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Everything posted by Bethie

  1. Yes, more then acceptable , hopefully she has what docs are needed for her with her for the K1 filing.
  2. A friend of mine went throght this on their K!, failed drug test, did what was needed for a year, then approved for K1 Visa. No additional fees were paid, & getting married will NOT overcome this, only means starting all over , more money, and about same amount of time of waiting it out a year, or starting overwth CR1 Visa processing Best wishes .
  3. Very quick timeline for N-400 The N-400 part was the easiest on our long immigration journey Best wish, your almost done with the immigration merry go round.
  4. No refunds, you can withdraw it, but think very carefully if that is what you want. There is no asking USCIS to continue processing the K1 if you withdraw it, you would have to start all over again, and pay the fee again.
  5. My husband had a overstay by 3 years , and it was not brought up at none of the interviews, he is now a US Citizen. Start by reading the guides of the forms you need to file. But get the petiton filed ASAP. Best Wishes
  6. Its a stroks interview, we had one, lasted about 3 whole minutes, crazy questions, Who walks the dogs? Who smokes? How many languages does your husband speak? I think possible it was a 2nd interview cause the 1st one was way over a year before. We had no lawyers with us at the interview nor the whole process. But with your case, you may want to look into hiring a lawyer. Best Wishes.
  7. Wait to sign infront of an officer. You can answer the questions ahead of time though.
  8. No such thing, as others said, travel on her current passport.
  9. He was scheduled later that day after his approval at interview. Happened very fast. From interview to swearing in was like 3 weeks apart. The ceremony was at the Campbell educational center, and yes, I was allowed in. Some came with kids also, lots of room there for family attending. Now if citizenship ceremony is at their office, I dont know if family is allowed to attend. Congrats on your approval. ♥
  10. Give it a day or two, I bet you see an updated of approved shortly. Hang in there, your almost done with immigration.
  11. Truly hope it all works out well for you. I know very well how frustrating this process is. Best wishes.
  12. Fed-X it. Much less hassle then dealing with US Embassy. In meanwhile, see if someone can email you copy of front and back. Couldnt hurt, especially if you do go to embassy
  13. Have yo checked you status on line? Did the IO give you any paper at all after interview?
  14. Pull up Civic questons on You Tube, N-400 Interview. that truly helped my husband pass his exam portion. I also got him the flash cards, worked wonders.
  15. Would not help her at all, the VIsitors Visa is all about your Mother and her ties to her home there. And your most likley wont be allowed in to attend her interview.
  16. The majority depends on the USCIS office workloads. Shutdown looms, holidays, and people using up that vacation time before end of the year. We ( my husband ) filed Nov 2023 and went quicker then I ever dreamed. Best wishes for a quick & final journey with USCIS.
  17. Im sorry for you, good information given to you, but also Change the locks!!!!
  18. Really surprised, that embassy use to hand ourt Visa's as if it was a Candy Store.
  19. Dont book anything till visa is in hand.
  20. 8 days together, and already deciced you want to marry? Not a good idea, take time to know each other, let him get to know your family. Months of chatting dont mean much, screen shot pics arent helpful. Morocco is a tough embassy regardless how strong a releationship- evidence there is, so take time to be prepared, get to truly know each other. You cannot marry & file for a K1 Visa, Not even a Orfi marriage or a Nikah marriage. Good luck on your journey.
  21. No, not at all. And do yourself a favor, dont listen to people who have not been through the Immigration journey. Best wishes.
  22. Make sure she studies for the Civic Test. She dont pass that, then whatever you bring wont help .
  23. You shold post in the MENA ( Midde East North Africa ) formum , you should get feedback on your Customs concerns over there.
  24. Same for my husband, so we left it blank on the immigration forms. We also obtianed copies of thier Moroccan National ID cards, and it shows no date of birth, and included it in all through our immigration journey, never had an issue with it.
  25. About a week after you become a citizen, make appointment iwth SS office, once that is done, take your naturalization certificate, you go to DPS to show them your status change, so they remove the LPR on your license record. We are doing that today for my husband, SS, and then ask how long till DPS see's the status change. He already received his passport, took 3 weeks for passport processing. Best wishes.
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