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  1. In 2020, Trump issued COVID travel bans on multiple European countries. I am not aware of any case where the fiance visa case (or any other class of case impacted by the ban) that was filed before the ban, being allowed to progress to a visa issuance in an impacted country. Even if a case had already arrived at the embassy, it was not allowed to proceed any further as long as the ban was in effect. I am exceedingly doubtful that a ban issued in Trump's second administration will be any different in its impact.
  2. @Hughughug333, Welcome to the United States! The adjustments and culture differences are everywhere and one always has them to deal with, regardless of whether the paperwork is adjustment of legal status or if it's an immigrant visa process. It can be challenging but the challenge can get easier with time. Sending you encouragement and wishing you the best of success! 😊
  3. @astroboy3545 Whatever happens with your application, please keep us updated. Wishing you success.
  4. I highly doubt any U.S. immigration official will get upset that a mistake was made in the city of birth of a U.S. citizen petitioner. It was not wilful misrepresentation and it is not material misrepresentation. Also seconding what SalishSea said. A birth certificate taking months to arrive is not typical in the U.S. When I ordered extra copies of marriage & birth certificates for my state, they all arrived within a week. Also, applying in person for a birth certificate can take as little as half an hour to get the certificate. So, for hopeful immigrants reading through this thread, please do not conclude months of waiting for a simple birth certificate is what you are by default doomed to experience. I looked up Illinois's Dept of Vital Statistics website and it says requests by mail for certificates are taking 12 weeks for processing. No specific information on how fast VitalChek takes to process. https://dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/birth-death-other-records/birth-records/obtain-birth-certificate.html
  5. We went through the COVID mumbo jumbo, travel bans that were interpreted by DOS as visa bans, etc. And an election year! For the OP, as well as anyone reading this going thru similar steps in their process, you would do well to heed MarJhi's advice. Trump's administration changed the K1 + AOS process. Some changes were reversed (for example, look up the form 944 Declaration of Self Sufficiency). Other changes were not. A friend of mine completed her K1+AOS process several years ago, before the Trump administration's more permanent changes took effect. Her entire K1 process was six months from when they sent the petition to when she arrived on U.S. soil. When she applied for her green card she was required to simply include her marriage certificate, proving she complied with the requirements of the K1 visa. Her green card was approved, no interview, and in no more than three months.
  6. Chiming in to underscore wildbug100420's observation about Real ID. A state that has implemented the Real ID will require the physical SSN card (not a copy, has to be the card itself) for issuing a driver's license. (If your state has not implemented Real ID, it may differ.) The requirement for the SSN card does not change whether you are a U.S. "natural born" citizen or an immigrant.
  7. Welcome to America, @Karmo! Thank you for sharing your experience with us. God bless you.
  8. The IRS does not state a passport is the only document one can use to apply for an ITIN. A passport can be used but the IRS states: "There are 13 acceptable documents, as shown in the following table" - see "Supporting Documentation Requirements" here: https://www.irs.gov/instructions/iw7#idm140054953680896
  9. Thank you, @Ljubcasta, for updating the thread, and in such excellent detail.
  10. @Liya S. I commend you for coming to Visa Journey to ask about this. I am glad to see that you are stating you are not in a rush. Many wise and experienced members have already brought up excellent advice and tips. I'm also wondering how easily he would be able to sponsor someone. If a US citizen's income is not enough to meet requirements, there is the avenue of joint sponsor. But we have seen parents posting on VisaJourney that they aren't comfortable being a joint sponsor for their son or daughter's spouse in cases and ended up refusing to do so... And these were situations where neither the son/daughter nor the spouse had committed any type of crime. It was just that the parents didn't feel comfortable signing up for the responsibility of sponsoring an immigrant. So yeah, I wonder if this young man has looked into the sponsorship aspect of what he was suggesting.
  11. This is definitely a sad, messy situation with no simple, convenient solutions or path to closure. I would underscore that it is extremely odd that she was able to obtain a visa with that criminal history. If it were the case that a country's law enforcement/judicial system took such a long time to "process through" felonious acts that such history would legitimately not appear on the country's police certificate, then wouldn't the US consulate in such a country not be aware of the legal slowness? And in countries where fraud is so high that its citizens could pay off someone for a "police certificate" that hides criminal history, we see an abundance of examples on VJ of visa applicants waiting for months or even years until the consulate can make a decision on issuing the visa.
  12. Does anyone happen to have experience with Austrian Airlines and how that airline handles green cards with the extension letter?
  13. Another "vote", so to speak, for the parents' address on the husband's ID being a red flag. I would even go as far to suggest getting your own Real ID may be not worth it if the parents' address is still on the husband's ID.
  14. I second all the excellent suggestions on how to show proof of address. Regarding the assertion, "by law you are required to have some sort of health insurance," this is inaccurate to my knowledge. Trump did issue an executive order requiring immigrants to have health insurance or show proof of how they would pay health costs, but Biden revoked the order in 2021. (If a law requiring immigrants to have health insurance now exists, anyone with evidence of such a law is welcome to provide it.) https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/553629-biden-revokes-trump-era-order-barring-immigrants-who-cannot-afford/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/05/14/a-proclamation-on-revoking-proclamation-9945/
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