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Everything posted by dle3452

  1. Hi, we are planning to get married in the Philippines. Does anyone have what requirements I need to get Married. I have a list of requirements and all the documentation to show I can marry. A required document "Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage for U.S. Citizens" is a form I filled it out and it needs to be norterized. I was told I need to go to the US Embassy but they didnt say why. Can anyone tell me what that is about and how long it will take for what ever they need to do? She got her Annulment finalized in Dec 22, we have been working to get all the documents signed and turned in to the proper offices since Jan. We hope to get the final decree this month so we can get married, then I will apply for her spouse visa, the application is ready to be sent in, I'm waiting for the annulament and wedding license. We have been engaged since Oct 19, 22, and have lived together for a year. I need to get back to the states for my summer job and my time is running out. This annulment has taken a lot longer than we had planned. Thanks for any information. Thank you Sincerely, Dan P.S. Once I get through this process, I will help others get through it. It has been a learning process.
  2. I think I understand how to do it. Thanks for your help Dan
  3. Hi, I have an UCSIS account that I amusing to complete my I-130 application. I have searched for the I-130A application for spouse visa on my account and cant find one. Can the I-130A be submitted online like the I-130? Can it be filled out in my account or does she need her own account? Thanks for your time, Dan
  4. I am in the filipines with my fiancee, we are still waiting for her annulment which should be annouced any day now. I found out that I need to go to the US Embassy with my passport and divorce decrees and apply for a background check before we can get married here. 1. Do we need her Annulment paperwork for me to apply for the background check? 2. How long does it usually take, and what is the cost? I have a visa extension unitl Jan 30, 2023, at that time I can apply for another 5 months. We are hoping to be married by that time. I believe I wont need anymore extensions once we are married. I appreciate any help on this matter and your past experiences in this case. Sincerely, Dan
  5. Thank you to everyone who gave me answers. I'll take the advice not using friends/relatives affidavits. One person said I could file online, does that mean i can use digital forms that are needed for proof? Thanks again for your time and advice. Dan
  6. I plan to marry my Filipina fiancée this December, then apply for a spouse visa. I know they will question the shortness of our marriage and possibly deny the application. We will have close friends and relatives write letters stating we met in June 2019, that we have met in person that year and due to covid, it has taken this long to be able to get married. My question is, where do I send the application to once we get to that point. I will be in the Philippines when I send the application in. Does it need to start in the US, or can it be done in the Philippines? Thank you for your input. Dan
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