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    Adjustment of Status (pending)
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    Columbus OH
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  1. I immigrated legally. My husband is an EU citizen but the programs i was using seemed to be for anyone immigrating here. I don't think most EU countries do similar things, we lived in Hungary for a year and a half before moving here and they didn't offer programs to help but they did allow everything to be done in English at all the government offices i used. I don't think they should reimburse you if you already paid for classes but I do think having low cost or no cost(to individual) government programs for new migrants to learn English would be a good thing. As well as program teaching about how to live in the country. There is a lot of things someone new to the US wouldn't know automically. When my husband moved to the US I told him all the things he needed to know about living there but not every immigrant would have the help or the money to pay for everything. Here i went to seminars about worker rights, immigration rules and citizenship requirements, as well as finding apartments and programs available. The US has a lot of immigration and giving them the information they need to build their life would be beneficial to everyone. I learned enough to have a basic life here if we wanted to stay.
  2. I can’t speak for all countries but I am currently living in Austria and they had translators for me when I was moving here. They also offer classes in English and many other languages for new immigrants explaining the different benefits we could be entitled to. They also gave me a voucher i can use towards a language class. All of these were government funded programs. It seems like this would be a better system in the US, helping immigrants assimilate instead of just cutting funding for translators.
  3. It isn’t surprising. In most developed countries natural birth rates have decreased below replacement rates. It is a reason for higher immigration rates, the economy needs people so they have to come from somewhere. Having adult immigrants move to the US is more beneficial than just having a child born here. The cost of educating them is bore by their home country so the US is benefiting from their productive years instead of only being a drain early one.
  4. This actually makes sense. I wasn’t sure why they allowed it to be sent later anyways. This could help reduce delays later on.
  5. I think, he is likely to bring back the public charge rules they had before. When I filed the AOS for my spouse there was a lot more paperwork but it was manageable, the rule was as ended before my husband has the interview so we wasted a lot of time and money on the extra documents. Fees could go up but that is normal so I doubt they would raise them exorbitantly or anything. The cost of processing cases have probably increased so new fees will probably be needed. The more unlikely changes, would be to limit the categories of people eligible for a visa. They has been some push to remove sibling and parent green card options. I doubt they would go for the change but it’s not impossible. Of course this is all theoretical now, won’t know for a while what the actual plan is.
  6. I’m also gay, so I can understand the worry. I think things will be okay, I doubt there will be much movement against lgb rights. Transgendered individuals might face more issues though.
  7. I think you are unlikely to have any issues. They are not going to be able to deport people just because they are gay. I doubt any court would even agree to that no matter how conservative. The people that have the most to worry about would be DACA, undocumented people, or immigrants that have committed a crime.
  8. No one can say for sure what he will do. I think USCIS is fee funded so it doesn’t get much funding that could be cut. I believe last time he directed USCIS to look at past cases for fraud. So, that slowed things down since staff was relocated, plus additional paperwork requirements that also slowed things down some. The only thing to really do is wait and see what happens. Change moves slow in government so the changes would not happen right away in January.
  9. I think the site should have a dark mode option. I hate the white background, most sites have that option already. It would make using the site more enjoyable.
  10. It takes 3 months to get an appointment for a license in Texas? The Ohio BMV is much better apparently, no appointments needed and I’ve never waited more than 20 mins to do anything in them. Plus you can visit any of the locations in the state it does not have to be a local one.
  11. Did you get a DV visa approved in 2022? What happened with that? You said you were already in the US then.
  12. I think if they have the receipt number for the reentry permit they would be fine. Did they say they wanted to permit sent to an embassy abroad or a US address? My spouse left the US around a month after applying for a reentry permit and was gone for more than a year before it was approved. It was almost two years away before visiting again. They send the permit to the US embassy where we were staying. He didn’t have any issues using the permit to visit after being gone for so long.
  13. The census agency does sent out some surveys during non census years. On their website they have a way to verify it is from them. It’s always good to be careful when you get a letter but if you use the official site you would be fine. To your question, he can add your information if it requires it. The census is for everyone living there not just citizens. When the last actual census, I had to add my spouses information and he didn’t have his green card yet his was still waiting for the adjustment of status. You don’t have to worry about that part.
  14. I’ve never been called for jury duty and I’ve been a citizen since birth. I wouldn’t worry about it. If it happens it happens if not all the better. I don’t know anyone that would want to go do it for the low amount they pay you.
  15. What do you mean by US passport with a visa?
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