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Posts posted by scott1975

  1. I just wanted to post this for others to read who may be going through the same thing and wonder what to expect during the interview.

    First thing, when the interview is over, you definitely can feel the months of anticipation and anxiousness just vanish off your shoulders the very instant the interviewer says you are approved. My wife cried in the interviewers office and I definitely got a lump in my throat when it was over.

    I posted a question on this message board last week and got some good answers to my question about the interview. Reading them definitely put us at ease. So I want to share our experience for some upcoming couples to read before their interviews.

    Last night we got all our paper work organized in a file folder. We made copies of everything and double-checked what we had against the checklist on the interview paperwork. We also laid out our cloths, went to bed early and got a good night sleep. We got the location about 30 mins early and went inside 15 mins before the interview started. After going through security and bathroom we got to our seat in the waiting room about 5 mins before appointment time. We sat down and waited for only 5 mins before they called her name.

    We had a female interviewer who was very pleasant and made us feel welcome in her office. I did notice a man interviewer who called another couple from the waiting room and he sounded like a jerk. We were lucky that we got the nice lady.

    We sat down.

    She swore us in.

    She asked to see our ID's

    She asked us to confirm our address and DOB

    She showed us each a copy of our signatures and asked us to confirm.

    She asked my wife about 10 yes/no questions. They were all the kind of questions that if she actually answered "yes" to any of them she would have been in some trouble. Like, Are you a terrorist? Have you ever smuggled drugs into the country? Have you ever been a prostitute? - You get the point, so she answered "no" to about 10 questions.

    She asked us if we had ever been married before, if we had children, or if we had gone through the immigration process before.

    She asked us how we met. (This was the only question she asked pertaining to our relationship.)

    She asked to see any documents we had brought to show our joint residence.

    We showed her a letter that the apartment office wrote that we both lived there.

    We showed her my 2006 tax returns we filed jointly

    We showed her screen shot of our joint savings account.

    We showed her some pictures we brought

    We showed her some holiday cards we had exchanged with each other.

    She kept about 2 or 3 pictures; I think it was the ones that included our other family members in them.

    The whole meeting took about 15 mins. The interviewer took my wife's visa and put a big fat I-155 stamp in it. She took my wife's visa and I-94.

    We were back in the car and headed home at 10:20 AM.

    So in all, things went great!

    My advice to others is - organize your paperwork, give your self some time to get there so your not stressed out or worried and most of all, if you have been living in a legit marriage, "DONT WORRY" everything will go smooth and be okay

  2. My wife an I have out AOS Interview on Monday. She is from Mexico, I am a US citizen and we have been married for 7 months.

    I am having some concerns about the upcomming interview becasue I know we have not used the last few months properly toprepare for it. My wife's autorization to work application is stil being precessed and we are still waiting for her non-work SS# which should take another 2-3 weeks. Becasue of this she has no job, no driver license, we have no joint bills or loans, or shared insurance.

    What we DO HAVE is an apartment lease with both our names on it. I have my 2006 Tax returns which I filed jointly. ( She had no income in 2006, and I left her SS# blank until we get her number in a few weeks) We have a year worth of pictures of us together, on trips and with family. We have met each others family and have spent holidays with family. We do have a joint savings account which we opened just a week ago.

    we have found it very difficult to gather more documents and evidence of our marriage without her SS#.

    Does anyone have any expierence in this matter to give an opinion of how our interview might go? Should we reschedule the interview so that we can gather more documents such as her DL, joint auto insurance, joint bills and health insurance.

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