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Posts posted by mari1991

  1. Hi 


    my husband came on with the I-551 on December 16th 2019! He still has not received his plastic green card in the mail. If he doesn’t get it by April 15th we will begin harassing USCIS. He was able to work as soon as he got his SSN card. He got hired at a company who does e-verify which required him to call DHS so they could verify his work eligibility. 

  2. 1 hour ago, portorusa said:

    It’s already drama on the verge of becoming farce. So many people in this senseless suffering due to the stupid system. Thanks to Trump and his administration.

    I explained already why I cannot travel now.

    Girl I hear ya! 

    My husband waited 16 months! It’s hard I completely understand. 

    I spoke to our immigration lawyer about AP and he said that sometimes writing your state senator will help if your case has been in AP outside normal processing time. 

  3. Hi 

    My husband had his interview last week at the Nicaraguan embassy and they did not ask anything about health insurance. 

    I have health insurance through my employer so I just provided the policy which states I can add my spouse as long as I can prove he was in a foreign country the last 6 months, which of course was applicable in both my case and your case. 

    do you have health insurance through your employer? 

  4. On 5/3/2017 at 1:36 AM, Raag said:

    Sorry to hear about your 221g. 

    Did you submit a current PCC in original at the time of interview. May be they are still doing background checks on you (based on education/religion). You have to wait for administrative processing to be completed.


    I’m sorry for the denial. I spoke to my lawyer about this and he said sometimes people from countries with a large Muslim population get flagged because their names are similar to the names of known terrorists. Once you get flagged you could be in AP for a significant amount of time! 

  5. On 11/26/2019 at 8:01 PM, benijr said:

    I'm glad! I wish him good luck, and my wife's case 5 months ago was approved.

    That’s great! I have a couple of questions

    when was her interview? 

    After the interview how many days later did she receive her physical visa? 

    Any trouble at the airport when she arrived in US? 

  6. 6 minutes ago, SmarterChild said:

    i didn't even think to request that. they didn't really give me the option, they just said they would send the medical results digitally and i had no reason to doubt them... bummer. i hope this gets cleared up soon.

    Well you are immigrating from Copenhagen so hopefully the process is a less lengthy than other high volume embassies! Blessings! 

  7. 5 hours ago, SmarterChild said:

    we just had our interview this morning.


    they asked my wife where she works, how we met, and why we got married in copenhagen.


    they asked me where i live, how i met my wife, if i work, when we will travel to america, and where we will live in america when we get there.


    we offered to show additional evidence that we had compiled but they only asked to see some pictures of us together.


    they kept her passport and said that everything looks good with our case but that they still haven’t received her medical report yet from the clinic so they can’t fully approve it yet. she had her medical exam over a month ago and we were told that the results would be emailed to the embassy on our behalf. i don’t understand how it can take over a month to email a document... i’m wondering if i should call the clinic and ask them about it...

    That’s boloney! You should have just asked for a physical sealed copy. 

  8. 25 minutes ago, pcs9288 said:

    What issues did you have with civil documents? They weren’t stamped from supreme electoral council? I saw someone else with that problem can’t remember if it was you. But I’m glad to hear it took less than a month hopefully it’ll work out the same for us  



    Your interviews so soon! Which doctor did you guys go to for exam? 

    Well first we sent the wrong marriage certificate it can’t be from city hall. It has to be from central registry. Everything has to be from central registry. Then his birth certificate got rejected twice afterwards. Once for being blurry and the second time for being sideways. 


    What stage are you in right now? To answer your question about the doctor my husband went to the lady doctor she said she was nice. Entire medical exam cost about $250. 

  9. Well the long wait in between the day we turned everything in at NVC until my husbands interview was actually due to civil documents issue. Once that was resolved we got an interview in less than a month since getting the documentarily qualified email. The affidavit of support was accepted. I, too, had a similar problem. I moved back to the US from Nicaragua because of the civil unrest in June 2018. My IRS transcript shows income of like 22k for 2018 (I only worked half the year) even thought I meet the income requirements my lawyer said to show everything that can work in my favor financially. For example, I have health insurance through my job and I can add my husband so I sent that over. Also I have a property in Nicaragua so I have the title. I also sent employment letters and gross income year to date. Paystubs. Also my husbands severance pay from when he quit his job. Letter of recommendation for him. Basically doing everything within my power to prove he will not be a public charge. 

     Does that make any sense? 


    But since you didn’t even make enough for the minimum in 2018 you would definitely need a joint sponsor so just find one. I’ll make your process a lot smoother if you plan in foresight. 

  10. On 11/21/2019 at 9:41 PM, pcs9288 said:

    Hello second guessing everything now... I started work October 2018 so when I filed early this year it didn’t show I made that much money. However a year later I’m still at that job I can show paystubs,letter from employer with annual income. Even my bank statement if that helps? Will I need a cosponsor just because of my taxes? The previous year’s taxes were low too because I would go back and forth from Nicaragua and would only work a couple months. 




    I would definitely get a joint sponsor. Preferably someone related to you. 

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