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Everything posted by JeanneAdil

  1. no it will not and its not what i was saying the embassy still needs security checks from Pakistan i said if u need passport to get back to this other country, ask that embassy to do the interview they will also keep your passport till AP is done but u will be there to work
  2. MFS or head of household if u feel u can are not prepared to MFJ at this time will have no effect on naturalization later
  3. if u need to work in the other country and a a legal resident , ask to interview there / then no passport needed the long AP is because the embassy must do the criminal report research as Pakistan keeps poor or no records
  4. translations are fine with certification but NVC is asking for the Arabic original both need to be sent and if NVC asks for something, it needs to be sent as the case will not get DQ'd until NVC gets what they want
  5. Dereek, VJ member was got 221g and AP for this//may be differece in CO's but why push your luck OP
  6. for the spouse visa u would have already submitted the ds 260 at NVC stage have u received the 2 invoices, paid the 2 fees and filled out the AOS with I 864 and tax returns and the ds 260 with the criminal report?
  7. you need the Rabat actual one they will want to see the original at the interview and it must match the one u send to NVC / if it doesn't , there will be AP like the Philly man was in so he could get matching ones
  8. BTW you should not have the document the judge signed /that is kept in Rabat in Morocco's records if u have it ,, the marriage was not registered properly
  9. then sounds like u need to ask her -very directly-what went wrong Beneficiaries do know all questions and how the CO responded to answers
  10. you need the certified copy (raised stamp ) from Rabat that the judge sends to Office of Foreign Minister marriage needs to be registered by the court (not just signed by the judge who presided and filled out the paperwork) tell your husband he needs to travel to Rabat and pick it up (get at least 2 copies so u have one to keep) Spouses must submit a copy of the civil marriage certificate to the Moroccan consular services in the place of establishment of the marriage certificate or the place of residence of the spouses. In the absence of consular services, a copy of the marriage certificate is sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Directorate of Consular and Social Affairs). The Ministry then sends the copy to the civil registrar and the family justice section to the place of birth of each spouse. If the spouses or one of them are not born in Morocco, the copy is sent to the family justice section of Rabat and to the Prosecutor at the court of first instance in Rabat. In case the civil marriage certificate does not mention the two Muslim witnesses, an additive act, called "Ishhad Moulhaq" (Annexation Witness), must be established by the Adouls at the consular services and annexed to the said marriage certificate before being sent to the Moroccan authorities.
  11. but she needed to know about the 1st wife and why u divorced /the CO would have concerned if she was not aware of all facts/ all facts about u , ur family ur past and present (everything )
  12. write is as on birth certificate and put the other spelling in "other names used " like on ID then u are covered
  13. NOIR is notice of intent to revoke NOID is notice of intent to deny They can both be overcome so and i don't like to scare anyone i was successful What is noir and noid? Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID) / Notice of Intent to Revoke (NOIR) Details. A notice of intent to deny or NOID is a formal statement from USCIS that it has determined that the applicant is ineligible for the immigrant benefit requested.
  14. USCIS actually sends a formal document with instructions on what to do and when to get the proof(s) back to that particular office My case was much more complicated and i had to appeal /hopefully u can answer as like an RFE so not good to compare my situation just know u can overcome most issues a CO has when u have text messages, emails, proofs of time spent together its not as scary as some make it my husband and i had a big age difference and that must have played into the CO decisions although not mentioned u will get thru this /when u get the letter , we can help u get thru the NOIR or NOID message here or privately to any of us and ask for help the very best to u both
  15. K1 I 134 is filled out by USC and the beneficary takes to interview along with iRS supporting tax returns
  16. CO is the one who asks questions and makes these decisions /USCIS just handle paperwork and will let u know any issues the CO had with the intending immigrants responses or documents did that help???
  17. i need to say if his name is like your profile and its Patel there are so many Patel's here that he may have a name familiar with another and this can cause delays /hopefully not
  18. following site is for the 1st step(only) timeframe for visa processing https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/ If spouse will interview in Canada and not return to India, he should get the criminal report for the next step ASAP as this takes time
  19. they are free to ask all things of the immigranter to my husband they asked if i liked to read and he said "yes" What books and he said "she likes the classics" and reading on internet they said he didn't know what books i liked so, i went thru thousands of pages of text talk to find where we discussed this very issue and he asked about books and i said the 'classics" and his response was i am not familiar with them(we don't have them here) so we talked about my internet research i was doing to help my mom with the books she was writing so, he did know the answer and CO was wrong the CO also mentioned he might change my religion to Islam and i sent the proof that i had already attended a mosque along with several other religious places of worship to feel my way to which religion i wanted to be a part of as my right to do so
  20. Back in 2011 it took 6 months to hear a response from the US office with details of the issues CO had we had 30 business days to answer to those issues with actual proof (s) the CO was mistaken WE were sucessful and finally got the visa
  21. and i was trying to tell u not to let this process wear u down -nicely saying relax and i am allowed to say whatever i feel and think as long as i don't use fowl language or insult or belittle u i was not rude telling u to keep conversation with him romanic instead of worrying about the embassy have a great day
  22. and work towards a better understanding with the daughter or it will come to bite u
  23. u need to relax u have to understand all go thru AP even if its just time to print the visa I gave u the worst possible senerious but when its over and he's here, the time will start going fast Do things now to keep yourself busy stop fretting over embassy and immigration When u talk to each other, skip embassy and AP talk, keep both your spirits up.Remember he is very disappointed and needs lot of encouagement . Get the romance back into your conversation i never let Adil know that i cried over this process.
  24. there is / that is one part of what she needs but my understanding is it's not either or need more info from the more experienced VJ members
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