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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Lewisville TX Lockbox
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  1. I’m glad I’m not the only one! Did you ever get a replacement GreenCard or did you get one of the stamps in your passport that you had proof of status?
  2. I have to look into a ADIT, don’t really know what that is yet. But I will definitely see if I can apply for one!
  3. Perfect, I’m gonna start prepping everything now but definitely going to wait a couple days after my window don’t want anything else to go wrong!
  4. Okay that all makes a lot of sense thank you for all the replies. Now I’m just scared that the case will be rejected right away because I didn’t make both copies (stupid of me I should’ve definitely done that..). But I feel like if I will explain it on my cover letter and send in the copy of my I-90 they will hopefully not reject it.
  5. Yes I already have my I-90 notice someone else said I should put that in my I-751 application what I will probably end up doing. The 90 day period will start in two weeks for me and I have to wait two more months for a decision for the I-90 so I guess they would maybe have the new GreenCard on file by the time they actually start working on my I-751 or at least I would have it in case I get an RFE.
  6. This is what their website says that it will extend the validity of green cards to 24 months for everyone that applies for the form I-90. But when both of y’all think I should file the form I-751 I’m probably just going to do it to be on the safe side.
  7. Well I thought that I couldn’t because I don’t have my GreenCard (I do have a picture of the front side though when I got it) and because the expiration date is probably going to be different once I get my new GreenCard and the 90 day rule won’t apply anymore but maybe I’m wrong.. Police wouldn’t let me file a police report because they had no one to file it against because it was stolen at work out of our break room. But I do have a number they gave me for a notice they put in my file that I can put in.
  8. Hello everyone, someone stole or I lost my wallet 4 months before my conditional GreenCard that I got through a K1 visa and marriage expires. I applied for a replacement (I-90) right away and it’s estimated to only take 3 months what is great. Yesterday I got a letter from the USCIS to file form I-751 to remove my conditions what I obviously can’t right now. But then I read some more on the USCIS website and it said all people that file form I-90 get the GreenCard validated 12-24 months in the future but it said only for permanent residents and I’m only a conditional resident right now as I understand. I am all confused now it I should just file the form I-751 or wait until I have my new GreenCard. I appreciate everyone’s help :)
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