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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Local Office
    Milwaukee WI
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. I have my oath ceremony tomorrow evening. I’m really excited and will update with how it all goes
  2. Passed the interview today The interviewer was all business but polite and thorough. He had a misunderstanding that through my job I must’ve stated I was a US citizen previously. I tried to explain my line of work, it’s unusual not to be a US citizen but I only needed to be a lawful permanent resident. He didn’t let me explain that, before reminding me to be honest. When he realized at the end of the interview, the temperature totally changed and was more pleasant for me. Having said that I’m glad the applications are truly scrutinized. I’m happy to take the pass. Status has been updated to waiting for an oath ceremony to be scheduled.
  3. September 18th 2023 - Filed N-400 Online. September 28th 2023 - Biometrics. November 28th 2023 - Interview scheduled for January 4th 2024.
  4. I filed one clear day after we were permitted (three years minus 90 days). The application has been submitted but no biometrics reuse letter received yet. We’re in Wisconsin and processing estimates 16 months. I’m hoping that reduces and shall see what all happens in the fullness of time I’m glad to finally be able to file.
  5. Hi Everyone, I just want to say I started this thread in October 2020 when I was going through the process. Tomorrow, I’m eligible to file for naturalization. It blows my mind that we’ve reached 155 pages. The amount of useful information contained has been so helpful for me and so many others that went through after. I thank you for your input My time in the US been awesome. I now have an 8 month old son, who is a joy, and I’m glad we persevered through the hard days apart! It was definitely worth it. Life is good, and I wish everyone all the very best with their processes
  6. I was a regular reader of the last London thread to keep myself updated with current timelines etc before it went to 70+ pages and way off topic. I thought it was such a useful resource so I’ve decided to start the ball rolling again so we can keep each other updated on news as it comes in. To kick us off, me and my wife were DQ 10th July so we’re hoping to get our interview appointment email early November. It appears June DQ dates have been scheduled so hoping this is our time after literally years of waiting. Fingers crossed for no Tier 3 lockdown in London!
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