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Everything posted by mam521

  1. I try not to shop at Walmart at all, if I can! Indeed, they do.
  2. Depends where you are in TX. You can go to any location, but it doesn't guarantee anything. There are some walk ins, but it's going to take hours if you attempt a walk in. Appointments are the best way at DPS.
  3. Do you have the letter of compliance from the manufacturer? Probably won't be an issue to initially import it but will more than likely become an issue when you need to have it inspected to register in state.
  4. This. You don't appear to have that strong of ties to Canada, so I'm not surprised you've been flagged. I'd anticipate future issues.
  5. If its the Yakitori rice, I quite like it! If Walmart does you dirty again, check if Best Buy has a suitable equivalent. Our experiences with their curbside to go have been very positive since they pivoted during covid.
  6. I was surprised when I came back as a GC holder and they gave me an 8yr expiry on my TX DL. It had been such a battle before on my L1 with everything tied to the visa dates and DPS requiring SAVE checks (not mad about SAVE, but I do think it should be more expeditious, if not instantaneous), not to mention the "herded like cattle" feeling, being stuck in the chairs at the DPS office for hours at a time. HTH your wife got through unscathed!
  7. Canadian PR is going to take at least 6 months to obtain, and that's usually only if you fall into one of the express entry job categories. Family sponsorship is along the lines of a year. Sounds like you plan to retain your US employment, which eliminates express entry - is your employer ok with you working from another country? Why, exactly, was your husband denied entry? This may have an impact on his visa eligibility. If it was he showed up, wanted to enter, was unable to demonstrate strong enough ties to Canada and withdrew his application, it doesn't mean he's unable to enter the US. It does mean he will be more heavily scrutinized if he does try to enter and best have proof of extremely strong ties to Canada. If he was handed an inadmissibility ban, that's a different mountain to climb and will require a waiver for you to complete his CR/IR process. Regardless, both will come into play during his consular interview, so the details are important.
  8. Looking at your timeline and considering your concerns, you may want to do just as @Cw1977 has suggested - take the loss on the K1, get married quickly and file for the CR1. The timelines aren't dramatically different but you would be able to enter the US, ready to begin life, work, travel, etc and not be concerned with adjusting status. You'd just have to worry about removal of conditions. The cost difference from pulling the current K1 is likely right there - the difference in AOS.
  9. She needs to have the immigration documents (passport, the NOA and the EAD wouldn't hurt) on her person when headed through the checkpoint. Shouldn't be an issue because everything is legitimate, but just verify all dates are current on the paperwork. USCIS sometimes makes typos and you don't want CBP to be the ones to realize it...
  10. What do you do for work presently? You have a choice between marrying and adjusting status right now because you are present in the US, or leaving and proceeding with consular processing. You cannot leave and come back and then adjust because you've now premeditated the marriage and adjustment process, so reentering with the intention of adjusting constitutes fraud. Your trip to secondary has flagged you, so expect your application to be further scrutinized - do NOT lie to a CBP officer and commit fraud.
  11. She can just request it back. The expectation isn't that your life is 100% on hold and technically, the passport belongs to the UK government, so it's not USCIS" to keep.
  12. Fire your lawyer. This is 100% incorrect. Some people's greencards have taken months to arrive; others get theirs in days. The endorsed, machine readable visa in your passport serves as a temporary greencard for up to a year and will allow you to get your SSN if you didn't already request one with your visa application. https://www.uscis.gov/i-9-central/temporary-i-551-stamps-and-mrivs
  13. So you can't discount ole Garth Books and Keith Urban! Keith is such a talented musician. If you're going to try Jason Aldean, then you should try Luke Bryan and Florida Georgia Line. If you have YouTube Music, there's a playlist called "I don't usually like country, but..." which features a lot of crossover stuff and some pretty cool collabs. Dunno what your "regular" music style is, but there's some artists who've jumped genre ship. Darius Rucker (Hootie and the Blowfish), Aaron Lewis (Stained) and even Kid Rock. Jelly Roll and Post Malone are dabbling on the country side, too, at the moment.
  14. My humble take so far: Before the 90 Days: Loren and the gonorrhea - 🤮. I don't blame Faith for pumping the brakes HARD. Tigerlily and Adnan - like #######?! She's had so much plastic surgery and he's half her age...no discussion about kids or anything and walking blindly into Muslim faith (any faith you're unfamiliar with, really) is ridiculous. Her entourage is pretty ridiculous, too. Brian and Ingrid - he's a creepy 51yo with the maturity level of a 20yo trying to land the 32yo. It's got nothing to do with his disability and everything to do with his personality! Rayne and Chidi - she's a controlling freak and went in with this condescending attitude of her way or the highway. She's so demanding and bossy. I'm surprised she has 2 kids with 2 different baby daddies yet not...if her unhinged attitude was unchanged with them, I can fully understand why she's been left high and dry. Poor kids, though. Sean and Joanne - not sure what they thought was going to happen after keeping their marriage a secret for 2 years. I often say people are too worried about the wedding but forget about the marriage. That's the hard part! Niles and Matilda - jury's out. She has a lot of expectations. Still feels like a greencard scam to me. Credit to him for setting some boundaries, even if it is difficult. Sunny and Veah - come ON...you bring your ex to South Africa? He ain't over you and you ain't over him. Sunny is right to feel scammed. Vanja and Bozo - not sure what to think of this one yet. Gonna guess she's too fulfilled by life and he'll be to tied to mama. 90 Day The Other Way: Tatha is a spoiled brat and turns on the water works at every turn. Definitely has the youngest sibling complex. Sarper and Shekinah are just beyond cringy and she needs to stop with the plastic surgery. Josh and Lily - he's so not trustworthy. Lily's daughter has every right to be suspicious of him and any momma bear knows she's going to choose her kids over her some dude, especially when he says "I told you your daughter was going to try and break up our marriage!" Answer the questions on intent and there'd be no issues! Statler and Dempsey - clearly Dempsey has never spent any time educating herself on neurodivergent people and how to manage alongside them. Getting upset with Statler when she's having an autistic meltdown is the absolute opposite of what you need to do. It also does appear to be rather one sided with Dempsey getting the perks. Gypsy life, I suppose. Corona and Ingi - what the actual deuce? Like I mean she's so condescending with this "soft partnering" BS?! And they are like 5 months into a relationship and she expects him to put a ring on it? No religious alignment and she's also trying to guilt him because she gave up her opportunity to go to midwifery school? That was a personal choice. He feels no guilt or regret because they weren't aligned on the end goal in the first place. Corona kind of reminds me a bit of Tania. Maybe Ingi isn't dissimilar to Syngin, either... Did I miss anything?
  15. Utah online marriage will get you married ASAP. Since you're together, you can easily fulfill the requirements. File that I-130 as soon as you have what you need. Definitely try to the DCF route. You might be pleasantly surprised!
  16. You have your answer - it's right there. You need to demonstrate strong ties and a motivation to leave. Properties can be managed on your behalf from an agency, studies can be completed anywhere. Right now, USCIS sees nothing really tying you to "home" but in the US, you have family - there's a high likelihood you'd attempt to adjust status in their eyes because your ties are weak.
  17. Minimum is $37,290 for a household of 3 people. If the interviewing officer feels that the income is too close to the threshold or that there is the potential for you to become dependent on federal programs, they have every right to ask for a joint sponsor. It would be in your best interest to have one lined up before you refile, in addition to your partner's income tax transcripts. It also asked for your long form birth certificate which you will have to obtain from Canada. No, you definitely cannot go to Canada and return to the US. Your visa overstay will give you a ban. You can move back to Canada and go through consular processing which will take over a year. While you're filing paperwork, I'd look at obtaining your little person's certificate of Canadian citizenship, assuming your little was born in the US.
  18. Happy to hear you got sorted. I'm sure your whole family are in a much better place! I don't know how many people have been in this situation. May want to post on the general forum or toss this one in to Hacking during one of his shows!
  19. Refused is normal. They will be completing regular AP checks and preparing to issue your visa on Tuesday when the FY begins.
  20. If it's a large sum, probably a wire transfer is best. If you don't care about breaking it up numerous times, Knightsbridge or Wise seem to be popular.
  21. What does the notice say?
  22. Kid1 is graduating this year and we've been applying to universities...not sure how in the h-e double hockey sticks that happened!
  23. School starts way too flippin' early. Kid2 was on the struggle bus something fierce today. He had to be woken multiple times and then once his behind did get moving, he ranted and growled like a rabid bear. I don't even make him ride the school bus because it would pick him up at 6am...school starts at 7:16am. But still - both kids have to be up long before the first light of day. It's ridiculous and there's apparently a recent study done in Virgina, I believe the doctor told us, that essentially proved suicide rates decreased in teenagers that attended school during hours that were more suited to their natural circadian rhythms.
  24. You have to have it or you'll get put in AP. Go to a pharmacy and get the vaccination. Bring the form from the pharmacy to your medical.
  25. Proceed to the airport and check in as per usual. When heading through immigration, let the CBP officer know that you need to activate your visa. They will take you to secondary inspection where they will pull up the relevant information in the system, stamp your passport (make sure they stamp it - some people haven't been getting a stamp and the visa isn't technically valid without a stamp indicating entry date) and send you on your way. Make sure you do give yourself extra time. It usually doesn't take long, but you could hit a day where it is slow and you don't want to miss your flight.
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