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Everything posted by mam521

  1. If the greencard fee was paid, it will arrive automatically. Unless there was an indication on the submitted paperwork that a SSN needed to be assigned, it will not automatically be sent. You will have to take her into the SSA and apply. I do recommend filling out the application ahead of heading into the office just for time savings purposes. You'll need to bring her passport with her temporary I-551. Some of the lesser educated SSA employees will tell you that you cannot apply for her SSN without the actual greencard in hand, but this is untrue; the endorsed visa in her passport is evidence enough to prove her lawful status in the US.
  2. I'm not 100% sure I understand what you're asking. If you have your passport with the visa in it and you activate it, once stamped, it serves as your temporary greencard until the physical greencard is printed and arrives at your address. Most preinspection airports are pretty smooth. The officers take you aside, pull your records, verify the information, stamp your visa and send you on your way.
  3. Back to averaging 5mo at this point. This thread is at it's 5th iteration. Follow the instructions on the top of the spreadsheet (link in my signature) to be included in the stats.
  4. Usual story. But had you not had the list, they'd have ripped the Uhaul apart and looked at everything. Murphy's Law. Good luck with your travel and unpacking!
  5. From what you've said, it almost sounds like her parents are trying to "pawn" their problem child onto you because you're kind hearted and willing to take care of her. As you've mentioned, there are a number of stigmas associated with family traditions of SE Asian families; wouldn't it be nice not to be associated with that if you're her parents? Maybe I'm a skeptic, but if her siblings have told you to run the other way, that is a warning you should actually factor into your considerations. My ex suffers from mental health issues and it was REALLY rough for a while. Every ounce of your being wants to help that person, but until they actually want to be helped, your efforts will be fruitless. No amount of positive reinforcement or the opposite with threats will change that. I had to remove my children because it was an unhealthy environment for them to live in. He's since gotten help and accepts that his issues are no different than say, a diabetic. He requires medications to keep his brain chemistry in check, like a T1 diabetic requires insulin to keep blood sugars in check. We have a healthy, positive relationship and coparent effectively. He listens when I mention his behavior is a bit off and I think it's time to see the doctor for a revisit because he knows I really want my kids' dad to be at his best. With the little time you've spent and with the overlying mental health issues, do you actually know this person you are married to? Yes, there's always the possibility of seeing her at her best, but only knowing her worst isn't healthy either.
  6. I think if you look at this thread, you can better narrow your information down for how you have to approach it. There was some chats about how to properly rescind your Indian citizenship without causing yourself a headache.
  7. In recent history, filing the N-400 seems to trigger some movement on the I-751 cases. I wouldn't hesitate to file the N-400 if you meet the eligibility requirements.
  8. That's it. It's hard to believe it's that simple after everything else was challenging!
  9. HAHAHAHA...funny, yet true. Kid1's friends always smell a bit "overdone". I'm waiting for some comment about AXE body spray to pop up here Side note: Khan Academy has a lot of really great resources for helping with deficiencies in school. It can be app based and will ask questions, increasing in difficulty, as your kiddo masters the tasks. Even better - its FREE.
  10. I think if you search, there was a whole thread about which is better and why. Might have been a derail off of another thread though.
  11. Damn...and it's too late to edit Good luck with Mini-B. Parenting is the hardest job ever!
  12. RE: Mini-B I have Ebony and Ivory in my household. Both have struggled at the sort of Middle School/Jr. High point of having to actually DO homework and manage their time. Nether had much homework prior to that and school was easy. The big issue was organization - it seems the teachers don't necessarily teach these kids how to organize themselves. I don't blame the teachers per se - I mean for the most part, they have too many kids in a class and every kid has their own needs and ways of organizing themselves. Kid1 figured it out for themself - they like using partitioned flexifolders and transferring work to binders at home once the work is finished/graded. Once this organizational method was unlocked, things were great. Also, learning how to take notes in a way that made sense unlocked a new level. Kid2 is somewhat hopeless. We have to remind said child to utilize the binders and dividers but we still get squished up papers in the bottom of the ole backpack from time to time. This child is finally learning that taking notes is actually helpful. We've also learned that the aversion to work is typically because some concept was missed. We can easily look at them and say "why didn't you ask for help?!" but they often don't even realize they needed help or they can't actually pinpoint what didn't make sense. Then ALL of the work suffers. Kid1 required an Algebra tutor in Jr. High. Once we unlocked that, everything got better. I do find boys lazier about this stuff than girls. It's easier to default back to gaming, which is fun and a departure for school. Kid1 also has a ton of friends, while Kid2 doesn't and does get bullied from time to time. Also not helpful. Parental controls on iDevices are genius. Kid2 has no self control when it comes to turning off the device and focusing, so EVERYTHING, data included, gets locked out at specific times. The only thing Kid2 can access is texting or calling certain people (parents, siblings) outside of blackout hours. For Kid2's computer wifi access is controlled at a router level. Locked out, cannot access interwebz. I also set controls up on the Switch. Both kids know that we will NOT hesitate to reach out to teachers and we often do, especially if grades are tanking and the kids haven't provided appropriate explanation as to why. Having a great relationship with the teachers really does make a big difference. You never know - it could be an undiagnosed learning disability that's impacting him too. I know both of my kids struggle with test taking online. It doesn't work for them. Hubs checks Canvas (our district uses Canvas) and Parent Access on a near daily basis to check grades and make sure things are being handed in and graded on time as well. I'm gonna guess something bigger is bothering Mini-B and he's not going to let it out easily. @Ontarkie is right - it gets worse before it gets better. Thankfully Kid1 is coming around earlier than I did with my mother whom I assumed was an idiot until I was probably 20!
  13. Yes, and one of the TOS here is frowning upon immigration fraud. No one is going to suggest ways to commit immigration fraud. They are going to advise just the opposite. Many members here have seen full journeys play out where things aren't caught initially, but then someone tries to naturalize and can't due to missteps. Everyone here is trying to help you and your partner LEGALLY reunite without future issue. We see the bigger picture while you're just looking at how you can quickly be together. Marriage is supposed to be a lifetime deal - this is essentially 2 years out of the rest of your life, or you can misstep and make it many, many years of the rest of your life. Your choice.
  14. Ladies and Gents: If you look in my signature, you'll see a link to the tracking spreadsheet. IF you'd like us to update/rekickstart the spreadsheet with all the data you see from previous years, please follow the instructions at the top of the spreadsheet, fill out your timeline (click timeline under your user name) and tag with the relevant information. If you look back, you'll see we had a pretty comprehensive amount of data that was helpful, but it was only made possible because users followed the instructions. It definitely helped alleviate certain fears and created a bit of predictability for people stuck in the seemingly endless immigration journey loop.
  15. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. You've come to a public forum and inquired about this. Now, if you're on the other side of the table in USCIS's and DOS' shoes, how does it look? Does it look like there was 100% intent to only visit and 0% intent to adjust status? No. It looks like you're trying to skirt the lineup that everyone else has had to take a number and wait for. The immigration journey, while challenging, is finite and a relatively short amount of time, if you follow the rules. Break the rules and get caught and you're in for a potential lifetime of hurt.
  16. Ugh...the Canadian government is awful for this type of information. I don't know what you'll find for a number, but if you have the other relevant information, I'd start here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/check-status.html You can also try calling Service Canada at 1-800-622-6232 but the wait times are probably long. They are completely under staffed and expected to somewhat cover the gamut. Good luck!
  17. @Hawk Riders are you still managing the spreadsheet or does the torch need to be passed to someone else?
  18. Irrespective of whether the I-130 is approved before or while she's in the US, the preconceived notion of adjusting is fraud. You've come onto a public forum and stated you want your wife to adjust status, before I-130 is approved and before she's entered the US. If CBP asked her what the purpose of her visit is and she says visiting while knowing full well you guys are intending to adjust status, she is misrepresenting her intentions to CBP. This is the fraudulent part and can potentially impact the success of her current petition as well as any future petitions (think naturalization).
  19. It’s definitely not easy. We had to manage 2 households in 2 countries for 18mo when I went through the process. I have kids, too, so I couldn’t “slum it” and live like a student to save. It sucks, but it’s a blip in time.
  20. My ex didn't check for his cat. She was missing for 4 days when they went back and reviewed their security cameras. The kids happened to be visiting and the poor cat basically knocked on my daughter's window (Canada - basements and her room is downstairs) to let her in. He said "she has an automatic feeder, so we just don't notice"...uhhhh yeah no. Always inventory the troops, both 2 legged and 4 legged!
  21. If you have to flagpole, nope. You'll be an LPR. I think hubs could have added us long before we moved, but opted not to just because the cost and our time was primarily spent in Canada, not the US. If your time is going to be in the US, that's a different story. It's going to depend on his plan. Also, as he goes into his plan selections for the year, really do some cost analysis. I didn't believe it until one of our HR guys told me to really look. In the case of our plan options, the high deductible plan actually worked out to be cheaper than a lower deductible plan, even though it didn't appear that way when you initially looked at it. It was $500/yr cheaper!
  22. YAY! Congrats! FYI - looks like people from June and first week of July got interview letters for November.
  23. Looks correct. Was it scanned in the correct orientation? Sometimes they are weird about that, too. I don't ask...it's easier.
  24. My boy cat likes to dart out the back door to roll on the concrete and spy on the tree rats. The tree rats get very hot under the collar at his presence - it's actually entertaining because they'll run along the fence and yell to me about the cat outside. ANYWAY, he'll saunter down the side of the house to go sniff whatever. He's an old boomer who's smart enough to realize there's no way he's going to be a "real" cat and actually hunt for his food. Because he's just hanging out, sometimes we'll forget he's outside. But, he comes and scratches at the door, just like the dog does. So, at least we know when he wants in. We also do the "inventory" to make sure all souls are accounted for before we head to bed if they aren't already under foot or in our bed, waiting for us.
  25. What PRC did you submit? The RCMP checks cause a LOT of confusion for what type it needs to be. It won't have any fingerprints or photos on it. It's "RCMP entire holdings" that's needed. There's some other threads about it on the Canada forum.
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