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Posts posted by KHURRAM SERAJ

  1. Something else that might interest you Nagi:

    When calling DOS try to not to give out too much information on how you know facts. Someone did this with the DHL information and now packets cannot be traced in shipments to the consulate.

    When you call be pleasant and I called every Wednesday and made a point to speak nicely to the operator and ask for an update. I would say I am calling for my weekly update. BARBARA was great she would chit chat and look at (BOTH) screens: Jackie was awesome. There are two screens one is the very first one and the second one is the one with newer notes from the consulate or other agencies. I would say are you sure no one has looked at our case since my last call? Then she would say wait and let me read. Do not let them know they have another screen. I made a call log every week with the date, time and 99 percent of the time I always heard sorry your case is still in AP and they will contact him once they are ready to proceed. Some operators have with other cases said it is being with the CO at the consulate. I kept the names of the operators and on my last weekly call to DOS is when they finally said a letter had been mailed to him but they would not disclose any information to me. I knew some of their voices and spoke to them and would say this is Mrs. xxxx and I am calling for my weekly update. Here is a list of the operators and their personalities. Also, some are rude so just say thank you and hang up and you can always call later and maybe get a nicer one. But there is nothing you can do while in AP but call weekly, do not dwell on the wait, and try and keep the communication with your SO upbeat.



    Jackie/good ****Friendly and caring out of all of them.****






    Talked to more persons but they refused to give name and were rude.

  2. Security would also be increased by allowing greater interaction with other government agencies when performing security checks. Adjudications officers would have needed information immediately and not have to request that information manually, which currently often results in both time delays and incomplete data being returned. From an applicants perspective the reduced cycle time would be a tremendous advantage (especially for family-based immigration).

    This part is the one that realy gets me excited

    Thanks for the news!

  3. thank you so much khurram!

    i hope that ur wife and i get our visas soooooon!!!!!!!

    You are very welcome

    Thanks for into info, now im freaking out cuz my passport isnt due back until middle of aug and i am not pakistani origin. Wonder if i can call the state depart and pay the extra in the middle of processing to have passport expedited?

    ou can contact them using this link to expedite your request


  4. Well, my roommate and I put in a request for a 2 bedroom apartment a couple of weeks ago. They called me today and said I can transfer apartments on June 29! I am excited to finally have more space and to prepare for Marlon's arrival but I will have 3 days to empty my current apartment but at least I have help! I may have jury duty on the 29th and I start my Statistics class on July 2! :wacko:

    You'll be fine! :yes:

  5. The official notice!!! Awesome V!!!

    Naggi- I did ask Khurram when I first had problems. I won't bother him too much about it. Mel has a friend Will who will probably come by and take a peek and see what's going on. I hope he comes soon though :)

    Yes Stacey and I am waiting for a reply :whistle:

    Its no bother as I love Computers and troubleshooting them

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