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    belinda63 got a reaction from JandEB in Help?!!? K1 Question   
    His visa should have an expiration date on it. That will help determine your plans. I still think if the visa is good for long enough that he wait in Mexico until everything is finished. Just make absolutely sure that the wedding is only a religious ceremony and not in any way a legal ceremony. Nothing should be filed with the government recognizing the wedding. If it is the US may decide you are married and his visa is no longer valid.
    Consulting with an attorney is never a bad idea but remember some of them will lie to you or promise you the moon to get your money. An attorney cannot change the law nor can they speed up the process.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from cdneh in Help?!!? K1 Question   
    NO If he leave prior to receiving his AP he will have abandoned his AOS and you will have to start all over with the spousal visa.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from lost_at_sea in Help?!!? K1 Question   
    NO If he leave prior to receiving his AP he will have abandoned his AOS and you will have to start all over with the spousal visa.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from lost_at_sea in Help?!!? K1 Question   
    Easy Jose, if he leaves prior to the AP card being issued it won't work.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from Karmalious in Denied entry and sent back on the next plane.   
    According to some news reports strip searches are being done by police on the side of the road and parking lots. Seems to happen a lot in Texas. You might also want to remind them those blue gloves are for your protection as well as theirs. Too often I see them not changing gloves between passengers.
    What will happen now, if you wish to pursue immigration for your fiancé, is you will file the petition for the appropriate visa. After you go through the process and she has her interview she will be denied. She will be given a sheet informing her if she is eligible to file for a waiver(s) and which ones she needs. Then the waivers will be filed. They must show undue hardship on the USC if she is not permitted to immigrate and why you can't go live with her in another country.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from Unshakable Faith in wearing hijab to a k1 visa interview   
    They may want to pat it down or look closely at it when you go through security to make sure you aren't hiding anything but they can't make you take it off, well maybe if you are real suspicious, but then in private with only a woman present. But in general the US is accepting of religious attire.
  7. Like
    belinda63 reacted to Cathi in Book Ticket and Waiting for Visa   
    Do not book anything until you have the visa physically in your hands. Period. There can be unforeseen delays, we have seen it time and again in this forum when people buy tickets and they lose their money because they jumped the gun.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from Janelle2002 in Agent Skinner contacted me!   
    Didn't he used to be on that show the "X-files".
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    belinda63 got a reaction from N-o-l-a in Anchor Babies   
    When the child turns 21 they can begin to bring the entire family to the US.
    Many of them are born in the US at taxpayers expense.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from Merrytooth in Anchor Babies   
    When the child turns 21 they can begin to bring the entire family to the US.
    Many of them are born in the US at taxpayers expense.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from Darnell in A little apprehensive about hiring this immigration lawyer....   
    Doctor's offices usually ask for that information also. It's incase you don't pay, so they can collect.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from NikLR in Denied I-485   
    You will need to refile. He is no longer authorized to work as his EAD was based upon the pending I-485 which has been denied. The sooner you refile the sooner he can begin working again. Maybe his employer will let him take an unpaid leave of absence?
  13. Like
    belinda63 got a reaction from Hypnos in Denied I-485   
    You will need to refile. He is no longer authorized to work as his EAD was based upon the pending I-485 which has been denied. The sooner you refile the sooner he can begin working again. Maybe his employer will let him take an unpaid leave of absence?
  14. Like
    belinda63 got a reaction from Boiler in Eligibility for a Startup Company to File Green Card   
    The first hurdle would be to hire an attorney to deal with obtaining a work visa for the employee.
  15. Like
    belinda63 got a reaction from Shauna&Wael in my life is over , i just got released from jail, i'm innocent, husband he did it   
    Don't count on your spouse to do anything for you. Even if he agrees to go to court he may just make things worse for you.
    You will go before the judge where you will be asked questions about your income and assets. At that time if you qualify you will be referred to a public defender.
    You need to get out of the house right now. Gather your things, all the evidence you can, all your important documents and leave NOW!
    There are domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, etc you can utilize as a temporary place to stay. If you can't find one go to the police station. They are required to provide you with the information on the local domestic violence shelter. If you can't/won't do that contact a church.
    You need to accept that your marriage is over. It is kaput. Done, ended.......there is no more marriage. He is not your partner he is your adversary. Do not count on him, do not depend on him, do not trust him.
  16. Like
    belinda63 got a reaction from TBoneTX in my life is over , i just got released from jail, i'm innocent, husband he did it   
    Don't count on your spouse to do anything for you. Even if he agrees to go to court he may just make things worse for you.
    You will go before the judge where you will be asked questions about your income and assets. At that time if you qualify you will be referred to a public defender.
    You need to get out of the house right now. Gather your things, all the evidence you can, all your important documents and leave NOW!
    There are domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, etc you can utilize as a temporary place to stay. If you can't find one go to the police station. They are required to provide you with the information on the local domestic violence shelter. If you can't/won't do that contact a church.
    You need to accept that your marriage is over. It is kaput. Done, ended.......there is no more marriage. He is not your partner he is your adversary. Do not count on him, do not depend on him, do not trust him.
  17. Like
    belinda63 reacted to aaron2020 in my life is over , i just got released from jail, i'm innocent, husband he did it   
    Sorry for your situation.
    You need professional help. Not help from an bunch of folks online.
    Contact Catholic Charities. Here is the website for the one in Los Angeles; http://catholiccharitiesla.org/
    Contact a women's shelter. Here is the list for LA; https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=women%27s%20shelter%20los%20angeles%20ca
    You need a lawyer.
    Best of luck
  18. Like
    belinda63 reacted to Ebunoluwa in I need assistance.   
    Your I-129F is a petition for fiance but no longer valid since you are married now.
    It was USCIS approved but has not reached the embassy right ?
    (Please fill out your timeline for better answers).
    The I-129F would have resulted in a K1 visa but that ship has sailed now.
    You are also talking about the I-129 and I-130 which is a K3 but that is no longer a viable option because the I-129 will be closed and you would
    move forward with the I-130 path.
    To make a long story short, file a I-130 for a CR1 visa, the spousal visa. That's it.
    A RFE is a request for evidence. I mentioned it to make sure you have the correct documents (marriage certificate or document) that the embassy
    will deem as sufficient to be married. A previous poster clarified that you already have that so disregard my RFE comment.
    If your petition is already at the embassy then call or email them to say you are married and filing a petition for a spousal visa instead.
  19. Like
    belinda63 got a reaction from phoenyxx in F2B interview, case denied!   
    It means her mother had no grounds to petition her because 1. her green card has been abandoned and 2. there is no family reunification because the mother does not live in the US.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from JeanneVictoria in F2B interview, case denied!   
    It means her mother had no grounds to petition her because 1. her green card has been abandoned and 2. there is no family reunification because the mother does not live in the US.
  21. Like
    belinda63 got a reaction from Darnell in Is a K-1 the best route for me? Removed under 212 a 7 i I   
    K-1 is fastest, K-3 is pretty much dead so if you get married it would be the CR-1. She files the petition, wait a while, goes to NVC where there is more processing if it is a CR-1 or flies through if it is a K-1, goes to the embassy, you have the interview, you are denied, she/you file the waiver, wait a while, if the waiver is approved the visa is issued. About two years give or take from start to finish.
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    belinda63 got a reaction from Cyberfx1024 in My Marriage is in Trouble   
    you do realize this thread is more than six years old correct?
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    belinda63 got a reaction from Darnell in My Marriage is in Trouble   
    you do realize this thread is more than six years old correct?
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    belinda63 got a reaction from NikkiR123 in marriage to a US prisoner   
    Wow so much misinformation.
    1. Felons can petition for fiancé/spouses
    2. persons in prison can petition
    3. The petitioner does not have to be at the visa interview
    4. The petitioner does not have to be at the POE.
    5. If the petitioner is in prison and an AOS interview is scheduled his presence can be waived (just like a military member).
    It is no ones business why he is incarcerated or for how long. The only way this would be relevant would be if it is a violent, domestic violence, or sex crime. The length of the sentence might come into play as in why give her a green card to live in the US if her spouse will be incarcerated for life (or however long) but that is not for us to decide. Obviously the OP can read and write English so I doubt they intend to come here and live off the fat of the land.
    Does anyone even remember what the original question was?
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    belinda63 got a reaction from trublubu2 in marriage to a US prisoner   
    Madtown a felon can petition someone for a K-1........I did it. It depends on the crime. It is highly advised she know all his criminal history as my then fiancé was asked about it.
    The only real issue I see with him being a prisoner would be the length of the sentence. If it is relatively short say less than three years then ok, a year to process and get here, two more in prison before they start a life together (not taking into account early release/parole). If the sentence were longer than that I could see it being an issue as they couldn't really be husband and wife and what would be the point of her immigrating. Just my opinion.
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