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Everything posted by JeanneAdil

  1. she is petitioner as he says so she would be USC
  2. they are accepted with petition as is are all documents u send best to make sure the intending immigrant has photos at interivew CO at interview most likely will not look at them but it is noted that they are available Fiancee is Italian so not as big an issue as high fraud country Best to familiarize yourself with the USCIS K1 process and please do a timeline and flag the country /this is so important for all the queries u may have for the entire process from start to finish /the US AOS process is especially long and frustrating for most going thru K1 Best to u both
  3. Refer to the USCIS site that has directions on how to send documents (even photos ) USCIS wants it to be easy to get to and scan document so sending in a zip lock bags makes extra work to open and hard to scan. for the officer / putting them on 8 x 11 paper makes it easier to scan to computer https://www.uscis.gov/forms/filing-guidance/tips-for-filing-forms-by-mail On that site it says When providing photos or other attachments, please provide your name at the top of the page or on the back of any photos. If you send original photos with your form, they may become part of the record or be destroyed.
  4. still the I 129f for fiancee can not be filed online and that is why there is no fee listed to file online (cheaper) https://www.uscis.gov/forms/filing-fees/frequently-asked-questions-on-the-uscis-fee-rule
  5. If u were lucky enough to win the DV lottery and listed this woman as your wife and were not legally married at the time, then yes, at some point it could be a problem as it was misprepresentation on the application for the lottery If u did not list her as wife, the marry and if lucky in DV lottery list her and the new marriage date on the ds 260
  6. the K1 process is paper filing/ u can not file this online Can Form I-129F be filed online? At this time, there is no way to file Form I-129F electronically, but you can prepare the form with an online service to make sure you do it correctly. USCIS has not introduced online filing for this form. Regardless, e-file doesn't necessarily mean you get quick processing.
  7. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/family-immigration/nonimmigrant-visa-for-a-fiance-k-1.html#1 have u received notice that case was sent to embassy if so, have u followed the steps to create the ds 160?
  8. what visa type? please create a timeline? same as u asked others to share with u
  9. why would anyone give a web page personal info like this?
  10. wife and u are currently in London for US visa interview? who is the USC? And what is your country of birth for both? this matters after interview for the AP stage
  11. if u retrieve your passport while they are already checking your travel history, do u really think they won't check the new international travel and the casa embassy held onto a passport for over a year while In AP and when he finally asked for it back, they informed him that he should not travel anywhere till AP is done as it would add to more investigation.
  12. USCIS determines the validity of a divorce by examining whether the state or country which granted the divorce properly assumed jurisdiction over the divorce proceeding https://www.uscis.gov/policy-manual/volume-12-part-g-chapter-2#:~:text=USCIS determines the validity of a divorce by examining whether,jurisdiction over the divorce proceeding.
  13. crazycat are assets liquidable"? sizable savings 400 K whole life insurance policy that can be sold home is harder to prove even with the appraisal and mortgage statement as how do u prove it could be sold in a year? does he have a possible joint sponsor? and if so how good is the joint sponsor and his/her income?
  14. Fake divorce papers? where did u "marry"? Nigeria knows to look for fake documents and so do all the other embassies who confirmed divorce degree as fake?? How could he naturalize under 3 year as married to USC without your help?? u do need good attorney as u may not be legally married U can report to ICE but understand u , too , went thru a lot to prove marriage is legit and are also responsible for the fraud https://www.ice.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Document/2016/marriageFraudBrochure.pdf An individual will be charged with marriage fraud if they entered into a marriage for the purpose of evading U.S. immigration law. This felony offense carries a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to $250,000, and applies to both foreign nationals and U.S. citizens who perpetrate this crime.
  15. Born in US?? google your name /google their name/ lots of info is online look at your birth certifcate/ mine shows DOB of parents
  16. u need to send the 1040x to amend the 2022 tax returns and file the W7 for the ITIN WITH THOSE RETURNS
  17. If u have a tourist visa, CBP will have a few questions and perhaps inspect luggage (very very country depentent) why a refusal of entry? misreprentation to immigration BF in US and they feel u will stay and adust bringing in documents to give CBP the idea u will work in US Having return plane tickets with hotel reservations and tickets to Disneyland will show no intent to stay but just be a tourist
  18. Not sure this person was correct IRS says Nov 8, 2014 — The alien registration number is not what you use for your taxes. If you can get one, you should get a social security number or a ITIN number. it is the wife's W7 asking for ITIN but still the form needs to be attached to a 1040 return i would amend 2022
  19. So sorry for your loss Praying for u to unite with daughter in law and your granchildren
  20. The only way to apply for ITIN is with tax returns /u do not do it separately u should have filed 1040x to amend last year (if married in 2022) if married by 2022 for adding spouse to joint return and filing form W7 for ITIN It would help if there was a timeline on profile when u start talking about last year/ this year what year did u marry?
  21. since all who go thru the K1 need to show a real relationship, and marriage in India between 1st cousins is illegal, u may have to show her family approves / this is normal for many high fraud countries (I had to do it) Some embassies are very clear about cutltural norms u and fiancee will face the same red flag issues all of us face It's not unusual to have a family member object to a marriage, to a point that the couple might keep it secret, but to tell absolutely no one is unusual. It might help to get affidavits from the few friends you have told, recounting your swearing them to secrecy and affirming the position of the family (if they have personal knowledge of it). Its important in many countries to have approval of parents especially the mother The U.S. government keeps track of which countries' citizens commit visa or other immigration fraud at high rates. Though it's not your fault, an immigrant spouse who comes from one of these countries will face extra scrutiny.
  22. green card is activated upon arrival (April will be your POE since u have the spouse visa in passport) USC must be with u or in USA first when filing US taxes for 2024 , use form 2555 to exclude the UK (foreign ) income up to the limits of 2024 IRS guidelines
  23. This is the section i refered to as some oath ceremonies are not done by a court judge name change petition, which USCIS files with a court before the judicial oath ceremony. Upon receipt of the petition, the court signs and seals the petition. The petition is later presented to you during the naturalization ceremony as evidence of the name change. All name change requests facilitated through USCIS will require you to take the Oath of Allegiance at a judicial ceremony, rather than an administrative one. As far as possible delays, USCIS has little control over the judicial ceremony calendar. However, most courts are very supportive in accommodating the need for naturalization ceremonies.
  24. Yes , u can It is legal for second cousins to marry in all US states. First cousin marriages are permitted in: Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Vermont. Will India approve K1? it will be up to u to go thru the proofs for a real relationship same as all who go thru the process
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