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Everything posted by Bethie

  1. I havent known the Houston office to do Oath ceremony on same day. When at interview, you should inquire of what could be done. My husband had interview May 14 and his Oath is schedule for June 5th. The Oath was scheduled within hours of his approval May 14th
  2. My husbnd took with him to interview yesterday: 4 years of Tax transcripts Marriage Certificate If either was divorce prevously, take Divorce decree My birth Certificate Copy of ongoing checking account 2016-2024 Green Card.
  3. It was my husband. All straight forward. He was asked 10 Civic questions, he answered them all correctly. Went over Yess/ No questions and then handed paper showing he was approved. 20 minutes later Oath ceremony was scheduled. 3 weeks from tomorrow. A very Happy Day for us
  5. No,his English is very good. No interpreter needed.
  6. Interview day tomorrow for my husband. He is so nervous, he hardly knows his own name, and as that goes, same for me. So nervous for tomorrow. Good vibes and maybe a prayer would be apprechiated. Any tips for him? Thank you, Beth
  7. On the translations we had done, the translator always emailed them, AND mailed them to us, so we would have their Pen - Ink signature and they certified seal - sticker on the cover sheet to show they are certififed translators. I always stapled their work on the certified copy we were submitting for one thing or another.
  8. The printed IRS tax transcripts from IRS is just fine from thier website.
  9. Again , Congratulations , the newest US Citizen. My husbands internew is next Tuesday, we will celebrate with a long 4 day weekend in Vegas if all goes well.
  10. Congratulations, let us know how it went, and if spouses are allowed to watch the ceremony please.
  11. No photos were needed at filing the N-400
  12. Knock on wood, so far my husbnad has not, but if I was you, I would pay it immediatly, and bring the receipt to interview. Maybe later you can take defensive driving to have it removed. I doubt if cancelled, no more rain in Houston expected this week. No flooding was reported in their area.
  13. I do not seeing the letter as helping, it could go against her, as they think she will not return to her home country.
  14. I would, I would leave early, Houston traffice is the worse. EZ is a good idea, If coming from Sugarland I would leave the house at 6am, I rather be early, then late for this event.
  15. NO!, DPS requires appointments for anything you need to do for your drivers license and even Texas ID Cards. Its all changed since Covid.
  16. Did they overstay to purposely do adjustment? & If not, why cant they return home? Check the Guides here on VJ
  17. DPS requires appointments, arrange it on line
  18. DPS= Department of Public Safety Drivers license place.
  19. Yes you will need to . & You (as of now) in Texas cannot renew or even change address on your drivers license if you have a green card, so you have to go in and show them your a US Citizen.
  20. My husbands interview is in 3 weeks @ 7:15 AM was your spouse allowed in with you to wait in the waiting room?
  21. Maybe, all depends on the person. My husbnad plans to wear a pair of slack, shirt & tie and casual dress shoes.
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