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Posts posted by GlenAndLisa

  1. I guess first things first, about how long does it take to get your green card from the time you send in your AoS stuff?

    If it takes 45-90 days to get the temporary employment thing, plus it costs $340, is it really worth doing? And will employers possibly not consider him for employment because of the fact that it's a temporary thing?

    Does anyone have any experience with this?

  2. :whistle:

    No matter how you look at the system employed by the USCIS its flawed in every way. Starting form unacceptable wait times, that drive families apart. Followed by impossible to see the person with the no Visitors visa after you've submited I-130/I-129. And the best is that if were to do it the "other" way and not the acceptable way we'd already be together and not have to suffer through this bureaucratic bull ####. Think about it, yes we can just wait, and hope that we might get lucky and get our paperwork done faster, but what if you are one of few that can take years to approve? We can sit and wait or we can do something.

    P.S. Oh and I forgot useless customer support you get when calling to check on your status.


    It's not easy, and that's an understatement. It's been difficult to pass the time. But honestly, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Glen and I have definitely become much stronger as a couple through all this. Our communication skills have grown, that's for sure. There's a light at the end of the tunnel! We're 16 days from being together for good!! And we've been a couple since September, 2005, so that's a long time to be apart. But we made it!! Our love saw us through, just like we always knew it would. Following all these rules isn't fun, but doing this the "right" way will ensure that we can stay together. (L)

  3. Hi,

    I assume with 'shipping things' you mean your fiance's personal belongings. If so, there is no restriction (at least not to my knowledge). I have started shipping clothes over to my fiance and I'm now planning to send other personal belongings over with a professional moving company. The value of the items needs to be declared on the documents and accordingly you/your fiance will have to pay customs. Don't worry about it. Your fiance will be alright shipping things over.

    All the best!!!!!

    Thank you. That's what I thought, but I read something on here about how someone was unable to do that... but maybe they didn't have their Visa yet.

  4. Hi All,

    I have just returned from 8 days with my love, and I am having a really tough time. I cried for a good hour after getting on the plane, but after that I was ok. I mean, I was really sad during my 18 hour trip, but I was reasonably calm.

    But once I got home, I LOST IT. I had a total panic attack- I suddenly felt the immesity of the distance between us, and realized that I couldn't just get to him if I needed to. Even if I had the money (which I don't), it would take me 2 days to reach him. It's just so far. I could see his face in front of me but I couldn't touch it. I felt like I was trapped in a bubble and couldn't get out to get to him- almost like claustrophobia. I tried to go outside but the sky just felt like it was closing in and I was nearly hyperventilating. I couldn't breathe or think rationally for almost an hour. It really freaked me out. I'm a pretty strong person and we have gone for several months in the past between visits, but this time feels different. WAY more intense.

    The whole last week doesn't even feel real right now- like it was a movie or a dream I woke up from. I'm just back to my same old life again, and he is exactly where I left him. Exactly where I want to be.

    I am sleep deprived after my long trip and overwhelmed by the situation, and I'm sure this is contributing to the problem. I know we're all in (or have been in) in a similar boat so I hope I'm not the only one feeling this desperate. Am I?? This is far beyond missing him. I feel a little bit crazy. :wacko: Would sure appreciate any reassurance.

    I will see him again when I go for his interview, whenever that may be (hopefully 2-3 months).



    I went through a similar thing when I came home from England last time. It hurts like hell to be apart from the one you love so much! Glen and I spend every day on Skype together, but we've only been lucky enough to be together in person every 3-6 months. I haven't seen him since October 8.

    But you know what? The next time I see him will be when he's coming home FOR GOOD! We've been a couple since November, 2005. We started our Visa process in April, 2007. It's been a very long journey, but rest assured, it does end eventually... but really, it will be just the beginning. (L)

  5. I'm curious. For those of us that have met their loves online, on what site did the two of you meet?

    Glen and I met on deviantArt.com, a photography/art website. We started out commenting on each other's photos, and it grew from there. (L)

  6. Only for 90 days. As soon as the marriage happens, she will need to apply for AOS, EAD, and AP if she desires to travel before AOS is approved. Not sure everyone understands that small bit of information.

    Yes, we are definitely aware of that. We're just curious whether or not Minneapolis Airport gives out this temp work stamp.

  7. Just a quick question for all the American women, did you pay for your plane ticket over to see your love, or did he pay for you? I understand they are from poor countries, but I am not that rich either, and not a sugar mama. Just really interested, because I have a husband in Egypt, whom I never talked to, but I paid for the plane ticket to see him and now i am paying all of this off working myself to an early grave. I guess I am a little old fashion and would like the man to take care of some of this, but maybe that is not the way things work. So please share with me who pays for what and did you feel kinda of mad if you have to pay all the bills, is it almost like buying a husband. That is how i feel now.

    What an awful situation! I'd probably bail, considering you have such little communication. It just doesn't sound good. Anyone who feels like they are "buying a husband" really needs to do something to change their circumstances.

    As far as what works for us, I've paid most of the expenses for our visits and Visa costs, but not because Glen wouldn't. It's simply because I'm the one that has the full bank account. Glen has a steady, good job, but unfortunately the cost of living in England is crazy and it just makes more sense for me to pay the costs so that he won't go into debt.

    Because we're getting married, we feel that we share everything. Glen has never once taken advantage of my kindness, and I know without a shadow of a doubt, he'd do the same for me if the tables were turned.

    I have never kept track of how much he "owes" me. It makes no difference to me because we are building a marriage/partnership based on love and commitment.

    This is just how I feel. I know other couples like to have "my money," "your money," and I've seen that work out very well. My parents do that, and it keeps them from fighting!! :lol: Each couple needs to do what works best for them. The most important thing is respect. And if someone is feeling taken advantage of, something is definitely wrong, and needs to be worked out.

  8. After months and months of waiting and hoping, Glen finally had his interview today and was granted his K1 Visa. :D

    He said the interview was fairly easy. After all the work I put into his papers, they didn't even ask for most of it! Not even the Affidavit for Support, which really surprised me. They asked him a few questions, such as how we met online and how we met in person. She looked at some photos and said we looked happy. Glen told her, "There's a reason for that." (L) He paid the money for his Visa and for the delivery, and that was pretty much it. They said it should be delivered within 3-5 days.

    And then you know what? Oh my gosh... he's coming home. Home. I think I'm gonna go cry now...

  9. So what do you mean, at a specific time of day? Is it kind of general, or can you say 10:00AM pretty much exactly? Who delivers it? A regular courier, or someone who just specifically works for the embassy?

    It's delivered by SMS who are a courier service. You can request that they deliver before certain times of the day, such as before 9am or before noon. The charges vary depending on the time you want.

    I was wondering if they let you go back to the embassy to pick it up, but something tells me I know the answer to that already ;)

    Nope, courier delivery only I'm afraid. :no:


    Ok, next question... with his work schedule, Glen is unsure that he'd be available in person to receive the package. Can he go pick it up at an SMS office? Do they leave a card for him if he's not available?

  10. You need to pay $131 for the visa and you have to pay for the courier service to deliver it. This will cost at least £14 for the basic delivery between 8am and 6pm. It costs more if you want it delivered at a specific time of the day.


    So what do you mean, at a specific time of day? Is it kind of general, or can you say 10:00AM pretty much exactly? Who delivers it? A regular courier, or someone who just specifically works for the embassy?

  11. Hello!

    I've read that a co-sponsor needs to make 125% of the poverty line, but I'm just wondering if someone knows how much this is?

    Also, do they go strictly off the Adjusted Gross Income?

    My co-sponsor owns his own business, so he'll be sending in a Tax-Return, not W-2's or pay stubs.

    Also, how much do assets/how much you have in the bank/real estate etc count?

    Thanks for your help!

    The federal poverty guidelines are listed here: http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/08poverty.shtml

    You need to figure out how many dependents the co-sponsor will be responsible for. From what I understand (although I could be wrong), the co-sponsor has to be responsible for himself, anyone in his household that he claims on his taxes, you, your fiance, and any children you might have that you are responsible for.

    For example, if your co-sponsor is a single person and you have no children, he'd only be responsible for 3 people -- himself, you and your fiance. So, by using the poverty guidelines for 3 people, the poverty level is $17,600. Multiply that by 125%, which would be $21,875. And I do believe that needs to be his yearly gross income, not net income.

    I'm not sure if you can combine your income and his to meet the 125%. I think you might be able to.

    As far as assets are concerned, if you happen to fall below the 125% of the poverty line, you can make up the difference with assets. Using the example above, let's say that his income was only $20,000 -- $1875 below the requirement. You would have to multiply the $1875 by 5 and have that much in assets -- which would be $9375. I think the assets need to be cashable within a year or something.

    Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong on any of this!! I'm in the middle of dealing with the same thing, so if I am wrong, it would be good for me to know as well!! LOL :thumbs:

  12. Glen's interview is February 11, but all the papers I've prepared for him are from September. Will these still be valid or do I need to send him new ones?

    Really the only things that have validity attached to them are the police cert and medical. Although you don't want an I-134 prepared to far in the past, but thats up to the embassy.

    The police cert and medical will obviously be closer to the interview date, but the Affidavit of Support and my letter of intent are both dated in September.

  13. No need for a cosponsor. I've got plenty assets. Thank you for the help!!

    My income does fall below 125% of the poverty line. That's why I need to list this asset.
    Then as you indicated in your post you list home value on first line, and amount owed on second line.

    Or you may want to enlist a co-sponsor.

    Lastly, US Embassy UK will also accept beneficiarie's assets, if those assets like savings are transfered to a US Bank, you can then add those assets to the I-134.

    Applicants Own Funds

    An applicant who expects to be able to meet the public charge provisions of the law through personal financial resources may submit to the consular officer evidence of funds or income from one or more of the following sources:....


    Just as a question...since I have looked and looked (the USCIS site isn't very helpful)...What IS the poverty level?




  14. My income does fall below 125% of the poverty line. That's why I need to list this asset.

    You only need to list assets like a home if your income is below 125% poverty line.

    One thing about I-134, the directions included with I-134 are very old, USCIS has no reason to update them since USCIS has no application for that form.

    The consulates tend to treat the I-134 like a mini-I-864 as so prefer the same financial evidence as the I-864.

    In our case this what the I-134 included.

    • I-134 signed and notarized.

    • SIMPLE Tax transcripts from the IRS for past 3 years, (Redundant for the (1040,W2,1099) but are free from the IRS http://www.irs.gov/faqs/faq1-6.html

    • Photo copy of IRS form 1040, and W2s for past 3 years (Not necessary if you provide the transcripts)

    • Letter from my employer stating annual salary, job responsibility, and that is full time, on company letterhead.

    • Photo copies of past month or so of pay stubs up to a few weeks before the interview.
    My income was well above the povertyline so I did not include any asset data (LIKE BANK STATEMENTS or property values).

    If your income exceeds 125% of the povertyline when counting yourself, prospective immigrant and any dependents, then don't bother with assets (401K, Bank balance, Stocks etc..), it is just extra un-needed data to provide, the consular officer is most concerned with INCOME.

  15. When it says "I own real estate valued at: $_____________, with mortgage(s) or other encumbrance(s) thereon amounting to: $____________________"

    So... I assume I put the value of my home in the first blank and what I owe on my mortgage in the second? Sorry if this is a dumb question... but I want to get it 100% correct!!

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