So we're coming up on my wife's 3 year anniversary since she entered the country in June 2022, and we're starting to prepare to file N-400.
One thing we have together is a mortgage deed, but on closing, they didn't put down her full legal name, only part of it.
For example (I'm making up a fictional name), her full legal name is "Thi Kim Hoa Nguyen" where the first name portion is "Thi Kim Hoa" and the last name is "Nguyen".
On most of our legal documents, we have her full legal name. But our mortgage deed only has "Hoa Nguyen". I wish I had the foresight to catch that on our home purchase closing, but we were too excited, and what's done is done. I don't want to change the title or otherwise mess with the mortgage deed, so that's a nonstarter.
So that leaves two options:
1) Fill out an identity / "same person" affidavit to say that "Hoa Nguyen" and "Thi Kim Hoa Nguyen" are the same person, and get it notarized. Submit along with existing mortgage deed as part of our evidence.
2) Just write "Hoa Nguyen" in the "Other Names Used" portion of the N-400 form if it's there. Skip the affidavit.
Which one should I do?