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Posts posted by KHURRAM SERAJ

  1. Yes, I know. Is it common for women in your old country to wait in AR for so long?

    No. not common at all but have seen a few

    Speaking of children, I was wondering. In your religion, do you have an equivalent to what we call God-parents?

    No we don't

    Please dont let the stress affect the relationship. You are almost at the end of the road.

    It's not but both of us are just tired and exhausted

  2. I have been married since Jan 04 so you cam imagine how much waiting I have already gone through

    Hi KS, long time no see...sorry to see you are so down about AP. It will be a great day when it is all finally over.

    Wow, yes 20 lbs because of stress is a lot of weight.

    hopefully soon :(

  3. This question is for my cousin who is an American Citizen who is married and has two kids, She along with her husband and kids lives in Pakistan.

    She is trying to convince her husband to move to US but while she is in this process, she was thinking that if she applies for the I-130 for her husband,

    and after it is approved, is there a step where she can put the case on hold and move further when he is ready to migrate?

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