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Everything posted by mryrth

  1. beloved_dingo is correct. We had planned to travel today in preparation of the ceremony tomorrow. We just received an email saying that it's cancelled due to weather. Thanks for all the insight. Glad we were able to get confirmation before we drove that far.
  2. We're supposed to have my husband's oath ceremony in Jefferson City, MO on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 which is about 3 hours away from where we live. There is a snow/ice storm headed for Jefferson City (and along our travel route) and is supposed to be at its peak on Wednesday morning right when his ceremony is to taking place. Will they cancel the ceremony? I called the performing arts center where it's being held and the guy on the phone said they didn't know anything yet, but that his manager had a conversation with someone from USCIS towards the end of last week about the upcoming weather. I chatted with Emma on USCIS, and the live agent said they wouldn't know until the morning of the ceremony if it would be cancelled. Considering it's a long drive for us (especially with a 2 year old), we are leaving the day before (tomorrow) in order to be there on time Wednesday morning. Has anyone ever run into this issue?
  3. My husband is a LPR (Green Card Holder) and we would love to have his mom move here from Serbia and help take care of our little girl. My husband is currently in the process of acquiring his US Citizenship, however, in the meantime, we'd love for his mother to come and stay with us. She was granted a 10 year tourist visa in 2022 and has visited a few times. However, this time, we'd like her to stay permanently and apply for Green Card once my husband becomes a US Citizen. All that to say, she's allowed to stay for 6 months at a time and we hope to know about his citizenship before that 6 months is over. If he gets his Citizenship before her 6 months is up, could we just "adjust her status" to LPR since she would already be in the states or would she have to go back to Serbia and then he would apply for her to get a Green Card that way?
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