This whole EO is a farce and like everything else this administration has done, it is never based on facts or scientific validity or for the betterment of America  as a whole -- it is all done through the prism of political gain solely for one man (not even his followers benefit). This EO does nothing to help Americans get back on their feet -- what he needs is an EO on stopping the spread of the virus. That is the only way jobs are going to come back again at sustainable levels.
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