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Hamdy ELgallad

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    F-3 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Los Angeles CA
  • Country

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  1. All the family is now in USA as LPR except my daughter as she was not eligible to CPSA. We applied for her on February 2024 but the wait time estimate is frustrating and too long. Any idea or ways to expedite her case؟
  2. I am 19 years US citizen, born and raised in USA, having younger siblings who were also born and raised in USA. My parents entered USA through B1/B2 visa long time ago(overstayed their visa) , they married here and we were born in USA. How could I apply a petition for them? what are the right channels to follow to avoid denying the petition due to their overstay, knowing that they are paying taxes and have social security number (they haven't left USA since they entered 30 years ago) I
  3. So I have to proof that from my Egypt bank statement
  4. I will transfer money from my homeland to USA to start my immigration journey. I am wondering whether this money will be taxable or not. How to prove that this money were my savings before getting the green card?
  5. Recently I entered the states after recieving F3 visa ( me, spouse and son) we all left USA as we still have obligations outside USA. we all recieved our social security number My son and my wife received their green card ( me not yet) my question ? how long could we stay outside USA? Our immigrant visa stamped (endorses) when we entered USA with the notation that it is acting as I551
  6. Yes, I went to social security office and after about 10 days they sent it to me. but haven’t received the green card yet
  7. Will appreciating sharing forms &/or links to file a case for my daughter. I am lawful permanent resident just entered the states and received my green card & SSN. All the family is here except my daughter she is unmarried 26 years. Me, spouse and a son are lawful permanent residents while I have another son born in USA and carried US passport. How could I apply for my daughter and are there any chances to expedite her case? Thanks
  8. yes I did I have other question, can I receive the green card before receiving SSN or the green card wont be issued till I receive the ssn
  9. This information is quite helpful, thanks for the guidance and clarification.
  10. Can I open bank account or apply for driving license without SSN? could I walk in or there I should take an appointment?
  11. Yes, we filled Ds260 when we applied for the immigration visa
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